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05-02-2013, 05:57 AM
Hi JL,

I have 3 questions:

#1 what defines the target pitch att. during GRD-FLT transition when rotating? When above 8deg. it switches to FLT..ok. but with what target, is there any target pitch? Is the target the pitch to maintain SRS? But I assume that SRS should only define the FD bars to keep the set speed but not really influencing the pitch att. when in manual flight... the transition is way better now but it still gently pitches up without stick-input during rotation.

#2 I have a little request: Could you please add one output which shows if the AC is electrically powered or not. With that additional output we could control stuff like backlighting, floodlights etc. So if you turn off the AC the cockpit goes really dark as well.

#3 I still struggle with the brightness for PFD and ND. Could you please explain what is an "OFF-Zone" in the configurator? Does that value needs to be bigger than the Off-value itself? I think I know what you mean but I can do what I want... I think meanwhile I tried everything --> I can change the brightness of both but they both dont go completely OFF. Only pretty dark still seeing the contours of the ND and PFD. Any Idea?

Thanks & regards,

05-02-2013, 06:59 AM

@Leonidas: do you use FDS hardware? if so just update again, I hope it will solve your error.
Regarding Spoilers, if you also use FDS hard with them, go to IIT_Creator, and change the assignation to spoiler ARM/DISARM function.
EPR mode:NO, this one comes up every few months. These are remainings of a very old version where I had EPR displays, but I will not do an EPR version in the near(quite long) future.

#1 the transition is a mix between direct stick to elevator and g factor hold. Depending on the trim, the pitch can change during the 5 seconds after reaching pitch above 8°.
SRS will try to make you keep V2+10 knots.

#2 this already exists: offset $7394 bit N°0

#3 OFF zone is the width of the potentiometer zone around the physicla OFF position. Just like neutral zone for pitch/roll axis. It should be non-0 and small (about 1% of the total potentiometer course).


05-02-2013, 11:45 AM
do you use FDS hardware? if so just update again, I hope it will solve your error.
Regarding Spoilers, if you also use FDS hard with them, go to IIT_Creator, and change the assignation to spoiler ARM/DISARM function.

FDS error: Solved!
Spoilers disarm error: Solved!


05-02-2013, 02:21 PM
Hi JL,

I downloaded latest update today, and it looks like I am having a flaps problem now. I am not using any key strokes or buttons for flaps, but one axis of my Saitek throttle quadrant, defined in the JL server configuration tool. I redefined it once more, but I cannot extend the flaps any more. Hydraulics are green. The EWD displays the requested position (e.g. 2) in blue, but nothing happens:

Problem with flaps | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/d-aize/8697611259/in/photostream)


Hi JL,

I Have the same Flap problem with b29.1,



05-03-2013, 07:09 PM

Stefan and Daniele, are you using FS9?


05-04-2013, 04:16 AM
Hi JL,

Yes , Use fs9 with service pack 9.1


05-04-2013, 11:12 AM
Hi JL,

Yes , Use fs9 with service pack 9.1


The same for me.


05-04-2013, 05:41 PM

The bugs with flaps axis in FS9 should be corrected by latest auto update.


05-05-2013, 05:29 AM

The bugs with flaps axis in FS9 should be corrected by latest auto update.


Hi JL,

thanks for the update. I can confirm that the bug is fixed for me.


05-05-2013, 10:53 AM
I have problems with the displays. I run they on an old Dell-PC with an ATI Radeon X300 SE. I can't start they.
Is that a problem with the graphiccard or can you fix it?

Regards Guido

05-05-2013, 01:40 PM
HI JL, great work and excellent support. One question: Does the Bat 1 and Bat 2 display decrease when no apu is started? My displays show always 28.0 volts, even when no apu and no engines are running. Best regard Stefan

05-06-2013, 12:18 AM
Hi JL;

FSUIPC version 9 . Do you foresee any problems with the new release will it be compatible?



05-06-2013, 03:23 PM
I can confirm the voltage issue Stefan mentioned. With the new version the battery does not discharge anymore.
In addition the Galley Switch and the Ditching Switch on OVHD does not work with SIOC, but only via FSUIPC offsets.


