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07-24-2010, 05:11 AM

Sory for the late reply, I'm having computer problems and so access to internet is sometimes limited to my iPhone...

I'm glad you could resolve the ADIRS issue alone. However, it's weird the "IRS IN ALIGN" countdown doesnt show up on the EWD. I will have to investigate on that.
Concerning the AUTO FLT AP OFF overlapping, I think it comes from the font you use, you didn't install the two Airbus type fonts coming with the package, did you?
If you did install them (i.e. right click install, or copy them in c:\windows\fonts), then right click on the EWD -> options -> Select Font -> AIRBUS SCREEN font.
You have to do that with all DU's, as they are optimized for these fonts. The MCDU needs the AIRBUS MCDU font, obviously. (small differences on some characters)

As for the FL190 entry, I need to check in the real documentation, you are maybe right!


07-25-2010, 12:09 PM
Hi, no rush with the replies! You hit the nail right on the hed when it comes to the fonts... I didn in fact download those fonts but what I didn't do was set it for all the screen. Forgot to set it for the EWD one, have all the other ones set and looking good. FYI, I was getting the IRS alignment sign in v12.something (it was the final version that you posted in the other now closed thread because I hadn't seen this section of the forum at that stage yet so maybe that will make it a bit easier to troubleshoot where the problem may lie.

EDIT: Just checked the IRS alignment note with the Airbus font as I thought that maybe somehow it got shifted up one line below the text somehow but that doesn't seem to be the case.

07-25-2010, 04:35 PM
Ok I wil check the IRS message as soon as I get my computer back, hopefully tuesday or wednesay.


08-13-2010, 04:44 PM
Bj JeeHell !

Je suis actuellement à l'étude d'un cockpit et vos gauges sont une bonnes alternative à ceux de VasFmc ou Project Magenta.
Comme rapporté plus haut, la V13 comporte plus de bug que la V12 comme l'alignement des IRS etc...

Merci pour votre travail qui est sur la bonne voie !

a+ ;)


I am currently studying for create an generique cockpit and your are a good alternative to those VasFmc or Project Magenta.
As reported earlier, the V13 has more bugs than the V12 as the IRS alignement etc. ...

Thank you for your work who is on the right track!

regards. ;)

> http://www.pilote-virtuel.com/viewtopic.php?id=9862

08-14-2010, 09:03 PM
Hi follow procedure for install fonts and now there is less bug :). IRS works correctly.

But, with V13, at times ND or MCDU CRASH. Why ?

Thank you for the work ;)

regards. Val77

EDIT : I identify the problem of this CRASH. I get ACCESS VIOLATION when i click on MAG/WIND line into APPROACH PAGE.

08-15-2010, 04:13 AM
hello Val77,

Sorry to reply so late after your first post here, but I'm just back from holiday.
My main computer is still not working, it should be fixed by tomorrow when I receive the latest hardware required, so I'll look at your problems then!


08-15-2010, 07:49 AM
Hi Jeehell and many many thanks for this software you've made :D! I'm definetily

going to use this in my home cockpit. I've been testing the software for couple

of days now, and have found some strange things/bugs.

-After landing the takeoff memo list seems to appear in E/WD, is that correct?

-I think that the aircraft's navigation systems should reset after landing, like

wilco airbus does. I mean, the ND should go clean from any old route lines/wpts

and the MCDU should reset and look the same as it looks just before programming

it in the beginning of the flight.

-Sometimes the AP flies the aircraft very wildly. In turns, it sometimes begins

the turn with almost 45 degrees of bank, which is way too much. Also I think it banks the aircraft too quickly. But am I able to correct this myself by just modifying the aircraft.cfg file or is this more complicated thing?

Best regards,

08-15-2010, 09:37 AM
hello Val77,

Sorry to reply so late after your first post here, but I'm just back from holiday.
My main computer is still not working, it should be fixed by tomorrow when I receive the latest hardware required, so I'll look at your problems then!


absolutely no problem. 8)

-I think that the aircraft's navigation systems should reset after landing, like
wilco airbus does. I mean, the ND should go clean from any old route lines/wpts
and the MCDU should reset and look the same as it looks just before programming
it in the beginning of the flight.


-Sometimes the AP flies the aircraft very wildly. In turns, it sometimes begins

the turn with almost 45 degrees of bank, which is way too much. Also I think it banks the aircraft too quickly. But am I able to correct this myself by just modifying the aircraft.cfg file or is this more complicated thing?

+1, my passengers became ill :mrgreen:


JeeHell, if you need, i have all document on AIRBUS (FCOM + QRH + FMGS + FCTM + FDSB + NCL).


08-15-2010, 09:47 AM
Hello Pauli,

Thank you for the kind comments!
T/O CL on the EWD should not appear on the real acft, but for the time in my software it appears when the ACFT is on the ground with bth engines running for more than 2 minutes. I'll correct that eventually.

Reset of the MCDU/FMGS: same answer ;)

AP behaviour: what aircraft do you use? ifdg A320? I never have bank angles greater than 27°?
make sure the AP/FBW module is correctly set with ifdg data.
If you want to modify the handling, it is possible but quite difficult. See in the manual, the way to do it is briefly described. If you still have troubles, contact me again!


08-15-2010, 09:49 AM
waht are the FDSB + NCL exactly? (I have all the others so no need for those)


08-15-2010, 09:57 AM
FDSB > Flightdeck and systems briefing for pilots

Bye. ;)

08-15-2010, 10:04 AM

good to hear that you are back from holiday, hope it was recreative :)

Unfortunately we had to fly our event with vasFMC. It was really funny, especially if someone discovered a bug of vasFMC and Patrick and me said all the time "with Jeehell's FMGS everything will change" :D
In the next days I will check every FSUIPC offset of your FMGS if it works correctly. I hope you can repair your computer also in the next days :)


08-15-2010, 10:14 AM
Val77, ok then I have them as well.
If by any luck you come across a System trainer (like the FMGS one but for the EWD and SD), i'm interested!!

Chris, sorry to have let you down so near your event, but the hardware breakdown was really not planned, we were so near to get the DALPI flying with my soft I was really disappointed too :(
I hope your event was great nonetheless!

but now Im back, the computer SHOULD be ready tomorrow, and work on B14 will start again this week hopefully!!

08-15-2010, 10:27 AM
Val77, ok then I have them as well.
If by any luck you come across a System trainer (like the FMGS one but for the EWD and SD), i'm interested!!

I found this a few months ago, but nothing else > http://www.avsimrus.com/f/misc-24/fmgs-a-320-real-trainer-10917.html


a+ :)

08-25-2010, 06:29 AM
Hi Jean Luc!
Thank you for the software.
Remark: impossible to land on ILS with APP,A/P.:(
I use FS9 and FSX.

08-25-2010, 06:33 AM
Hi Enela,

Could you explain with more details what is going wrong when you try to land an ILS APP?


08-25-2010, 06:34 AM

I guess this depends on the coefficients in the APFBWcoeff.ini. What type of aircraft are you using?

A friend modified this values for our A330 and I never had a better approach with AP and APP than with Jeehell's FMGS. It was perfect :)

08-25-2010, 11:58 AM
Hello all,

Latest version is available http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B14.zip

Big novelty the separate control of thrust levers. Some bugs have been corrected as well.



08-25-2010, 01:17 PM
Jean Luc,
L'AP ne capte pas l'ILS qui est bien affiché au RAD NAV.L'avion part à droite ,à gauche....
Il se met à accélérer et monter au lieu de suivre le Glide.
Il le fait aussi en vol de croisière.
Autre chose,l' A/THR est tout le temps allumé impossible de le désactiver.
FS9, avion: IFDG,FSX ;A321 par défaut.
1 PC unique avec 2 écrans, pas de réseau.
To kikigey89: can you give me your APFBWcoeff.ini for the A330? Which aircraft do you use, can I find it on avsim...

08-25-2010, 01:34 PM

The rule on this board is to speak English, if you wish to speak French, try the www.aircockpit.com forum, there is a thread for my software there as well ;)

If you're having troubles durig cruise as well, maybe you didn't set correctly the AP/FBW software, you have to manually select the aircraft you use in that window.
You can use the iFDG A320 with FSX as well, only thing you need to tweak is the panel.cfg otherwise it won't show up in the available airplanes.
Also, I just released the B14, you can check the new post, I will close this one to avoid confusing people ;-)


08-25-2010, 02:01 PM
@enela: Sure, I can send you the file, but the aircraft is patchwork. Model is CLS, cfg ist from Posky but modified and air file ist from PSS. So the only thing I can send from my aircraft is the cfg file. And this makes just sense if you own PSS A330. Let me know!

08-25-2010, 02:39 PM
Hi kikigey!
I don't have PSS A330...

08-25-2010, 02:53 PM
beta 14:
Jean Luc
section INIT
FROM/TO inop when I enter a route, I receive the message: NOT IN DATABASE:(

08-25-2010, 03:05 PM
If you entered both ICAO codes correctly, then you most probably forgot to install the navdata in the FMGS server folder (and probably in the ND as well).


08-26-2010, 06:41 AM
I suggest not no tell the installer to install the files in the navdata directory but in a temporary directory and then copy the files manually into the navdata folders.
The problem is that installer creates subdirectories so the FMGS cannot find the files.

08-27-2010, 11:40 AM

B14.1 is out and brings some bug corrections (SIOC Creator and dual THR LVR):



09-12-2010, 08:00 AM
Hi all,

I've just finished the beta 15, mainly correcting the FBW and AP behaviours.



09-20-2010, 04:55 PM

The B15.1 is out, correcting mainly the FBW under FSX, and the AP oscillations in ALT mode.



09-24-2010, 03:53 PM

B15.2 is available, correcting a lot of bugs in SIOC Creator concerning the OVHD panel.
Other bugs corrected as well, mainly in VNAV profile calculation.




10-01-2010, 07:56 AM
Awesome work! The last one I tried was 12.something, I d/l v13 but didn't even get a chance to try it and now you're already up to 15.2! Can't wait to try it.

10-06-2010, 12:21 PM
Oups, I noticed that my last post was not published (probably hit the wrong button again...)
So beta 15.3 has been available for a few days now, http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B15.3.zip


10-16-2010, 05:28 PM

The new B16 is out and featuring a fully new AP/FBW module!!
The overall should be much smoother!
I corrected other bugs such as SIOC Creator issues.
the link: http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B16.zip


10-16-2010, 08:23 PM
Nice one, wrote you a mail ;)

Rgs, Patrick

10-18-2010, 02:42 AM
Hi Jeehell, I've got another question in regards to the throttle setup. In your manual, it's stated that to set up the gates, you simply move the throttle quadrant to the gate (assuming we have a fancy custom made throttle quadrant with gates that is) and click the "remember position" button, but does this way of setting up a throttle quadrant mean that you have programmed the throttle progression between the gates linearly? For example, if you put the throttle in the idle detent and calibrate this position and then move it to the CL gate and once again configure it, then is the progression between the two points linear? If this is the case, then if the throttle quadrant is made poorly with incorrect angles measured between the detents then it is possible to have different gradients of throttle progression between various gates? I'm just trying to figure out how you have programmed the configurator. I can draw a diagram of what I mean if that didn't make sense.



