View Full Version : Three monitor setup and centerline?

08-25-2012, 12:10 AM
On a three monitor setup using nVidia surround for the FSX visuals, do I align the center monitor with the captain's yoke or down the middle of the cockpit with the throttle console?

08-25-2012, 12:15 AM
Ideally you would line up the centre screen in front of the pilot.

08-25-2012, 06:50 AM
Ok, thanks!

08-25-2012, 09:24 PM
The middle screen will always be the pilots centre of view. If you were to line up a runway in the left screen and attempted to fly to it you would fly past it on the right side? Hope that makes sense. In out sim we lined up the middle screen with the middle of the cockpit and almost everyone take a few minutes to adjust to the view being offset somewhat.

08-28-2012, 03:25 PM
Forgive me if this is a dumb statement, but if you align the centre screen with the captains position, then wont the left screen be a side view and the right screen the first officer front view? In which case you are missing right side view right?

I ask as i am debating whether to use 2 or 3 screens for the front view. I want to expand to side views in the future when funds allow...

Joe Lavery
08-28-2012, 07:23 PM
If you use three monitors, there are two options, either spread the forward view across all three, or have the center forward, then left and right accordingly.
I use an ATI radeon with eyefinity, this allows me to make the forward view using three monitors However it doesn't stretch the view it simply assumes the monitor is a very wide one. So the resolution is 4098 x 1024, which gives a good field of view forward.
Regarding the alignment, I set the center of the view to the center of the cockpit, as the guys have said it takes a little time to get used to, but if you move the viewpoint to the captains side, it throws the 1st officers view off. If you fly alone this doesn't really matter because no ones sitting there ;).

Just my take on the subject..


08-29-2012, 05:05 AM
Ok, so it seems the "proper" way to do this is by placing the center monitor centered with the centerline of the flightdeck, which is basically down the middle of the throttle console. Then, adjust the view angle so that the view is aligned with the captain side. Since I am building a half cockpit (captain only), this makes more sense in my case. This also ensures your setup looks symmetrical and you get a proper front view. Like one person said, I can see how centering the center monitor on the captain seat, is like shifting the view to the left and you lose vision to the right (the right monitor becomes FO's front view).

08-29-2012, 07:59 AM
I am using 3 42" LCD TV's using Eyefinity as my visuals. I have placed the tv's with the centre one in line with the centre of the pit.
I dont notice any huge effect on the alignment when sat in the captains seat, maybe my brain is wired all wrong or maybe it is because they are quite large the effect is not so noticable.

Joe Lavery
08-29-2012, 03:28 PM
I am using 3 42" LCD TV's using Eyefinity as my visuals. I have placed the tv's with the centre one in line with the centre of the pit.
I dont notice any huge effect on the alignment when sat in the captains seat, maybe my brain is wired all wrong or maybe it is because they are quite large the effect is not so noticable.

Hi Allan, a fellow Welshman I see :D
How have you arranged the views? Do you use the center monitor for the forward view, and two side or quarter views, or do you spread the forward view over the three monitors like I have?


08-29-2012, 07:00 PM
I spread the forward view over the three tv's.