05-07-2013, 02:35 PM
Hello JL,

flight mode/FD bug: I just noticed a little bug when in manual decent following the FD... my decent was too steep --> overspeed warning and FD turned off. When you want to reengage the FD you will have no FD bars on PFD. You need to reselect managed NAV and managed ALT to see the FD bars again.

Plus sometimes there are still some occilations in pitch and yaw when in manual flight. Not big but visible.

Best regards,

05-07-2013, 03:13 PM
Hi Jeehell!
Thank you for this great software!
The error of Christian I can confirm
I have also the problem that the batteries are not discharged when the APU does not start and no power Ext.
Also do not work: Ditching, galley, crew supply switch.
Best regards

05-07-2013, 03:48 PM
Hi JL!
Regarding to my post before (#513) and the post from Karl, I tested all buttons and LEDs of my OVHD connected via SIOC.
For testing I enabled logging on the HardwareConnect Module.
Following Switches are not working:
- The Galley Switch shows: SIOCmodule:SW=4 DIR=2 (I guess it should be DIR=1 like all others)
- The Ditching switch is working, LED status goes ON but never back to OFF when pushing again
- The CrewSupply Switch shows: SIOCmodule:SW=463 DIR=3 (I guess it should be DIR=1 like all others)
- when pushing on OVHD Software the LED status shows: SIOCmodule:LED=148 State 1 (but the var CREWSUPPLYLed is not changed)
One tricky problem still exists when switching on the batteries (or off and then back on):
- Before switching on BAT1 or BAT2 all LEDs are dark, thats correct
- When pressing BAT1 or BAT2 your SIOC Client should send an status update of all LEDs and displays to the SIOC server. That does not happen most of the time, I checked it on the logging screen of the HardwareConnectModule.
Only when I do a reload of SIOC server, which causes an "Initialization Request" to all clients, the LEDs and the displays will be updated.
I hope this description is detailed enough.
If you need more support in testing or providing loggings please let me know.


05-13-2013, 02:46 PM
Hello JL,

I made a test flight with your great software, and have found little bugs. Look my video, and you see what I mean.After Takeoff LVL is not displayed. The Aircraft climbs very strong if I change the FL. Gen2 shows wrong. Engine two displayed incorrect, and the Aircraft is not stably on the ILS.


best regards


05-13-2013, 03:26 PM
Hello JL,

I made a test flight with your great software, and have found little bugs. Look my video, and you see what I mean.After Takeoff LVL is not displayed. The Aircraft climbs very strong if I change the FL. Gen2 shows wrong. Engine two displayed incorrect, and the Aircraft is not stably on the ILS.


best regards



i confirm the strong climb


05-13-2013, 07:03 PM
Hi all

Sorry it seems my interent provider has issues with Mycockpit website. I have to use a proxy to get here and only noticed that tonight, thats why you didn't hear from me the past days.

@Beret: your computer seems to be very old, and might not support my software. Try to update to the latest video drivers available. if that does not fix your issue, there is nt much I can do...

@Miatanet:yes the batteries readings should decrease over time if no power source is connected to the acft.I'll look at it

@Startrail:there should be no issue with latest FSUIPC release.

@Christian/Karl: I'll look at those switches.

@Rob: AP/FBW is still current work in progress.

@Micha: ok will look at those bugs

Hope I did not forget anyone....


05-20-2013, 07:56 AM
Hi JL,

First, thanks for the great tool. I followed up the FMGS since version 12, but now it's the first time takeing part in a forum at all. :razz:

I have build an HW engine start panel and drive your overhead panel via fsuipc offsets. It works very well. Now I have additionally build the automatic RTO brake panel. Unfortunetelly the FMGS does not read or write the offset 78ED 29-32 given in your manual. I tried to change the status via fsinterrogate and viceversa in your overhead panel, but noting happens. Is that a known bug, not jet programmed or a compatibility problem on my side? (System next post)

Maybe you can test the offsets on your system.

Thanks and Regards

05-20-2013, 10:52 AM
Hi to all

Additionally, as I'm new here and to share my experience:

My system is more a A320/340 - Cessna hybrid than a specific type.