10-18-2010, 08:50 AM
Hi Dmitry,

Yes, the commanded thrust varies linearly between each 2 gates. Thats why the soft asks for "calibration", as its almost impossible to have the exact same setup for everyone in terms of angular position of the levers.


10-18-2010, 03:43 PM
Thanks, as I had suspected.

10-19-2010, 07:05 AM
You wrote:

From now, the PA FDE from Pedro Oliveira will be the basis of the AP/FBW software. All other aircraft aerodynamics have not been tested.
In the archive, you can find the PA FDE (p320v12.zip) as well as the iFDG airbus exterior model. You will have to merge the FDE yourself as copyright laws forbid me to do it for you...
How I should do it?
I want to check Your program with the same configuration.

Do You plan to add support for dual side stick? Like FSCOM? http://www.flightsimulator.at/FSCOM/FscomOverview.htm

10-19-2010, 08:28 AM

To merge the new FDE, you just have to overwrite the aircraft.cfg and copy the new air file, and in the new aircraft.cfg, modify the flaps sections as described in the user guide.
But you can also keep using the iFDG package it should work without big problems its just I don't want to provide support for too many ACFT.

10-19-2010, 03:33 PM
I have a problem with merge, But Your FBW and AP works very well with the iFDG A320-211 Air France.
I ran the cockpit using four computers. I made the first flight with FMGS and I'm delighted. Also, the manuals are very accurate.
Awesome work!

11-09-2010, 12:26 PM
Hello all!!

The latest B16.1 is available for download,

I worked mainly on the AP and FBW. They should be as real as it can get now, at least under normal situations !
If you're having any troubles, as usual...


11-09-2010, 01:18 PM
If you donwloaded before I posted this message, you might want to redownload the archive, as there was a little bug in SIOC Creator not opening older configuration files.


11-12-2010, 08:43 AM
Hi Jeehell, since I started using your software I've had an ongoing issue with selecting an aircraft model that suits your software. Earlier, you had a selection of aircraft that we could have used including the standard FSX A320, the iFDG. I noticed the last few releases have gone from the previous iFDG and standard FSX flight models in favor of the Project Airbus A320. Your manual hasn't been updated to account for this change and I'm just unsure of which Project Airbus aircraft I am able to use because I take it you are an FS2004 user? The manual in the PA320 file indicates that its for FS2004 and I've not been able to get it to work with FSX so I'm trying to figure out which Project Airbus airplane that will work with FSX that I can use that it's compatible with your software?

If you go to flightsim.com and search "FSX British Airways Airbus A320", I've managed to get that airplane working in FSX, but it handles totally incorrectly for some reason and its basically un-flyable so I'm not sure whether it's because it's not totally compatible with the software due to differences in the model to the one you are using or whether it's not being recognised by your software at all. I don't really care which plane I use i.e. which paint scheme, as long as it works. I've been trying to figure this question out myself but it's not documented in your manual and I'm out of my own ideas. Any tips?

EDIT: I just tried it again just then (although this time in a project airbus Lufthansa which was included as an installer as part of the adventures package which replicated the flight with the wing strike a few years back (a file you can download from FlightSim.com I believe) but based on the way it handled, I'd say it's very similar or probably identical to the BA Airbus that I alluded to earlier so I think that the software is interacting with the planes after all but it's just not doing the right thing or so I think (when I used the standard A320, the FBW appeared not to work for me for some reason or at least I thought it didn't because the plane handled as far as I could tell, identical to the default A320).

To give you an idea of what the problem might be... basically I think the ailerons aren't bad movement speed wise and they appear to stop the bank at 60 degrees but the elevator controls for me appear to be the root cause of the un-flyability. In particular, if I move the joystick to pitch the nose up or down, and if I move the joystick to its full extremity, nothing happens for several seconds and then the plane finally outputs the move and then I correct by going the other way but of course the same delay happens the other way as well and in the end, the plane goes out of control usually due to a stall. Upon takeoff for example, as I try to pitch the nose up to take off by holding the stick fully back, when the plane finally takes off, I release the stick in order to prevent a tail strike or a stall but the plane keeps pitching up due to the lag in the control surface movement response to the flight inputs and I end up stalling it and crashing. The same happens when I'm in mid flight so it's not any particular part of flight, I think its a universal issue I'm having and I'm not sure whether it's down to incompatibility or something else.

11-12-2010, 09:12 AM

The iFDG should still be compatible. The PA should be somehow portable to FSX as well.
Actually, I use both FS9 and FSX.
In the FMGS package, you ll find the PA320 dynamics, which you can merge with the iFDG visual, since its just the air file it is compatible .
I will try tonight the BAW A320 you mentioned and report if I have any issue.


11-12-2010, 05:56 PM
OK just to confirm, the iFDG aircraft included in the FMGS package is compatible as is (well you sitll need to know how to install a FS9 aircraft into FS9, i.e. add a panel, make sure the effects are the effects folder etc...) with my FMGS, and it works pretty well on my setup.

Two question: what is you computer setup? do you use a network?

Just to make sure, the FMGS Server and the AP/FBW soft should be on the same computer as FSX!!


11-13-2010, 04:35 AM
Hi, I'm presently using just 1 computer but I'll be swapping over to a network very soon.

On another note, I just tried the BA aircraft again, and for some reason it appeared to act a bit more with it EDIT: tried it again, and again something not quite right. I think I need to test it a bit more as I've only really used the PA and iFDG once or twice before, encountered the problems that I described previously and reverted back to using the default Airbus. I can't use the software to its full extent at the moment anyway because I don't have a joystick thats compatible with windows 7 but when the network is up with the better second computer (hopefully within the next week or so), I'll be able to finally test the software to its full potential. Up to now, I've just been holding F4 the whole way and using the mouse :). But I will say that compared to other aircraft that I had, I'm pretty sure the problem was very real, I'm not 100% why it appeared to be a lot better this time around but as I said, I think I need to experiment with it all a bit more. I launched it following the steps in the manual, and for some reason I think the problem wasn't there... not sure still... haven't had time to troubleshoot it properly. Once I have my joystick up and running I think I'll be able to be a bit more accurate the definition of my problem. I think it might just be an issue with using the mouse with auto trim that might be causing the issue but I'm not sure.

I used to add a lot of aircraft to FS2002 (mainly for AI purposes) so I'm somewhat sure of how to import aircraft into FS, with FSX however, I've not had any luck for some reason, no matter how many times I've read the tutorials on how to do it and after doing the exact same steps as I used to do and as they are suggested in the FSX specific tutorials, for some reason, the only aircraft that I've only ever been able to have appear in FSX were the ones that came with installer files which are far in between, so I've mostly been flying with default aircraft up to now... mostly setting up hardware, software, that kind of stuff. But certainly, I'll have to figure out why today I was getting a better result with my setup.

The one question that keeps bugging me, is how does your software actually talk to the aircraft? i.e. do I need to chuck the performance data into the aircraft flight model folder? I don't quite understand how selecting PA320 in the AP.FBW module lets the program know which FSX aircraft you are flying. (or does it simply override anything in the aircraft folders thats related to AP and FBW? so I presume it overrides the stuff in the panels folder and I suppose the model folder as well?) I think I followed everything in the manual but I'm not sure whether I have to add anything to the aircraft folder for it work properly? I'm pretty sure I don't but yer not 100% on this one.

11-13-2010, 06:20 AM

Ok I hope I will have more time today to test the BA acft.
How my software talks to the aircraft? When you select PA320 in the AP.FBW module, it loads a predefined set of tuning values, which tells the AP.FBW module how to act onto the flight governs (i.e. push hard or soft on the ailerons/elevators). The joystick is no longer directly linked to the control surfaces, the signal is intercepted by the AP.FBW, which then (according to th joystick inputs, current flight data like IAS, gload, roll, pitch ,etc) calculates what the new governs commands will be.
As every addons have a different behaviour in response to flight controls inputs, it's up to my software to handle them differently. Since maintaining a set of tuning values for one aircraft is a very difficult and time consuming thing, I do not wish to do it for too many aircraft...


11-13-2010, 07:27 AM
Ok I think I might have found the issue. It's related to FSX only, I will try to correct and keep you advised.
Try one thing, fly on a constant heading and try the vertical features (OP CLB and VS) to see if you get a coherent AP?

11-13-2010, 08:51 AM
Thanks for the information and I will try what you suggested as soon as possible. I'm presently looking at monitors for my PFD and as soon as I get them, I will finally be able to get my second computer going which has joystick ports so I'll finally be able to calibrate the throttles and try the AP. So I'll let you know as soon as that happens (hopefully within the next one or two weeks).

11-20-2010, 09:59 AM
Hi Jeehell, I'm flying a test flight now and it seems that the FBW behaviour has some problems. It uses the rudder too much so that the plane swings rapidly from left to right continuously. If I disable the FBW then it flies straight, or if I override the autopilot and move the rudder myself a little bit, then it flies straight also but as I return the rudder to the neutral position it starts swinging again.

11-20-2010, 10:12 AM

I noticed that as well, I'll try to correct that and keep you posted.

11-26-2010, 04:50 AM

Ok here the latest beta.

The rudder problem should be gone.
Also, I corrected the FD pitch behavior a little bit, added alpha and High speed protection modes, and corrected a few bugs.


11-28-2010, 07:09 AM
Good work, always getting better :)

11-29-2010, 04:27 PM
Congratulations for the project is very good.

Just a question. In FSX is uncontrollable because the performance for the FSXA321 no longer exists in AP / FBW since version B15.3 . Why?

How can I fly in FSX, please help.

The elevator does not respond properly and the AP / FBW is crazy, I think that's it.

Sorry my english


12-10-2010, 10:15 PM
Sorry I haven't been able to reply. I've finally got a second computer setup. It's my crappy old laptop but my joystick works with it after inserting a sound card into it. Anyway, the first problem was trying to figure out how to get FSX on the main rig to recognise the joystick on an external computer. I've asked around on this forum and have had a few solutions presented but I've not been able to try the solutions due to a second problem. The second problem is that my main rig has kicked the bucket. It doesn't even load the BIOS so I've spent about a week trying to fix it but looks like I'll need to send it back for RMA so I've spent a few days trying to figure out how to do that. Either way, I've just had computer troubles pretty much for the past 2-3 weeks. Very frustrating but yer, that's why I haven't been able to report back with the results. Sorry for the delay.

Congratulations for the project is very good.

Just a question. In FSX is uncontrollable because the performance for the FSXA321 no longer exists in AP / FBW since version B15.3 . Why?

How can I fly in FSX, please help.

The elevator does not respond properly and the AP / FBW is crazy, I think that's it.

Sorry my english


I pointed out this as a possible issue a few posts ago and JeeHell believes he has identified the issue. Maybe you can try what he suggested a few posts back and try to figure out how to fix the problem together while I get my computer back online so that I can contribute.

12-11-2010, 07:59 AM
I managed to install p320v12 in FSX, but still does not work. The elevator seems crazy, I think right now the A320FMGS not work with FSX.

Can anyone help?


