View Full Version : FSUIPC set up with 737 default

08-11-2012, 10:10 AM
I am having problems setting up my overhead panel with FSUIPC,I cant seem to find the related buttons to 737,is there any way or has someone had some experience with that?Thanks for any advise

08-11-2012, 06:05 PM
Hi Eric737,

I think you will find that not all the switches and button work on the FS version of the 737 that is why most people buy a package that has ability to replicate the functions of the real aircraft such as ProSim737 Web Shop (http://www.prosim737.com/shop/) I have put this link here because I have bought this package. There may be other packages that do the same thing but I have had no experience with them.

Kind Regards


08-12-2012, 05:42 AM
Hi Bernie
I am using the system provided by aerosoft.com.au,which is a good and cheap system,however I am worried that if I use the 737 prosim my installation might not work? I am using the MPC pro and Efis from goflight and the CDU B737NG pro MX series from flight solutions,what do you think?
Kind regards

08-12-2012, 07:09 AM
Hi Eric,

I think most, or all of that is supported by Prosim737. Join the Forum and download the Demo Version and try it out. There is a Hardware Supported list on the Forum. Here is the list Supported Hardware List – ProSim737 (http://prosim737.com/support/hardware/) and here is the Forum ProSim737 Forum • Index page (http://prosim737.com/forum/index.php)

Kind Regards