A320FMGS B29 (last update), fsuipc 4.827

1 Pentium4 Laptop with W2k and A320FMGS-CMCDU, 1 external OC-MCDU, IOCKeysDriver,
1 Pentium4 Laptop with W2k and A320FMGS-CPFD and -CND (as the ND is too slow, I get it via tightVNC Client from the MainPC as workaround, the rate is faster),
1 Pentium4 Laptop with W2k and A320FMGS-SD,-EWD,-STBY and -FND,
1 PC CoreQuad Q8300 with w7/32Bit with A320FMGS-OVHD on two touch monitors, GForce GT620,
1 MainPC i7-3930k with w7/64Bit with A320FMGS-Server,-FPFD,-CND (transfered via tightVNC Server), FSX on three touch monitors, GForce GT220 and GT520
with the following USB HW connected:
1 FCU from CPflight, 7 Goflight modules, 1 selfmade (sm) tiller, 2 Logitech Attack3 sidestick, 1 sm speedbrake, 1 sm flaphandle, 1 sm parkbrake,
1 modified thrustmaster pedals, 2 modified saitek thrust quadrants,
1 fscockpit ECAM panel and 1 fscockpit RMP with drivers, 1 OC-ATC/TCAS panel, 1 OC-USBOutputCard with SIOC 4.01 driving selfmade Ruddertrim display,
GFdisplay driving lights of Goflight modules and selfmade EngineStart and RTO-Autobrake panels,
Outer views:
7 Pentium4 Laptop with W2k, FS2004 (better framerates), Wideview
additional Support:
1 Pentium4 Laptop with WinVista, moving maps, WOL-SW to start all computers remotely.
2 wireless Keyboards and 3 manual USB-Switch to share the keyboards with all the laptops.
1 Wired keyboard for emergency if nothing goes on anymore with wireless ;-)

The system was grown over years with old laptops which had their best days before and were out of service.
Generally, communication between all HW and SW works quite well, but the CND runs fluently only with the workaround.
Startup and properly shutdown with all the computers takes some time.
The advantage of the number of PCs, each of them does not have to calculate too much.
Today I would take only 2 Fast PCs due to the complexity.

A320FMGS B29 is very valuable to connect all the necessary systems, thanks to JL!

Regards Rémy

05-20-2013, 11:50 AM
Hi Rémy,

Welcome onboard.

Regarding your initial post on the auto brake buttons: the offset should work, I will check that anyway when I have some time.
However, please note the three buttons will only have an effect when the brake is working correctly, that implies having hydraulic power on G and Y systems and also turning ON the A/SKID toggle switch (located just next to the A/BRK switches on the real acft).


05-21-2013, 03:52 AM
Thanks for the answer. To be more precise, all systems are on, engines running and auto brake (ab) is working fine e.g. ab is max showing blue light and RTO corresponds to that. But if I change the offset state in fsuipc to ab low, your panel remains on ab max. Also if I change on your panel to e.g. ab med, the state of FSUIPC offset 78ED does not change.

Maybe I use the 4 states of offset wrongly. As I understand 78ED can have the parameters 29,30,31 or 32 (or the corresponding HEX) and a change within your panel should change the parameter, does it?

Regards Rémy

Edit 26.05.13:
Thanks JL for your hints. Finally the use of the offsets was correct and they work, I did not start the hardware connect automatically on the Test PC. I did not realized, that it is also important for the connection, and that it is not enough only to have the fsuipc connection.
Now it works fine and I can drive the A/BRK from the external device.:razz:
Regards Rémy

05-21-2013, 05:38 AM
Hi Rémy,

The offset 78ED is only used for the switch input. To read the actual LED state, for the autobrake you need to use offsets 7393 and 7394.

The general principle:
-Each time you push (to switch it either ON or OFF, it is a momentary switch) an A/BRK button, you put the value of that button in offset 78ED.
- If an A/BRK level is ON, it will be indicated by one of the bits of offset 7393 or 7394.
- The decel light is triggered on one bit only (7393 bit N°5), it's up to you to assign it to the correct button (the one which is ON).