12-11-2010, 10:41 AM

sorry for the late reply, but I'm currently very busy moving in a new place and the computer is boxed until further notice...

With version B16.2, the software is fully compatible with FSX and the p320v12 or the iFDG, I use it myself without problems. Your elevator problem may come from somewhere else (like the AP/FBW run on a slow computer, or not on the FSX computer). More details on your setup could help me.


12-11-2010, 08:55 PM

With version B16.2, the software is fully compatible with FSX and the p320v12 or the iFDG, I use it myself without problems. Your elevator problem may come from somewhere else (like the AP/FBW run on a slow computer, or not on the FSX computer). More details on your setup could help me.


The version B15.3 work perfectly with default a321, but since version B16 the elevator is uncontrollable.

My computer is:
Core 2 duo 2.2 Gz
2 Gb memory
Windows XP
FSX with Acelerator (more than 40 fps)
I use Fsuipc 4.30 (should not be so, because the rest of system works well)

I use a second computer with SD MCDU and OVHD

If you can, please put here detailed intructions to use B16 in FSX, maybe I have to do something wrong.


12-12-2010, 06:53 AM

the default A320 is no longer supported because there are really much better free alternatives (iFDG or pa etc) and it really is a lot of work to maintain compatibility with several acft, so please try to use the ifdg provided in the archive. If you still encounter issues report back here!


12-12-2010, 10:50 AM

I tried with the PA and the IFDG, but the result is exactly the same.

When I turn on the AP, the elevator is crazy, increase the pitch until Stall.

If I try to fly manual with FBW active, the same thing happens, is uncontrollable.

The ailerons seem to work well, the problem is only vertical.

I think it will issue the AP / FBW, but I dont know.

It may be some configuration of my FSX?

I have FSX in 50 frames per second, I think the problem is not my machine. This happens only from version B16.

Please help me.


12-12-2010, 10:56 AM
Hmm weird.
Did you use FSUIPC joystick calibration features?
I cannot test anything until I unpack my dev' computer, so not before a week or so I think...


12-13-2010, 05:23 PM

I dont use FSUIPC joystick calibration features.

I can tell you that in FS2004 Version B16x work perfactly in the same machine.

But in FSX the problem mantain.


12-14-2010, 06:36 PM
Hoepfully I can use my main computer again in a few days. I'll keep you posted.


12-15-2010, 05:03 PM
Hi again,

It seems you're right, with FSX there are some problems. Very weird, in my mind I was sure I tested it OK with FSX.
I will do some more tests to find out where the problem lies, it might just be a small glitch which appeared after i tested it...


12-16-2010, 05:42 PM

Good work
hoped for a solution.

Thanks for your patience.

12-16-2010, 06:17 PM

I did some more tests tonight.
And I have strange behaviours.
First, I tried the standard iFDG, as it loads automatically when FSX launches. And it works well.
Then I switch to the project airbus one then everything is messed up in the elevator control.
Back to the theiFDG one and it does no longer work???
Then I closed and launched again the AP/FBW module and it worked again with the iFDG.

So, if you want to help, I could use some more thorough testing. If you feel like it?
It simply consists in testing various configurations (various combinations of aircraft models and launching/closing the AP to see if it works).


12-18-2010, 07:47 AM
Sorry for the delay,

After some testing, the result is always the same, so I turn on the AP ahead of the airplane begins to climb over without stopping.
Already tested with various models and even the IFDG the result is bad.
The problem must be in transition from version B15 to B16.
If you need help tell me.


12-18-2010, 07:59 AM
Ok I will try to look at that next week, very hectic end of year days right now ;)


01-01-2011, 08:54 AM
Hi all,

I finished the B16.3, http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B16.3.zip.
It corrects quite a number of little bugs, and I tried to change the FD behaviour as well.

Happy new year!

Aeropt: tell me if it changed anything for you...


01-01-2011, 07:41 PM

Just corrected minor bugs (concerning SIOC Creator), if you downloaded the archive before this post, the same link has been updated.


01-03-2011, 11:36 AM

with the 16.3 Version I'm not able to connect the client applications like EWD SD etc to the server anymore!
They are running on a different PC and I entered the IP=xxx.xxx.... in the network.cfg as before.
With the old 16.2 applications it works over the network but not with the 16.3
On the same machine all are running well!

Rgds, Patrick

01-03-2011, 01:59 PM

Now the network.cfg is at the root of all the different clients, so only one file shared by all clients. It should do the trick ;)


01-07-2011, 06:32 PM

Sorry for the delay,

After some testing, the result is always the same, is not possible to use AP in FSX.

Please solve the problem.

It does not happen with anyone else?

Have a nice year.


01-08-2011, 10:39 AM

what version of FSUIPC do you use? it might be a clue...
For now I really don't see what can possibily be wrong... I tried several flights with FSX without any of your elevator problems.
Maybe try this ACFT: http://www.jeehell.org/iFDG A320-211 Air France.zip it's the exact one I use (except I removed sounds...)


01-10-2011, 07:35 PM
Hello Jeehell.

I use FSUICP 4.30

I try with aircraft that you sugest but nothing.

I Remember you that in FS2004 I have not problem.


01-11-2011, 01:01 AM

Pleade try updating to FSUIPC 4.60.


01-11-2011, 06:10 PM
Hello Jeehell.

I tryed with FSUIPC 4.60a but without sucess. With this version, the throtlle move in E/WD but dont acelerate the aircraft, the fcu dont control the aircraft and joystick dont move the ailerons, ruder or others superficies.


01-12-2011, 05:15 AM
It looks like you didn't launch the AP/FBW software??

01-13-2011, 12:05 PM
Hi Jeehell!
You are doing really a great job, but I have one request:
Why are the configXXX.cfg files in HEX format? Everytime a new version needs to be installed I have to place and resize all instruments from the scratch. Is there a way to enter these values manually (pos x,y / size x,y) like the parameters in the network config file?

01-13-2011, 12:26 PM

Actually you can copy the configXXX.cfg file from the previous version. Maybe in next version I'll do it as a text file.



01-14-2011, 09:35 AM
Thats good news. So until new version the structure of the config files will not change.

01-17-2011, 06:32 PM
Hello Jeehell.

I tryed with FSUIPC 4.60a but without sucess again. With this version if I close AP.FBW.exe I can move ailerons and acelerate aircraft, if I run AP.FBW.exe the the throtlle move in E/WD but dont acelerate the aircraft, the fcu dont control the aircraft and joystick dont move the ailerons, ruder or others superficies.

I think that exist disconnection between AP/FBW and FSUIPC or other. This capture the signal but dont transmit.

Can you help?


01-17-2011, 06:47 PM

All I can tell you right now is to wait for next version, it will come out soon (probably tomorrow). I completely changed the joystick and analog axis system.


01-18-2011, 07:08 AM
Hi all,

I just finished the B17 version.
I completely reworked the joysticks/THR LVR logic.
Now you need to use an external software to assign the joysticks to use in the FMGS, it's called FMGS Config.exe, and is located in the FMGS Server folder.
It adds support for the dual stick (but not priorities yet).
I also tried to correct a few other bugs, check the readme/manual for more info!

This is still quite experimental, you may experience some troubles with it so be careful to keep the previous version!
And as usual bug reports are welcome!

The link: http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B17.zip


Jean Luc

01-26-2011, 10:01 AM
Hi again!

I think that my problem is in FSUIPC, You are right, the version 4.30 or before not work, with 4.60a in my last tests I had positive results.

I will continue with more tests and I tell you something later.


01-26-2011, 01:07 PM
Aeropt: ok good to hear.

For everyone, it seems the B17.1 OVHD is bugged, you can use the B17.0 one as it is 100% compatible; I'll try update a fix tomorrow.


01-26-2011, 04:46 PM
Thank You JL.

01-27-2011, 02:31 PM

Just corrected the ovhd bug along with a couple small bugs.
Same link as previous release:


01-27-2011, 04:18 PM

Firstly I would like to say one thing to J.L : CONGRATULATIONS FOR ALL YOUR WORK !!!
I’m a French new user who discovered B16.2 version yesterday…
I was told today about the B17.1 and downloaded it on this afternoon.
I’m not very used with the software, and the French Guide is very useful for me.

I run AP/FBW and FMGSServer on my FSX computer (Windows 7 64 bits / FSUIPC 6.4).
OVHD is installed on another PC (WinXP + latest Wide FS),
Captain PFD/ND works on a third PC (WinXP + latest WideFS)

Here are my tests :
FSX is running ; as soon as I run OVHD, the IFDG A320 reactors stop : okay, OVHD is rightly connected to FSX.
As soon as I select BATT to put ELEC ON, I got this error message on the OVHD PC : “Access violation of address 00000000. Read of address 00000000”.
Then I launched FMGSServer and got the following : “Access violation of address 0053AB04 in module FMGSServer.exe . Read of address 00000000”.
Are these some results of wrong actions from me, or are these bugs ?


P.S : I hope that this message will be correctly posted (I was rejected at 3 times after writing, with “you are not logged” messages…)

01-27-2011, 05:02 PM
Hi Michel,

First welcome here ;)
Concerning the OVHD error, I've just corrected it, download the package again: http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B17.1.zip
As for the FMGS Server one, the most probable cause is you didn't configure your joysticks with FMGS config prior to launching the server?

I also have received your mail, I'll answer to you right away:


01-27-2011, 06:09 PM
Hi J-L !

Thank you...
Effectively, OVHD works right with this new version just downloaded.

About FMGSconfig, OUPS ! I only missed it, I didn't remember it in the B16 version...
Now I've set my old Logitech joystick and it's small potentiometer...

No more error messages at this time : I've just started my 2 reactors on, with OVHD, and all seems to work right ! It's a nice beginning !! :-D

PFD and ND are working too, on the third PC...

Let's see tomorrow for AP and other settings

Good night,


02-02-2011, 03:00 AM
Hi jeehell, I was just wondering... I have 3 computers, I have 2 joysticks and both of them are on separate client computers. Its obviously possible to setup the joysticks individually on their separate computers, but is it possible to send their individual inputs to the main computer running flight simulator? (My client computers don't have Flight Simulator installed).

According to a post on airliners.net, if both pilots are using the sidesticks, then the inputs are added up (or canceled out if opposite inputs are input). You can lock out the other sidestick by pressing the red button. However, I don't quite see how it's possible to be able to model this in FS if you have 2 joysticks on the same machine. This is my argument based on authenticity. The second argument is a bit more practical. Simply put, my joysticks are old and only work via old game ports which windows 7 no longer supports and my other 2 computers recognise those old joysticks on XP no problems at all and I was kinda hoping it would be possible to get them to work over a network. I tried using FSRemoteJoy, however, I'm pretty sure that method will not work. I think your program has the potential to have this feature included although I'm not quite sure how difficult it would be to implement and I was kinda hoping it wouldn't be too difficult seeing as how it's already possible to run the various panels via a network.

Also, I installed v17.1 and I'm getting an error in a loop...