05-23-2013, 03:02 AM
Hi all,
since I have rebuild my systems from scratch, I have the a.floor problem directly after the start on the runway when pushing the thrust lervers to the maximum position. No weather engines running. All systems working fine. Does somebody have clue? Could it be something with joystick configuration?


05-23-2013, 01:27 PM

I would need more information on the conditions it is happening. A.FLOOR can only be triggered when airborne normally?


05-25-2013, 05:52 AM
Hi JL,

In the latest version of fmgs I found some bugs in SD Display and PFD display.
- In SD. When I turn off the autopilot status page indicates AP Fail. It is not correct right? because it is not a fault.
- In the PFD. I have problems to get the correct display for the autoland, I always an indication of CAT 1, even if all systems are active. my problem? Using FS2004, and in approaching airports assisted in CAT3 I CAT I always see 1. But the category is not decided by the instrumentation A320?
Hope that help, or if it depends on one of my settings wrong.

Thank you very much


05-25-2013, 10:31 AM
Hello Daniele,

- If you disconnect the AP using the AP button on the FCU, then it is considered as a failure, because it is not the normal way to disconnect the AP/FBW. You need to disconnect AP using the AP T/O button on the side stick.
- Do you have an ovhd on a remote computer? if so it should be corrected in next version.


05-25-2013, 11:32 AM
Hi JL,

Yes I have 2 pc, 1 for fs9-ect,etc. 1 for OVH-SD-EWD-And CPT panel.
Tanks, set the AP on the Joy ( Over-Take Button , yes?).
For the CAT problem , start the OVHD Mudule on FS-PC, Correct?

Many tanks for all.


05-25-2013, 11:47 AM
For the AP takeover, the best solution is to go in FMGS Config then Joystick buttons. Then select AP TO in the list.
For the CAT issue, I will probably release a new version very soon with the fix. Otherwise you can indeed run the OVHD on the FS PC.


05-25-2013, 12:15 PM
I will probably release a new version very soon with the fix.

Hi JL,

again a tiny one... Autoland korrys are not part of light test. Maybe you want to add that. Looking forward for the new version :)


05-27-2013, 03:42 AM
I have a few minor problems (but maybe I'm wrong something: P): I was not able to start the engines! : D

I have a Saitek Throttle and I have configured his buttons to try to start the engines: 1 button on "ENGMASTER1," 1 to "ENGMASTER2," 1 to "SEL Normal" and 1 to "SEL Ignition".

Well, when I press SEL IGNITION I have to hold otherwise returns to NORMAL, why? The same problem I have with the keys ENGMASTER .. if you release the button, the engines return to OFF.

It would be more correct to have two buttons: one for ENGMASTER ON and another for OFF MASTER ENG, do you agree?

Another thing: I have one of the saitek switch panel that is not detected by the software (I would use it to configure some key overhead and landing gear) ... you can use it in any way?

All for now, hoping to try out the software in flight :)


05-27-2013, 05:22 AM

The joystick buttons features I added are meant particularly for those who use bodnar's cards, where inputs are joystick buttons. They wire the inputs to physical switches, and so as long as the switch is held in the correct position, the input is kept ON.

Some of the actions have a "toggle mode", it is the case for the engine masters if I remember correctly (and also for almost all 2 positions toggle switches). So using "toggle mode" first press puts on ON second press on OFF then third press ON etc...

Regarding the SAITEK Switch panel, I do not know how this one works. Is it considered in FS as a usual joystick peripheral, or are there any tweaks?


05-27-2013, 05:38 AM

The joystick buttons features I added are meant particularly for those who use bodnar's cards, where inputs are joystick buttons. They wire the inputs to physical switches, and so as long as the switch is held in the correct position, the input is kept ON.

Some of the actions have a "toggle mode", it is the case for the engine masters if I remember correctly (and also for almost all 2 positions toggle switches). So using "toggle mode" first press puts on ON second press on OFF then third press ON etc...

Hi JL, ok i will look for "toggle mode" and i will try to start engine holding "Ingnition" and press the Engine start button ;)

Regarding the SAITEK Switch panel, I do not know how this one works. Is it considered in FS as a usual joystick peripheral, or are there any tweaks?


in fact the switch panel is not recognized as a joystick, not even by the simulator.
saitek releases a driver that connects with FSUIPC, I will try to find a way to detect it as a joystick. maybe I can ask saitek ..


05-27-2013, 05:53 AM
Hi JL and all,
regarding Saitek Swith Panel, i found the SPAD drivers for Saitek Panels...
This evening (italian time) i will try it ;)

Download - Tools for Flight Simulator - Home of the SPAD (http://fstools.weebly.com/download.html)

05-27-2013, 01:41 PM
Hi JL, ok i will look for "toggle mode" and i will try to start engine holding "Ingnition" and press the Engine start button ;)

Hi JL, ENG1MASTER don't have TOGGLE option :(

05-27-2013, 02:01 PM
Ok I will add that in next version...


05-27-2013, 03:02 PM
Good evening,
I decided to put a third PC into my network with FMGS client software (downloaded from page 42). When updater is run I receive "login incorrect". Firewall is disabled, but has never been a problem anyway. I tried the search function on this forum, but couldn´t find anything (so I hope this hasn´t been dealt with before, if so, a line with the link would do and my excuse).
Greetings Toulouse

05-27-2013, 03:10 PM

I would need more information on the conditions it is happening. A.FLOOR can only be triggered when airborne normally?


Hi JL,
I am not airborne. From the stand it ends in an looping, looks cool.... All is working fine untill I start moving the thrust levers to the maximum position, checked it already without REX and it does the same. taxiing works fine. Ecam says all green. I will check tomorrow again and will take a movie. Sorry for the late responds, I was away a few days .


05-27-2013, 05:52 PM

@Toulouse: please try using this version of updater.exe:
http://www.jeehell.org/updater.exe (I changed the server on which I store updates, and haven't change the updater contained in the installer, so not your fault ;-) ).

@Stefan: I'll wait for your movie, I cannot reproduce your issue.


05-28-2013, 03:48 AM
Hello JL, last night I made ​​a small flight to test my HC.
I was able to start the engines using the "inverse" of the ENGMASTER (waiting for the toggle mode).

Your suite seems to work really well;)

I noticed, however, these small problems:

1. There is always the word "ILS APP" on the ND , but it should be displayed only with the APPR PHASE active
2. I can not save the position of PFD even though I have selected Lock Position
3. standby instrument ISIS is always active, even if I close it. Also I can not set "show minimized" window on the standby
4. If I active the landing lights, by pressing "L" on the keyboard, this will turn off after a few seconds.
5. The Saitek Switch Panel is not detected by the software with the SPAD drivers (maybe it needs an additional module?).

All for now, on Wednesday I will make a new flight (this time on ivao) and another test.


05-28-2013, 05:29 AM
Hi Antonio,

1. Weird, it should have been corrected. Try to update using http://www.jeehell.org/Updater.exe (put it inside FMGS root folder to overwrite the old one).
2. You did do a right click -> Save as Normal position?
3. Can you explain this one I'm affraid I did not g et it
4. The lights can only be set through my software (eventually with hardware) but the normal FS shortcuts are not usable.
5. I do not know how SPAD works... I will try to have a look, but I cannot make any promise on that...


05-28-2013, 05:32 AM

@Toulouse: please try using this version of updater.exe:
http://www.jeehell.org/updater.exe (I changed the server on which I store updates, and haven't change the updater contained in the installer, so not your fault ;-) ).


could you please recheck the link. The file cannot be found on ther server.
Thank´s for your trouble....

05-28-2013, 05:41 AM
The correct link has an uppercase letter, sorry:

05-28-2013, 06:08 AM

1. Weird, it should have been corrected. Try to update using http://www.jeehell.org/Updater.exe (put it inside FMGS root folder to overwrite the old one).

Ok , i will update it this evening, thanks

Hi Antonio,
2. You did do a right click -> Save as Normal position?