"Access violation at address 00562000 in module FMGS Server.exe. Read of address 0000000". I'm forced to either kill it through task manager or wait for it to kill itself. It happens as soon as I open the FMGS server window. I wasn't getting this error when I didn't have FSUIPC installed but as soon as I installed it and tried opening FSX, I got the error. Any ideas on how to fix this one? I think I was getting a similar problem on past versions but I somehow managed to rid myself of it but this time I'm at a bit of a loss and was hoping you could point me in the right direction.

02-02-2011, 01:16 PM

concerning the joysticks, for now it's not possible to use them over a network, and I'm not sure it is worth adding more strain to the network with such a feature. Did you consider a cheap gameport to USB converter? if you really need that option, it's not technically real difficult, but don't expect it in the next weeks. As for the dual inputs adding up yes it is modeled, in fact I no longer use FS to acquire joystick data, I get it straight out of windows system, so as easy as x+y.
Which probably brings an answer to your FMGS server error: did you notice the new FMGS config software? it has to be launched (and setup of the joysticks done) BEFORE you launch the FMGS server, otherwise you get this kind of errors.


02-03-2011, 01:35 AM
Oh, ok, thanks. I guess it's time to try to get the adapters :).

02-07-2011, 12:51 PM
Hi Jeehell

is there a way to merge PmSystem from Project Magenta with your add-on? Maybe through offsets?

Thanks for your work!! :)


02-07-2011, 02:07 PM
Hi Ciccio,

No it's not possible, sorry.


02-09-2011, 04:11 PM
Hi Jee ****
Maybe you have heard a lots of this type of "Congrats , good job" so let ad one more
: "Excellent job, congratulations and keep up the good work"

Im working with FSUIPC 3.98 / FS 2004 / Windows 7.

I have heard that windows 7 and Vista protects the program files folder and you need to use the Run as Admin feature to let fsuipc to work correclty. (ti is in the FSUIPC documentation for Windows 7 users)

I decided to reinstall FS2004 in C:/ root then launched FS, Fsuipc is running, launched the airplane then open the server and the overhead module , I made sure that all electrical is on and the ADIRS are aligned, but Im concerned with seeing that FMS Server still shows "Not connected to FSUIPC". and the rest of opened modules appears as Connected, also all the displays appears as black.

I have re read your procedure 5 times by making sure that overhead is providing electricity, aligned the ADIRS but it seems to be a fsuipc problem

Is there any work around for this?

Thanks in advance

02-10-2011, 09:24 AM
Hy at first you have done a great job but i have an problem. I start A320 server as it said in the manual the OVHD works but EWD PFD and ND are black and no mather what i do there is no picture. Excuse me for my bad English..

Regards Jurica

02-10-2011, 12:35 PM
Hi Adonis,

Windows 7 is most probably not the source of your problem, I run it with both FSX and FS9 without troubles.
How many computers do you have?
When you say FSUIPC is running, what do you mean by that? as FSUIPC when installed is part of FS (I mean FS loads itself the FSUIPC dll).
Usually when you first start FS after installinf FSUIPC it asks you if you want to let that process run, did that happen?

You can also try to resintall FSUIPC...


02-10-2011, 12:37 PM
Hi Shacy,

Did you start anything related to electricty on the OVHD panel?
You need to either:
-start the APU
-connect the EXT PWR (through FS modules menu) and switch it ON


02-11-2011, 02:31 AM
yes i have....i turn on the generators and it give me 29 volts and it works can i have all displays without enganging ovhd???


02-11-2011, 01:48 PM

Ok you've probably only switched the batteries ON, which gives 29V on the displays.
To switch the instruments on, you need more power in order not to empty the batteries, so either from ground connection, or the APU or even the Engines.
To start APU, you need to make sure fuel pumps are ON, then click APU master to switch it ON then APU start, and wait for the APU to start (around 30s).
You can also check the FAQ at the end of the user guide (and the whole userguide as well ;) ) for more info.

can i have all displays without enganging ovhd???
No sorry, it's meant to work as closely to the real ACFT as possible, so no comrpomises here.


02-11-2011, 04:58 PM
Hi Shacy, / Jurica

Please make sure to turn on the Bateries , then ALIGN the Intertial system. (use the fast align) on - off - on quickly.
Once the platform is aligned the PFD and ND will show the images.

Jeehell I finally solved my problem, it was fsuipc that was not connecting. I created a firewall rule for port 8003 and it worked.


02-11-2011, 05:05 PM
Thanks Jeehell

Yes fsuips was part of the modules folder. And it seemed like loaded but actually it was not.
I reinstalled fsuipc worked, but was not consistent.

Finally I added the rule in the firewall for fsuipc and opened all ports, I focused on port 8003

Then It worked.

Thanks Jeehell I appreciate your kind help.

02-11-2011, 07:39 PM
Adonis you're welcome ;)

02-13-2011, 07:40 AM
i know that is off topic but could you recomend software on which can i have ND EWD and PFD Airbus style

02-13-2011, 08:08 AM
well..... VASfmc, AST or PM, that's pretty much it...

02-14-2011, 11:37 AM
Good day Jeehell.

Hope you are enjoying a nice Saint Valentines day with your friends and familiy in the charming France!

I have some news, I do not if it is actually a bug but here is description of a possible FSUIPC problem.

1) I installed FS2004 on a clean windows 7 environment, then registered Fsuipc 3.98
2) I extracted the A320FMGS v 17 to a local folder.
3) Launched fs2004 and the fmgs server, and I got the NOT CONNECTED TO FSUIPC.
4) Closed FS2004 and server.
5) I removed the key for FSUIPC then started FS2004 and FMGS server
6) The server is NOW able to connect to FSUIPC, when FSUIPC is a non registered version.

Also I moved to a Win XP sp3 computer , installed Fs2004 Fsuipc and the same error occured.

Have you heard of something like that?
Best regards

02-14-2011, 12:26 PM

No never heard of that.
Unfortunately, my FS9 FSUIPC is unregistered (as I have the FSX one registered, didn't want to buy the FS9 version as well...).
But I can assure that under FSX, the registered version works so it's weird. I will try to check if other people I know use FS9 have such problems (if anyone here is reading that)...


02-15-2011, 12:14 PM
Good day Jeehell.

Everytime I get deeper into your software I amaze more and more ! Excellent.

I don't know if someone asked you this in the past.. do you have some plan or considered working with X-plane - xpuipc?

Just wonder the marvel of having Jeehell A320 and Xplane running together, Stunning!

Best regards

02-15-2011, 12:31 PM

As of now, I'm not planning to add support for another simulator.
If I one day consider adding X-plane support, it'll be when we know for sure that both FS franchise and FSUIPC are dead (so let's first wait for MS Flight! release ;)). And at that time, I'm pretty sure I will not go the XUIPC way, but that's another story ;-)


02-19-2011, 09:15 AM
again me...with offtopic :D where can i get (free) airbus instruments like the guys in FSxpand got??


02-28-2011, 05:19 PM

Version B18 is ready for download, http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B18.zip.
What's new is mainly background work, around FSUIPC offsets and other I/O features.


03-19-2011, 09:44 AM

I dont know wether you have changed the throttle application in the fmgs server.
But we are experiencing some troubles.

We have a Saitek controller with 3 levers, x y z.
The numbers arent changing well as we move the x and y axises.
But the Z axis works fine.

Could it be that it does not listen to x and y axis for throttles?
Thanks for the software so far! We are very grateful you do this for us and for free.

03-20-2011, 02:13 PM

I don't have any troubles with any axes, I tried at least 5 different joysticks on different computers and they all work. There might be a problem with your joystick. Try to calibrate it in windows (control panel -> gamepads) before using FMGS config?


03-24-2011, 08:18 PM

I've just finished B19, it is available here:

Whats new:
-Joystick buttons recognized in FMGS Config
-Improved stability/performance


04-11-2011, 02:12 AM
Hi JL,

great work with the second MCDU ;)

However I have two qustions/items

First during Landing the Aircraft (A330 in our case) is very stable.
However short prior Touchdown (between 30 and 50 ft) it drops its nose down and its very hard to make a smooth landing.
I tried as well with the A320 with the same result all the time.
Example: final approach with 700fpm descent....then during flare I pull the stick, the nose is moving up and between 30 and 50 ft its dropping again from -300 or -200ft/min to -600ft/min although I'm pulling the stick back and back.

Now for the second:

As you know we are using the A330.
Now i'm still working the coefficients and came across a small problem.
The FBW is working fnie which means G-Load, Turn etc is working and handflying is pretty stable right now.

For the Autopilot I have only one major problem which is Open Climb/Desc.
Here the FD commands are right as well but the moment I pull the knob for an open climb or des the nose of the aircraft is following the FD Bar way to slow!
Question here is, what coeff is the one to expedite the nose movement during transition from level flight to an open clb or des?
I found some with open ias...i guess but the change had no effect for me.

Thanks for your heldp and Kind regards, Patrick

04-11-2011, 06:31 AM

Yes I need to work on the flare law, it should be overridden (or commands added algebraically) by manual stick input.

Concerning FD command: The FD and the AP are now 2 different systems (as in the real ACFT). The AP will try to follow the FD while maintaining the vertical load between 0.85 and 1.15 (if my memory serves well). So you can see that pitch is not varying quickly at all, and it's probably OK if the FD is well ahead of the pitch.

Is it a problem only when transitioning from ALT to OP DES/CLB?


04-15-2011, 10:45 AM
I have just a problem with the new software (19). my opencockpit mcdu CLR key it´s always appearing and cleaning what i write.
I have intall again the 18 and it´s ok.
Can you help me?
Brgds from Portugal

04-15-2011, 03:59 PM

Ok I will look into that, I'll keep you posted if I find anything.


04-15-2011, 04:20 PM

Ok I will look into that, I'll keep you posted if I find anything.


Thank's a lot JL. Hope you find the problem. Brgds Bruno

04-16-2011, 05:03 AM
I have just a problem with the new software (19). my opencockpit mcdu CLR key it´s always appearing and cleaning what i write.
I have intall again the 18 and it´s ok.
Can you help me?
Brgds from Portugal

Hi JeeHell,

I have the same problem with CLR button that erases the things I write on OpenCockpit MCDU.

Thanks JL
Very very nice work indeed :mrgreen:

04-16-2011, 06:40 AM

I cannot reproduce this bug with the IOCP console or with with my OC MCDU (which is not the assmebled one, I bought it when they only provided the panel and you had to purchase the screen and USB keys card separately).
So I will need your FMGSServer.iocp.ini file (located in FMGS Server folder) and you jeehellware.ssi file (located in SIOC folder). You can send that to my email jeehell # jeehell.org, in a zip file because my internet provider doesnt allow ini files in emails...



04-17-2011, 02:40 PM

The latest version B19.1 is out, and available here (http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B19.1.zip).
What's new:
-IDGs korrys now functionnal.
-ELACs, FACs, SECs korrys now functionnal. However, the degraded control laws are not yet implemented, only the SD FCLT page will reflect the computers status.
-reworked a bit the PFD altitude scale
-replaced some sounds with recordings from a real A320 (thank you Marios!)
- Tillers and brakes configurable in FMGS Config

Please pay attention to the fact that I made some heavy internal changes, concerning file formats as well. I strongly suggest to reinstall everything from scratch. The SIOC Creator save files may be still usable, but if you have any trouble with them, you'll have to recreate the whole configuration, sorry for that.