Yes i did it but nothing change .... :(

Hi Antonio,
3. Can you explain this one I'm affraid I did not g et it

From the Stby panel i opened ISIS and i put it in a position on the monitor, but i decide to don't use it... but anytime i start your software, ISIS was always displayed (and i have to close it).

Hi Antonio,
4. The lights can only be set through my software (eventually with hardware) but the normal FS shortcuts are not usable.
5. I do not know how SPAD works... I will try to have a look, but I cannot make any promise on that...

OK , Can i use FSUIPC macro/offset together your suite?


05-28-2013, 10:49 AM
You can use FSUIPC of course, just refer to my user guide to check the offsets to use.


05-28-2013, 11:01 AM
You can use FSUIPC of course, just refer to my user guide to check the offsets to use.


Ok , i'll try

05-28-2013, 04:31 PM
Hi JL, somehow it worked today, no a.floor came up and I finished a start and landing on LSZH :-). What I did was loading the FSX A320 and then the FMGS A320 (--> Thank you Stefan for the tip :-) ). Again great job JL !!! Cheers Stefan

05-28-2013, 05:18 PM

The latest version is available. The automatic update is available, and a full package is online here:

I added Alternate (with and without reduced protections) and direct laws, as well as a few Faults messages on the EWD regarding the ELAC/SEC/FAC/Fuel pumps.
I also corrected a few bugs.

Best regards,

05-28-2013, 06:53 PM
Hello JL,

thanks. One important issue which prevents me to fully test the new version... after takeoff the T.O. INHIBIT remains on for the entire flight. So I cant "play" with the faults. But after a quick round I like the new thrust controller and the TCAS :)Need more time though for testing... what else did you change as you did not attach the new readme for b30 as usually... ;)

And a general question: In Overspeed you cant turn off the bell when pushing MW korry? Is that correct? And now in b30 you miss the BRK FAN/HOT korry in the light test but you added the autoland :)

I wont have a chance to test until weekend. So I will feedback later on. However, thanks alot and best regards to you!

05-28-2013, 07:24 PM

I did not change much apart from what I stated in my previous post. Mainly internal things (bugs and stuff like that).
I will try to have a look at this TO inhibit thing, this is strange.

The overspeed warning cannot be silenced, as in the real acft.

I'll add the BRKFAN to the lights test list. if you find other lights which are not lit up...


05-29-2013, 03:12 AM
Great news, i will update this evening.

Yesterday i tried to update but i've "already up to date" . I noticed the "ILS APP" message was still always displayed.


05-29-2013, 04:30 AM

I will try to have a look at this TO inhibit thing, this is strange.

Can anybody please confirm my issue that TO INHIBIT remains on for the entire flight? Or please drop a line if you do not have the issue.

@JL, here are some thing in general not related with new B30:

- WPTs mode on EFIS still shows WPTs with reference of AC position, so when in PLAN mode you might not see any WPTs when further away from AC.
- The estimated arrvial time to next WPT displayed on ND is incorrect and not updated correctly
- when entering a flight plan the times given in the MCDU are very nervous/changing the values at the beginning...up to the point you remove the last disCon.
- the position for TOC, TOD, DECEL etc. are not updated on ND when i.e. entering a direct and changing the FLTPLN
- Batteries should discharge
- APU should burn fuel

regarding b30: I tried an autoland. It did not crash but it did not touch down symetrically with both MLGs. Looked strange. Coincidence or did you touch the flare mode? And the 2 APs did not disconnect automatically after landing. Or is that due to my bug with T.O. inhibit which I had twice last night?

and an idea for two tools:

1. You use the GS/LOC data from X-plane. As you know this sometimes does not really match the position in FSX/FS9 very precise. I know some airports where the aircraft does not land any near to the centerline or you see an offset of the PAPI lights during approach. i guess you know the issue...
So is it possible to create a simple tool where you can select the data of a runway/airport and slightly shift the the GS/LOC data to match it with the scenery? So i.e. you can enter a lateral shift of 50 meters left and 20 meters down the runway for the GS?? What do you think? Then the ILS really brings you down correctly.