Also, for Bunos and Soufiane, I tried to change a couple things for your issue. Please tell me if it works or not...


04-17-2011, 04:43 PM
Also, for Bunos and Soufiane, I tried to change a couple things for your issue. Please tell me if it works or not...

I'll try this asap. Thanks!!!!

04-17-2011, 06:23 PM
Hi all,

If you happen to have a repeating error at the startup of the OVHD, try downloading the package again. (You'll only need to update the OVHD folder, including the OVHD\Graphics folder).

Sorry for that,


04-18-2011, 05:18 AM
Nice to see this project turning out even better for every week!

However I still get a repeating error (Access violation) when I launch the OVHD in B19.1, tried to download the files again, no change.


04-19-2011, 03:51 PM
Nice to see this project turning out even better for every week!

However I still get a repeating error (Access violation) when I launch the OVHD in B19.1, tried to download the files again, no change.



I have the same problem.

Brgds bruno

04-20-2011, 10:38 AM
I made a mistake during the upload of the new package, it was still the old one...
It should now be corrected, try downloading again.
My apologies...

04-20-2011, 11:22 AM
Now it works perfectly, thank you!


04-21-2011, 06:16 AM
I'll try this asap. Thanks!!!!


I sent you an email regarding MCDU management. Actually the changes you made prevent the CLR button from being activated randomly but there is now a new issue on any MCDU button pressing : it does not respond always as it should (sometime now, you have to press on any button a certain number of time to make it appear on MCDU (sometime it's appearing right away and sometime you have to press on the same button like 3 or 4 times to make it appear on MCDU)).


04-21-2011, 08:52 AM

weird... I'll try to fix that...


04-21-2011, 09:08 AM
weird... I'll try to fix that...

When using the IOCPConsole all the key strocks are actually detected but not all of them displayed onto the MCDU.

Thanks JL :D

04-21-2011, 11:34 AM
And just to complete I finished my Opencockpit MCP and EFIS installation with SIOCCreator. All sound good except like the same issue. When I use any rotator (like HDG, ALt ...) I also have like the same behaviour only one few steps among all steps are detected by the soft. It makes that rotating switches doesn't seem to be fluently detected.
Maybe the same source as MCDU button detection :???:

If you need any log or anything else do not hesitate as usual.

Thanks again for the great work :D

04-24-2011, 09:13 PM
Hi, would like to know the exact procedure and wich and where files to copy to get the MCDU from FDS working, the readme is not very clear on this regard.

04-25-2011, 04:48 PM

1) You need to copy all files from "FDS_Modules" to "MCDU" (except the readme...).
2) Then in the "MCDU" folder, open IITcreator.exe, select the MCDU in the left column (trick: push any key on your MCDU) and do a right click (on the card name in the left column still).
3) Select in the menue "CPT MCDU" or "FO MCDU" as required.
4) THEN CLICK SAVE in the menu at the upper left top of the sofware!

Now you should be able to use your MCDU.


04-25-2011, 06:39 PM
I did all the steps, but one more thing is unclear, have i to start the cdu controller module from fds and select something or not?
Another problem is this error when i start the mcdu "Read beyond end of file"

And the MCDU (hardware) not working.

04-26-2011, 05:43 AM
Davide, check your e-mail, I sent you a different versions of MCDU and IIT files.


04-26-2011, 11:25 AM
Hi JH,

many thanks for your great cockpit software.
Unfortunately, I have a problem with the B19.1 release.
The new offsets will not work.
When I read about the FSUIPC a switch assigns an offset does not work.
I started with version B14 and it worked.
Beta14 - Battery1 offset 66D3 Parameter 2 - Works
Beta19.1 - Battery1 offset 78EE Parameter 82 - Does not work
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help

04-27-2011, 05:08 PM

First, for those having troubles with OC MCDU, please try to download this file: http://www.jeehell.org/SIOCmodule.zip, unzip and replace in the "OVHD" and "FMGS Server" folders.

Micha, can you make sure you have the file called FSUIPC.dll in the "OVHD" and "FMGS Server" folders?
I tested here, I didn't have any troubles at all!


04-28-2011, 06:02 AM
Hi JL,

Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes! FSUIPC DLL is present in both folders.
Could it be because I work with FS9?

Greetings Micha

04-28-2011, 11:13 AM

No it is not FS version dependent.
Is it on a remote computer with widefs running?
If you don't use SIOC, remove the SIOCmodule.dll in those 2 folders as well.


05-02-2011, 03:28 AM
Hi JL,
It's all on one PC.
I have both SIOCmodule.dll's deleted, but it does not work anyway.

Greetings Micha

05-02-2011, 04:10 PM

really weird. it works perfectly fine for me and another couple of guys apparently...
What version of FSUIPC do you use?
maybe try to re-install FSUIPC...


05-02-2011, 06:00 PM
Hi JL,
I have tried version and and both do not work.
It also does not work with a new installation of FSUIPC.
Maybe I need to reinstall FS9?

Greetings Micha

05-07-2011, 09:26 AM

I've just finished b19.2, available here for download: http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B19.2.zip.
What's new:
-STBY instruments integrated to main FMGS package
-Reviewed VORs/NDBs/ILSs integration (you can now tune 2 VORs and one ILS at the same time).
-Corrected LOC capture
-Corrected manual FLARE law
-FPLN now clears itself when points are sequenced
-Corrected SD OpenGL issues
-CPT QNH knob on the FCU now working (again)
-Corrected Holding patterns

Also, I tried to correct FSUIPC and SIOC bugs some had.

@Airmichel, before reinstalling FS9, try this version.
@Bunos: I replied to you by PM...


05-09-2011, 12:32 PM
Hi JL,

Now work my switches and buttons.
It was my fault. I programmed the offsets with the FSUIPC and not with your button Config Tool.
Thanks again for your great support.

Greetings Micha

05-13-2011, 03:37 PM
You're welcome...


05-15-2011, 04:41 PM

I have corrected a bug in the SIOC module, which caused troubles with MCDU and FCU switches/encoders.
The package is up-to-date:


05-17-2011, 05:50 PM
Hi jeehell

I have been testing the latest 19.2 version and it is great.

Actually I have set up two physical thrust levers to control each engine separatedly, in FSX I specified each axe for each engine control, everything fine until here, when I set full throttle I can see how the white circles in the EWS move correclty to display each lever movement but the engines are not accelerating, what Im doing wrong?

Using FSX FSUIPC4, also I specified each detent and engine control in the config server.


05-18-2011, 10:10 PM

Did you configure the levers in FMGS config? It is not needed to setup anything in FS...


05-19-2011, 01:55 AM
hi jeehell.

Yes I did it in the FMGS, I set the detents values there but FSX didnt accelerate the engines.

Also i disabled the Fly by wire in the AP.FBW module , can that be the cause of the problem?

Regards, and thanks!


05-20-2011, 01:02 PM

Stupid questions, but it already happened: are the engines running?
Also, in AP/FBW module, did you select an aircraft in the dropdown list?

Why did you disable the FBW?


05-20-2011, 02:56 PM
Hi JeeHell,

I have the same problem of adonis martinez but with FS9. I configure correctly the detents in FMGS.
And I have another big problem: with the rotation of V/S encoder the displays and leds of my cockpit (SIOC system) to light up in random mode.. It happened also with the V/S rotary on the screen.


Umberto VR

05-20-2011, 03:14 PM

I forget the last thing: with the last version of FMGS 19.2 on my cockpit the Voltmeter displays of battery don't work (SIOC system). Before with FMGS version 18 they worked correctly.
I use FS9, FSUIPC 3.99, SIOC 3.5

Thank you for great work and support..


Umberto VR

05-20-2011, 04:19 PM
Hi Jeehell.

there is no more stupid question that the one that is never done ;)

Yes both engines are running and I selected the plane from the list as usual in the FBW.

I disabled the fly by wire because for some reason when it is checked my airplane is uncontrolable, so the raw joystick input solves the problem also the autopilot engaged is not able to control the plane.

Do you know if there is any known problem if FSx service packs are installed?


05-21-2011, 06:17 AM

The throttles not spooling the engines is a first. Adonis, what version of FSUIPC do you use? I had troubles with the last one, and I stick to V4.6 for the time, maybe that is a clue for you.
Also, what aircraft are you two using? iFDG or PA, or another one?
What's weird is that you said the EW/D correctly moves the white circle on the N1 display!? This means to me that either the AP/FBW module is not working or there is a problem with FS...

As for FSX, I use a version with both SPs installed, so it is not a problem.

Concerning SIOC and Voltmeters displays, I recently rewrote completely the SIOC handling, and I think I forgot to add that feature. I'll look at that for next version.


05-21-2011, 02:20 PM
Hi JL,

I use the A320 for FS9 IFDG inserted into the folder of the latest version 19.2 of FMGS. My throttle levers are two separate entities with two potentiometers connected via the analog inputs of the expansion card opencockpits and calibrated with your FMGSconfig.exe
For the problem of Vertical Speed ​​encoder that turns on randomly all displays and outputs of my cockpit have discovered what may be? With version B18 did not happen.

Thank you very much for your patience

Umberto VR

05-21-2011, 05:41 PM
Did the SIOC axis work in versions earlier than B19? on the E/WD, are the white circle moving correctly on the N1 gauge when you move the THR LVRs?
For the VS encoders, I will try to check a cuople things, but it's weird. Did you re-apply configuration when upgrading to B19.2?

Adonis, what version of FSUIPC do you use? I noticed I had troubles with v4.7, so I stick to v4.6 for the time.


05-22-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi JL,
yes the SIOC axis work correctly in version B18 but I don't remember if on the E/WD, the white circle moving correctly on the N1 gauge when I move the THR LVRs. In these days I'll try again...

I might have found the problem of Vertical Speed​​. Its value is sent only to the fourth displays and not to others. So I think that the system goes crazy.
The value of the other three displays is always 0.
The fifth display, the minus sign, is working properly
This is a small text of IOCP console:
8=50 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=40 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=30 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=20 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=0 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-10 - FCU_VS_DISP4
9=-999998 - FCU_VS_DISP5
8=-20 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-30 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-40 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-60 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-70 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-80 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-70 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-80 - FCU_VS_DISP4
8=-100 - FCU_VS_DISP4

I hope this help you...
Umberto VR

05-22-2011, 02:48 PM
thx Umberto, I will look at that more precisely.
Keep me posted for the THR LVRs.


05-23-2011, 05:18 AM
hi i am not able to download your fmgs19 software can you give me a working link

thank you...


05-23-2011, 05:54 AM



05-23-2011, 06:05 AM
i tried to download your fmgs 19 beta but after the download it says that the file is corrupted and cant open...
any solution

thank you


05-23-2011, 06:48 AM
try from here:

05-23-2011, 07:44 AM
Same problem with THR levers.
Latest version 19.2 Axes configured as well as detents.
But there is no response by moving levers all the way except top position (TOGA).
In previous version was ok.


05-23-2011, 07:48 AM
Hi Marcin,

Do you use joystick axes or SIOC axes?


05-23-2011, 11:42 AM

I think I fixed the bug with V/S and SIOC, try downloading the SIOCmodule.dll from here:
http://www.jeehell.org/SIOCmodule.zip and put it in the "FMGS Server" and "OVHD" folders (replace the old one).


05-24-2011, 04:37 AM
Hi JeeHell and really thanks for share your amazing work.
i'm using the last version of FMGS and FSUIPC and i have the same problem as skalarki.
also the joystick axes doesn't responds.
i'm using joystick axes not SIOC axes configured in fmgs.
The Airplane is Wilco in FSX
do you know what i'm doing wrong?
thanks again....

05-24-2011, 11:53 AM

The Airplane is Wilco in FSX
do you know what i'm doing wrong?

Using the WILCO aircraft is probably the reason. It's not supported, try using the iFDG A320 or the PA320.

Also, what version of FSUIPC do you use? It seems better to stay at V4.6 and not upgrade to V4.7 for the time.


05-25-2011, 07:10 PM
thanks jeehell for the quick response i'll try with the airplane you suggested. and also, if i'll found a way, i'll try the downgreed to fsuipc 4.6 tnx again!!

05-26-2011, 02:52 PM
Hi JL,thank you for new modules.
Last night I installed the new sioc.modules and now everything is ok with the V / S. It remains to solve the problem on the voltmeter of battery, but you have already responded. I noticed that the button Galley on the overhead only works in off-mode. To explain: if you click on will not turn off the light off, and if it is turned off the light comes on.
For the thrust levers is a strange thing happened: just set one of them works in reverse. Then I closed and restarted FMGS B19.2 and everything is back to work ...
Now everything is ok!
Thank you for your great support!

Umberto VR

05-26-2011, 05:31 PM

Ok I will look at the galley button for next version. As for the LVRs, just to be sure, the FMGS needs to be closed when you setup FMGS config, it is no updated in real time.


05-30-2011, 11:41 AM
Hi JH,
the buttons and switches I have now assigned all, but there is a new problem. The keys Apu Bleed , Apu start and ground spoilers Armed after pressing the button will not start. Using the mouse, it works.

Greetings Micha

05-31-2011, 11:00 AM
Hi Jeehell

I have been making some tests with the software and send you some bug to your report forum topic.

Regarding the levers the same problems remains but I have tried closing the AP/FBW module and set up each lever via FSUIPC in the axis page for each engine and it worked, the plane is fully flyable , engines responds to levers movement. I agree that this is not a correct thing , but I was wondering that this could be a clue because it seems clear that the AP/FBW module might be the key to solve the levers issue.

Best regards

05-31-2011, 11:24 AM
Hi jeehell.

I have been making some testing and here are some initial bugs, expect a second post since some A320 pilots are coming home to help me with more testing :-)

When the airplane is energized with the APU the OFF text is not appearing in the battery korrie.

As far as I was aware of the APU has its own fuel pump, so it should be starting up without the need of powering up a fuel pump in the fuel panel.

I started up the plane and pressed F8 and the flaps extended without any hydraulic pressure, first that should be happening and a memo should appear in the ECAM.

1) In the engine panel I selected CRANK,
2) Manual start switch ON
3) The start valve remains closed in the engine page in the SD.

The ENGINE MASTER switch in OFF is not turning the engine OFF.
The engine LP valves can be closed by engine master or engine fire button.

Both engines running, each engine bleed values is not the real value. Engine at full trust should be around 200 psi and it is only showing 34 PSI at the SD.

The amber marks in the fuel pumps at SD shows that the logic is not correct. No explanation why central tanks valves are closing automatically when selecting another fuel pump.

hope this helps.

Best regards

05-31-2011, 12:25 PM

I will look at the swithces bugs.
Concerning the levers, it's hard to tell. Not using the AP/FBW is not a good idea. On several setups it works perfectly. Please make sure you calibratzd the lvrs correctly in FMGs config, it should work. Also, what FSUiPC version and what aircraft are you using?


06-02-2011, 02:16 PM
Hi Jeehell.

Fsuipc is 4.6 , FSX Sp2, and the airplane is IFDG A320 the plane provided with your package.


06-02-2011, 03:07 PM
Hi Adonis,

I really don't know what to say, if it worked in earlier versions it should still work now...

Did you try to re-install the FMGS from scratch?
Also did you try to reinstall FSUIPC and/or FSX?


06-02-2011, 04:08 PM
Hi Jeehell,

thanks for the fast reply,

yes I did reinstall everything from scratch , FSX, FSUIPC, and FMGS.

no worries at the time, Im still trying some configurations and investigation a bit more. I will update if I find something else

Best regards

06-13-2011, 04:08 AM
Hello Jeehell,

I still have a little problem. I can not hear the call out `s. Do I need to change something in the sound cfg.
Thanks again for your great cockpit software.

Greetings Micha

06-13-2011, 01:49 PM

Sometimes it seems there is a bug with the sound module. I hope next version will correct it.


06-15-2011, 06:33 PM

Finished latest version:
It mostly corrects I/O modules bugs, but also improves sound module and warnings on the E/WD.


06-15-2011, 08:49 PM
JL, I just downloaded your file for the latest A320, and read the user guide. That has to be one of the BEST guides I have seen written.
I will be trying your software out on a couple of spare computers when I get some spare time. You have, from what I have seen so far, done a brilliant job.
Congratulations................Brian W.

06-16-2011, 05:05 PM
Hi Brian,

Such kind words from a builder like you are really heart-warming!
But I have to admit lately the manual is not exactly up-to-date, I have to add a couple chapters and pictures, and check a few others are not obsolete :oops:

If you have any questions concerning the setup etc... feel free to ask here or by e-mail. I saw on others posts you use FDS SYS boards, IOCards and CPFlight FCU.
The first two are already functionnal through software present in the package (direct communication without any scripting to do) and for the CPflight FCU, I'm currently writing a driver which is almost fully operational, but not in the public package, if you're interested to test it, i'll be glad to include you in that process!


06-17-2011, 04:14 AM
Gooday JL, I will be glad to do some testing. Especially on the CPFlight FCU. It may take a while to get ime to set this up, but I think your software has some great possibilities.
Regards..............Brian W.
PS. will send you an email shortly.

06-17-2011, 04:05 PM
Hi. Great work you are doing!

I'm new to your software and just downloaded the latest. I wanted a more complex FMGS for my flightsim.

I'm running FSX SP2 in Win7 x64, Registred FSUIPC 4.60a. And plan to use Project Airbus A320.
But I seem to have problem with connecting FMGS server to FSUIPC. I do not use a network, run all on one computer. I read somewhere that it might be a firewall problem, where can I go and open for all ports?


06-17-2011, 05:41 PM
Hi. Great work you are doing!

I'm new to your software and just downloaded the latest. I wanted a more complex FMGS for my flightsim.

I'm running FSX SP2 in Win7 x64, Registred FSUIPC 4.60a. And plan to use Project Airbus A320.
But I seem to have problem with connecting FMGS server to FSUIPC. I do not use a network, run all on one computer. I read somewhere that it might be a firewall problem, where can I go and open for all ports?


Got i t working now. On the 4th reinstall of FSUIPC.. Just like that.. This is great!

06-18-2011, 02:02 PM

OK glad you could solve it by yourself, I just came home and saw your post now...


06-28-2011, 03:56 PM

I am new here... so "Hello" to everyone and a big "thank you" to JL for this very nice work. Since I understand this thread as a sort of feedback thread regarding the latest version 20 I would like to add some comments as well. I am pretty happy with the first tests without any SIOC. However, I also have one major problem with the THR LVRs. As discribed by others the white cycle with the "target dots" are working but the engines dont accelerate. In my case the green markers dont move at all. In case I don't run the AP/FBW the problem is gone and the engines spool up or down to the "white target N1" as they should. But without FBW its no Airbus...Any idea?
Im running FSX with FSUIPC 4.6a and the ifdg 320 as recommended and using the joystick-axis.


06-28-2011, 06:10 PM
Hi Rob,

First welcome here ;)

Concerning your THR LVRs issues, I need more details on your setup, especially the FMGS Config setup. Did you declare there your axes and save the configuration? how many THR LVR axes used?
Are you using the AP/FBW on the same computer as FS and FMGS Server? Did you check the option "disable FBW"?
Did you try to reinstall FSUIPC?
Is it on the ground?

If you have any other detail I cannot think of... Most people don't have this issue so hard to tell...


06-29-2011, 06:01 AM
Hi JL,

thanks for your quick reply. At the moment its all running on one I7 with Win7-64. For testing I just used an old Sidewinder2 joystick with 4 axis. 3 axis are gone for rudder, elv and ail. So I use one throttle axis and defined the detents for BOTH engines in your fmgs config. So I am able to move the both white N1 cycles and get the corresponding detents in the SD but no engine response. In addition, all 4 axis are defined and calibrated in FSUIPC. The original joystick controller is disabled in FS.
I tried to reinstall FSUIPC... no change. I only tested on ground and yes the engines are running ;-)

So if I run the AP/FBW exe all works fine except the THR. When I close AP/FBW it takes a couple of seconds and the engines follow the N1 target as they should and are no more stuck as before. I have to check again what happens if I check "disable FBW".

Could it be hardware related? I'm waiting on the BU0836 joystick controller from Leo Bodnar to be in my mail the next days... I will let you know if the new controller makes any difference.

If not I might consider a complete re-installation of FSX... :-(

May I ask whats the setup of the other guys who deal with the same problem? It's strange that this only happens to some of us...


06-29-2011, 06:14 AM
Hi Rob,

Can you try to remove the assignments/calibration in FSUIPC (these are not used with my software, as I get joystick data directly from windows)? It might be interfering.
As for the other guys who have this problem, I don't really know their own setup, but it shouldn't be what's causing that. My only guess is it's software related, not hard. I myself use a single computer setup with a 4 axis joystick, and no troubles at all...
I'm pretty sure there is somewhere an interference between FS and my soft, which most probably comes from FSUIPC.


06-29-2011, 04:38 PM
great work but I have a problem and does not know why...

On my flighsystem PC PFD and ND does not start - okay, windows works 3 years and decide to setup an additional HDD with WIN XP and FS. After install exactly the same, PFD and ND does not start.

I can recognise a short time the process in taskmanager, after there it was gone???
If I start the PFD on an old notenbook, everything works but with errors in logfile.

Here the notebook:

0 (I) Log subsystem started in elapsed time mode.
62 (i) Temporary rendering context created
62 (I) Getting OpenGL entry points and extension
62 (I)
62 (i) OpenGL rendering context information:
62 (i) Renderer : Intel 855GM
62 (i) Vendor : Intel
62 (i) Version : 1.3.0 - Build
62 (WW) GLSL version : not supported
62 (I)
62 (i) Temporary rendering context destroyed
62 (I) Getting OpenGL entry points and extension
7953 (i) Logged fatal errors: 0, errors: 0, warnings: 1, titles: 4, infos: 6, debug info: 0
7953 (i) Log session shutdown

and here the FS PC:

0 (I) Log subsystem started in elapsed time mode.
407 (i) Temporary rendering context created
407 (I) Getting OpenGL entry points and extension
407 (I)
407 (i) OpenGL rendering context information:
407 (i) Renderer : GeForce 8400 GS/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!
407 (i) Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
407 (i) Version : 3.3.0
407 (i) GLSL version : 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
407 (I)

I have no idea whats going wrong. On each PC or notebook in my area it works except the flightsim PC.
Could you please help?

06-29-2011, 04:45 PM

I don't understand, did it work prior to new installation of windows or not, your message is no clear on that?
One possible solution is to change your video drivers. If you already use the latest ones, try to revert to older ones you know worked correctly.


06-29-2011, 07:32 PM
Hi Adonis,

Sorry I hadn't seen this thread before now, but if I'm right you already posted those bugs on the project's mantis website.

Thanks and sorry again for not seeing this earlier...

PS:I moved that thread in the correct forum.

07-02-2011, 03:15 AM

I don't understand, did it work prior to new installation of windows or not, your message is no clear on that?
One possible solution is to change your video drivers. If you already use the latest ones, try to revert to older ones you know worked correctly.


Hi Jeehell,
with the old partition there was an old vidio driver installed, with the new partition have had installed the latest.
On both partitions the PFD and ND does not open the window. As I said, 2 seconds visible in taskmanager as a process and then off.

I haven`t posted this in any forum before, because I was sure the problem should be the old installation and tested the FMGS on several other PC`s.
But with the new installation now I`m confused. On my system there is something special - there is a NVIDIA PCIe and a ATI onboard card installed. Until now every systems ar working well.

Is there something different on PFD and ND to for example MCDU, because MCDU window will open correctly?

07-02-2011, 11:15 AM
Hi Frank,

I'm afraid the special setup you use (mix of nVidia and ATI), might be the cause. Do you use the two video cards at the same time for multiple screen?
The MCDU being somewhat simpler than the PFD/ND, it might be a reason this one works and not the others... Also, on what video card is running the MCDU?


07-02-2011, 12:33 PM
Hi Jeehell,
the windows main screen is supplied by NVIDIA, the displays for ND and PFD are supplied by ATI. The MCDU can be opened on the main screen (NVIDIA) and can be moved to all other screens without any problems.

Is there anything I have to adjust to one of the video driver?

07-02-2011, 12:36 PM
Maybe the startup of the windows on an ATI card is not working, but once it is running it can be moved around, can you check that?


07-03-2011, 04:46 AM
Hi Jeehell,
you are right, PFD and ND is running if ATI device is deactivated. Thanks for your support!

The good news - now I know the reason and the bad news - I have to change my sytem configuration...

07-03-2011, 04:47 AM
I wanted that one computer was to FMGS (5 monitors: 2xPFD/ND, SD/EWD, 2xMCDU)
I tried many solutions.
Now I already know that it must be the same card (all from ATI or all of NVIDIA). In addition, it must be cards that may have the same driver (can not be one of the newest and the other tries).
Highlights: This is not working well in WinXP. I had to use Vista.

Now I have one card on the PCI-E (GF7200) and one PCI (GeForce FX 5500).
This allows me to run 4 monitors. If I add one more the same PCI card is the whole cockpit run on one computer (FSX will run on another PC of course).

The combination of ATI and NVIDIA does not work. Even for the MCDU. It seems that the MCDU work - but try to enter something in it ... Then you can not see the changes.

07-03-2011, 09:43 AM

Yes hybrid setup are always tricky. I cannot afford to have that many different cards to test and debug everything...
More over, ATI cards are known to have more troubles in the handling of OpenGl, try googling "opengl AtI" to have more info on that subject. I know nvidia is more expensive but we dont get many choices here...


07-09-2011, 10:53 AM
Hi JL,

after some tests I found some bugs.
Apu - Master and Air-pressure switch only work with a switch, not with a button. Is it possible to assign in the config tool between the switches and buttons to choose?
How can I use in the MCDU and the Nd transition?
Under NavData accessing the files - Sid.txt and Star.txt, but Appr.txt.with the transition`s are not used.

A big problem is the landing. The aircraft nose is always pressed down, whether I'm flying autopilot or by hand. When I put the thrust on landing idle, the airplane falls from the sky like a stone.
I think this is a connection with the fly by wire system.
I tested with the iFDG, Pa.and Pss Airbus.
With all aircraft the same problem.

Sorry for the long list of problems.
I hope you can solve some of the problems.

At the end again a big thank you for the fantastic software.:D

Greetings from Germany


07-10-2011, 10:02 AM

I am not sure I understand your problem with the switches?? If I'm correct, with FMGS Config you cannot configure the APU Master as a toggle siwtch?
However I don't get what you mean by "air-pressure" switch?

Concerning the tranistions, they can be used only if they exist in the database, and not all APPR have transitions in the leveld database.

The nose down bugon landing should be corrected in next version.


07-10-2011, 02:12 PM
Hi JL,
I use in my overhead for the APU 3 buttons. Apu-start and Apu-bleed working with button`s, the blue LED stays on. When I press the button Apu master remains the blue LED is not on. With a switch it works. The button to provide the air pressure on STD, has the same problem.
It would be great if these two functions would also work with a button.

best regards


07-11-2011, 09:06 AM
Hi Micha,

So if I understand correctly, the APU bleed and APU start work correctly with both (ON)-OFF and ON-OFF switches, but not the APU master nor the QNH STD on the EFIS is that right? I guess "air pressure on STD" is the QNH baro push button?


07-11-2011, 11:48 AM
Hello JL,

yes that is right so far, but I use buttons (only keystroke) and no switches (on and off). With switches it works, but the Apu-Master don`t work with buttons.
Only the Apu-bleed and Apu-start work correctly with pushbuttons.

Greetings Micha

07-11-2011, 12:18 PM
Ok I wil try to correct that in next version.


07-12-2011, 11:27 AM
Hello JL,

thank you for your great support. With your software makes the home cockpit building fun.:D

Greetings Micha

07-16-2011, 01:23 AM
Hi JL,

I haven't found a possibility to assign autopilot off and sidestick priority to the flightstick button in FMGS Config.exe. Did I miss it or is there no such possibility at the moment?


07-16-2011, 07:27 AM
You try in "fmgs config" (joystick button):


For sidestick priority:

07-16-2011, 10:18 AM

The AP OFF/stick priority are labelled CPT_APTO and FO_ APTO (or very similar).
I'm quite sure they exist ;-)

Oops totom replied before me :-)
Just one thing, AP1 & 2 on the FCU should only be used for engagement of the AP. For disengagement use APTOs.
Same goes with the ATHR and the ATHRTO pb.

07-17-2011, 09:14 AM
Hello Mr. Jeehell,

great work -

however I´m experiencing some problems in my setup…

I´m running fs9, FMGS Server, AP/FBW and Sound modules on one machine,
all other modules on a second.

I did set the IP adress for the server on both machines.

After a while (something like 20 sec) first the EWD disconnects from server, after that the MCDU. The MCDU sometimes reconnects for a short period, EWD stays disconnected.

All other modules stay connected

OS is WIN 7 64

Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem ?

BRgds Toulouse

07-17-2011, 12:38 PM
Hi Toulouse,

When you say they get disconnected, is it only because the FMGS server says so or it is as well visible on the related software itself (for example, pushing keys on the MCDU has strictly no effect)?


07-17-2011, 01:04 PM
FMGS server says so and EWD + MCDU freeze on second computer. Tried disabling Firewall - same problem.

07-17-2011, 01:18 PM
Are they freezing to the point you cannot use the right click on them?

07-17-2011, 01:27 PM
No, I can close them with right click.

07-17-2011, 05:01 PM
Did you check your widefs configuration? Are you running the modules as administrator? Sometimes Norton Sonar Auto Protect disables the modules. Then you need to exclude the modules from scanning.

07-17-2011, 05:14 PM
This is really weird, the EWD uses the same TCP port than the PFD and OVHd... I think also there is a trouble elsewhere with a protection software??

07-18-2011, 03:19 AM
Hello again,
sorry for my question on a late sunday afternoon - great forum, thank you again for so much support.
I disabled every protection - firewalls, virus scanner.

I´ll have to check Fritz´s suggestion - I´m using the starter program to call the modules.

I´ll try to start the modules separate, as administrator (i´m logged in as as such anyway, but this has given me problems before).

Strange however, it´s only these two modules, for the MCDU the FO´side shows the same behavior. All other modules work fine.

07-24-2011, 06:37 PM

The latest beta is out : http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B21.zip.

What's new:
-Added some hydraulic systems warnings
-CLR, RCL, STS and EMER CANC buttons for the ECAM are now operative.
-Updated I/O modules (SIOC, FSUIPC and FDS)
-Added CPFlight FCU module
-PFD Altitude alert logic (when ACFT is near the FCU selected altitude)



07-27-2011, 12:03 PM
Hello mr. jeehell,

first i want to thank you for doing very good and very hard work.

And now i have more questions, but i prefere to start only with the followed one:

i have just yesterday installed your software, and until now i didn't get it ro work. So i thought it is a good idea to contact you. i try now to follow your tutorial written in the user's guide. When i fill out the flight plan as you described, the mcdu don't show the speed and the attitude on the right of each waypoints.

i am using your software on same pc as fsx. My system is intel q6600 with four cores on 3.60 ghz graphiccard nvidia geforce 8800x and 2GB of RAM.

Please tell me, what i am doing wrong. After that i will ask for the next problems like joystick problems.

07-27-2011, 06:09 PM
Hello CaptainBon,

The first obvious reason is you have'nt filled out completely the MCDU, especially the INIT A and the INIT B pages. Also the Perf page is important.


07-29-2011, 03:47 AM
Hi JL,

Thanks for the new version. Looking very nice. Excellent!
But I have a little problem with the 2nd Init page on the MCDU where you punch in the weights. For some reason I cant access it, saying "not allowed". The A/C is still on ground and the problem is not new with version 21. I also had it in the previous versions. Same for the Flex Temp. If I punch in, let's say 15 degrees, it gives me a "not allowed". Any idea, what could be the reason? How is the logic to be able to access the INIT B page? On INIT A departure/destination, Flt level & IRS has been set and aligned.

What I also noticed... if you set any alt or speed contrains for any waypoint, it takes up to a couple of minutes until the updated magenta constrains show up at the F-PLN page. Sometimes the F-PLN page doesnt update the constrains at all. However, on the ND they are instantly updated and shown for each w/p.

and... last but not least... do you plan to keep up to date wrt FSUIPC 4.7 in any of your upcoming versions?

Thanks for your great support!


07-29-2011, 05:29 AM
Hello Rob,

INIT B page is only accessible when the engines are shut down, that's most probably why you get an "NOT ALLOWED" message. There is an option in the ..\FMGS Server\PERF\PA320\Aircraft.ini file called INITBaccessible: put yes if you want to keep the page accessible event though it's not realistic.

As for the FLX temp, 15°C seems way much too low. The Flex temperature has to be to over ISA temperature +29°C or over current temperature.

Cosntraints on FPLN: yes I have to rework that part, I don't know when though.

FSUIPC V4.7: not compatible for the time, I still don't know why, I need to do more testing.


07-29-2011, 06:04 AM
Hi JL,

what a quick reply! I am just wondering how you handle your everyday life with extra workload!? :-) Really Great Support! Your hints are very helpful an reasonable. I didnt know about the link to the running engines and the flx temps. Thanks.

I asked about updating FSUIPC, because a friend wanted to try it on 2 Pcs. However, we are not aware of any option to get a registry key for the "old" FSUIPC 4.6 version. As far as I know, if you buy a key for FSUIPC 4.7 including widefs you wont be able to use it with the out-dated 4.60 version.
Last night I also tried to use the unregistered 4.7. On ground I didnt notice any trouble. But when you kick in the autopilot, the A/C starts pitching up rapidly way beyond alpha stall and you lose control. I tried it twice... both times I had the same reaction. But I am sure you know about it already :)

thanks buddy,

07-29-2011, 08:57 AM
Hello again,

Well not always easy to keep up with questions, but I do my best ;)

As for FSUIPC V4.7, I have no idea why it won't work. I Use the same offsets for FS2004 and FSX, and for several versions of FSUIPC now, and since V4.7 it won't work anymore with the pitch control!! I asked P. Dowson but he says he didn't change anything concerning that... So I need to do more tests and find out exactly what changed.
However, I always thought that a valid FSUIPC key works with all versions of the intended FS, so a FSX key works with all FSUIPC FSX versions?? Did you give it a try?


07-29-2011, 09:50 AM
Hey JL,

unfortuantly, I can't simply try since I also use the unregistered 4.6 version. I wouldn't hasitate to get a key for 4.7+Widefs if I would know for sure that the new 4.7 keys also work for 4.6 and the corresponding previous widefs version. But if it doesnt work, there is no reason to buy it at this point of time.

Have a nice weekend!

@ EVERYBODY: If anybody bought a key for the new FSUIPC 4.7 version, please try to use this key for the previous 4.6 version and let me know if the new keys are compatible with older versions of FSUIPC. Thanks to one who has the time & chance of trying and letting me know if it works :)


07-29-2011, 09:59 AM
just so you know, an unregistered version of FSUIPC should work as well with my software, so you could try deleting all files in FSX/modules folder and try with a fresh new V4.6 version.


07-29-2011, 10:21 AM
I know... as I said, I already use the unregistered 4.6 module with your software on my pc and its working great!. But a friend has a set-up 2 pc network and we wanted to try it with widefs which we dont have, yet. But then we come to the issue with the newer 4.7 keys and the updated widefs version... we dont spend 45€ for a 4.7 FSUIPC version with widefs, when we already know that 4.7 doesnt work for what we want it... well, I guess we have to wait for the fix of the pitch problem wrt to 4.7 and then get the 4.7 and widefs bundle to try the networking options :) Looking forward!


08-01-2011, 02:05 PM

We are making the driver for our Panels to make it compatible with JH software (BTW, JH is really great job!!!) and we also have the same problem with ver. 4.7
I had to go back to version 4.6 and my keys were working without any problems with it.
I bought FSUIPC few years ago and , until now, my keys are working with ALL versions.


08-06-2011, 07:17 AM
first of all thanks a lot JeeHell for the extraordinary work you did and you are still doing. Really really appreciated!
I'm planning to build a cockpit based on the AIRBUS A320 and I'm currently testing your software. I read the first step guide and most of the user guide, using PA320 aircraft model and doing modifications in the aircraft.cfg file as described. I did joystick calibration and any other steps of the guide. Well, I have some questions:

1) regarding the EGPWS terrain data, I performed the entire procedure, then launched the EGPWS data extractor.exe. After about 10-15 minutes it seemed to freeze (see the attached picture) and no new folder appeared in the EGPWS sub-folder. I left it to work for over 6 hours but nothing happened. What I'm doing wrong?

2) I also tried to follow the LFBO-LFMN route example described in the user guide. It was all right until I took off and I engaged the AP1. After this point the aircraft model assumed a very strange behavior (overbank, exxagerated pitch or dive, AP disconnection) and it was unable to follow the route steadily. Then I aborted the test. I also tried to disable FBW system in the AP/FBW exe window without luck. Could it be a coefficient or aircraft model issue?

Thanks in advance


Windows XP SP2 OS
MS FS acceleration pack54825483

08-06-2011, 10:09 AM
Hi Marco,

I don not know the answer to the first question, but the answer for the second is quite simple:
Just uninstal FSUIPC ver 4.7 that You probably have and revert to 4.6 - this should solve the problem.

visit www.fscockpit.eu

08-06-2011, 10:30 AM
Dear Sir,
thank you for your fast reply.
my current FSUIPC installed version is 4.25. I read about the incompatibility with the 4.7 version. Perhaps should I install the 4.6 version?


08-07-2011, 03:12 AM

Yes definitely v4.6 is the version to use. It is available on flightsim.com.
Concerning EGPWS data processing, I don't really know what's going wrong. Try processing tile after tile manually?


08-07-2011, 01:27 PM
Dear JL,
thank you for your reply.
I downloaded and installed FSUIPC 4.6. The situation seems to be better during the take off and in the climb phase, just after the AP engage. Now the aircraft is able to follow the route path and its behavior appears much better. But, after a while, it becomes unstable again. The AP disconnects itself very often and, when I try to engage it again, it doesn't work immediately. Thus, it is unable to follow the flight parameters. I tried to follow the guide many times but I'm not able to complete the flight properly. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
Concerning the EGPWS issue, I downloaded just a couple of tiles (let me say "Northern Europe" and "Southern Europe" to understand). In both case (processing the two tiles mixed together or a single tile) the result is the same. Sorry for my likely mistakes.


08-07-2011, 02:45 PM

What FS are you using? FSX or FS2004?
Are the AP/FBW and FMGS server running on the FS computer?
What computer do you use? (CPU?)


08-07-2011, 06:16 PM
Hi JL,
at the moment I use FSX acceleration pack on one single pc (later I'll do a test with two networked pc's). Pc features: AMD Athlon 64X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ 2.71 GHz, 3 Gb RAM, Windows XP pro SP2.


08-08-2011, 10:03 AM

Do you notice any frame rates drop in fs or on the instruments? Maybe all the software on one dual core PC is a bit too much.


08-15-2011, 12:57 PM
Hi jehell and thanks you again for everyting.
i'm sorry for my out of topic question but i can't find the download link from flightsim.com
does anyone know the link for FSUIPC 4.6?
and someone have an idea how to downgreed from a register 4.7 to a 4.6?
thanks you again


Yes definitely v4.6 is the version to use. It is available on flightsim.com.


08-15-2011, 03:05 PM
To go back just delete the Fsupic.dll from the modules folder should do it.
iccho : Have sent you a PM.

08-16-2011, 10:30 AM
hi guys, thank you again for the support, and thanks to Les for the file.
unfortunatelly i didn't solve my problem.
now my FSUIPC version is 4.6.
my problem is with the control surface.
FMGS configuration recognise my joystik but when i use it for move the airplane it doesn't work.
the cross on the PFD is moving with joystik but seems like FMGS don't speak with flight sim.
I'm using PA320 whit flight sim X
FSUIPC 4.669 and wideFS
someone have some ideas?
thank you again to for the amazing work.

08-16-2011, 11:13 AM
Hi icchio,

have you disabled all your control axis in FSX as well as FSUIPC? You dont need to assign any axis in FS nor FSUIPC since FMGS consideres the axes inputs directly from windows. What should work is the fsuipc version 4.60 from flightsim.com. I also use this unregistered fsuipc version without any trouble.

May I ask you something different: Have you bought a registration key for FSUIPC & widefs AFTER the release of V4.7? If that's the case, do these newer registration keys also work with the fsuipc version 4.60?? Did you try it? I would also like to get a key for 4.7 and wideFS... however, I am not sure if these newer keys also support any of the out-dated fsuipc versions?! For sure you can upgrade your version, but what about downgrading?


08-16-2011, 07:36 PM
Hi icchio,

Just to be sure, did you launch the AP/FB software? If yes, did you select the PA320 in the dropdown list?


08-17-2011, 07:31 AM
guys, thank you again.
I disabled all the axes from flight sim and FSUIPC had not axes configured.
but the joystik still doesn't work.
I also did what jeehell had suggested but nothing change.
the cross in the PFD is moving but the airplane don't move.
for now i have not a throttle and i'm using the keyboard directly connected whit flight sim.
can the problem come from that?

For Rob.
i have a registred version of FSUIPC 4.7.
for the downgreed i had changed just the dll file from 4.7 a 4.669 of FSUIPC module.
it seems like it works but until i didn't solve the problem with controls i can't be sure! =)


08-17-2011, 03:16 PM
Hi again,
sorry for the delay but I was busy.
Relating to the frame rate, I did a test with the following settings: FPS set to unlimited, graphics custom, aircraft ultra-high, scenery high, weather high, traffic custom, view mode: just the front view (scenery without panel), FMGS active instruments: PFD and ND cpt, EWD, SD, MCDU cpt, FCU, STBY instruments. Result: the FS frame rate drops but its value is not stable in any condition. Frame rate range: (FS only) 20-30 FPS - (FS + FMGS) 5-15 FPS.
I'll do some other tests during my spare time.


08-17-2011, 06:01 PM

Icchio: you will definitely need the throttle axis, otherwise you wont be able to use the software. Not sure if it's why it's not moving at all the flight controls in the sim though. But using the keyboard to control the throttle is not possible. Now all cheap joysticks have a throttle axis...

Emmegi: if the frame rate is that low, it may be that the AP is getting flight data from FS with too muc delay, and so the AP/FBW does not like it. For your tests, I suggest you reduce the visual quality of FS to rule that out or confirm this fact.



08-18-2011, 09:05 AM
Hi everybody,
I did a test with all settings reduced to minimums and just FMGS PFD, ND, FCU and MCDU active, but I keep on having problems to make the AP system working properly. It's obvious that I'm doing something wrong. Hey guys, what do you mean with "disable all axes in FS"? Perhaps should I any changes in the FS control axes settings window? I feel like I would have lost some vital information...


08-19-2011, 05:41 AM

You may have done all of this, but just might rin a bell:

-configure the joysticks and throttle with FMGS config
-in FS, go to Controls options and remove all assignments to joysticks and throttle
-launch AP/FBW, select the PA320 in the dropdown list, and click "load coefficient.
-Launch FMGS server and all other software (at least OVHD, FCU, PFD, ND,MCDU)
-On the OVHD:
-switch all korrys to ON position (if there is written OFF on it, click it)
-align the 3 IRS
-start the APU
-Now MCDU: follow the first flight in the guide.
-After that yyou should be set...


08-20-2011, 07:31 AM
Hi Everybody,
i made all the step in the JL post but nothing changes.
disable all the controls from flight sim
start the AP/FBW and set the PA320....
Also the throttle doesn't work. same as for the joysticks, the blu bar on the EWD moves but the airplane doesn't move.
i also try with disable the FBW...nothing changes.

it seems like there is comunication beetwen the FSUIPC and FMGS because everything else works.
can the problem come from WideFS??
i really finished all my ideas.....