2. Do you plan a sort of instructor station where you can load an aircraft state or a position relative to an airport for doing a quick approach... stuff like that?


05-29-2013, 04:37 AM
Hi Robert,

Can anybody please confirm my issue that TO INHIBIT remains on for the entire flight? Or please drop a line if you do not have the issue.

In my 2 flights i didn't have this problem (last version of B29).

regarding b30: I tried an autoland. It did not crash but it did not touch down symetrically with both MLGs. Looked strange. Coincidence or did you touch the flare mode? And the 2 APs did not disconnect automatically after landing. Or is that due to my bug with T.O. inhibit which I had twice last night?

I tried an autoland on the rwy 34L at FCO and aircraft land very well.
In wich airport did you test it ? (so i can test the same condition)

2. Do you plan a sort of instructor station where you can load an aircraft state or a position relative to an airport for doing a quick approach... stuff like that?

This is a good idea!
But i think solve bug is the priority now :)

05-29-2013, 04:47 AM
ah... I forgot one thing in my previous post. Regarding the light test: How about including the FCU/EFIS in the light test. So you read the eights on every display and all lights are on? As far as I know thats the real deal.

05-29-2013, 05:52 AM
@ asessa: Thanks for your feedback. I did not have the TO inhibit thing in B29... but after install of B30. So I refere to B30 not B29.
Regarding autoland -> weird. In my case the ACFT always crashed during landing in B29. Last night I gave it a try with B30 and it did not crash but it looked abit strange. Thanks anyways.

05-29-2013, 06:05 AM
Ah ok, i will update to B30 this evening so tomorow i will report you ;)
Regardings autoland : did you set all in APPR PHASE page in mcdu ?

05-29-2013, 08:02 AM

@Antonio: the ILS APP message is displayed as long as an ILS approach is entered in the FPLN, whether you actually are in APP phase or not.

Yes most of these little bugs are already on my list of things to correct.
Regarding the tool to update the database: this is an interesting idea, but I need to think about it to make it right.
As for the instructor station, I already thought about it of course. But I'm not rushing things in that direction, because having a fully functionnal instructor station means people would use my software in a professional environment and I do not want that to happen.

The autoland issue is weird. Did you have any X-wind? as for AP not disconnecting, I suspect it is linked to the TO inhibit. The FMGS did not transition from TO to CLB mode it seems. It could be a bug. How did you perform your takeoff? FDs on and SRS and RWY TRK green on the FMA?

The FCU should be in the test mode sequence. What hardware do you use for the FCU?


05-29-2013, 08:55 AM

@Antonio: the ILS APP message is displayed as long as an ILS approach is entered in the FPLN, whether you actually are in APP phase or not.


JL, i think this is not correct.
I'm not very sure but ILS APP message could be showed only when APPR PHASE is active and an ILS approach was choose.

05-29-2013, 11:32 AM
I searched for that a lot in different manuals, and I'm 99% sure this is not related to FMGS phase but only FPLN entry.

05-29-2013, 11:43 AM
I searched for that a lot in different manuals, and I'm 99% sure this is not related to FMGS phase but only FPLN entry.

Ok, in any case, i asked this to my friend, a real A33x captain, and i'm waiting for his response ;)


05-29-2013, 02:10 PM
Ok this is the response :D the message appears at 250 migila from landing, when you entered an ILS procedure in the FMS, distance taken from the last line of the page FLT PLN l

05-29-2013, 03:20 PM
Hi JL,

how do I open the doors and cargo doors? When using the FSX keys the DOOR/OXY Display does not show the Status open.


05-29-2013, 03:23 PM

@Antonio: I will add that

@Stefan: the door page does not show the FS door status unfortunately...


05-29-2013, 03:39 PM

@Antonio: I will add that


Yes, and i tested a small flight yesterday so the distance was smaller than 250nm


05-29-2013, 03:39 PM

i have update to B30.
But i have on the client and main on the SD and the EWD not the same.
I hope you know what i mean. I make tomorrow some pics.

Regards Beret

05-29-2013, 05:24 PM
Hi Beret,
Sorry I do not understand what you mean here? ill' wait for the pics...


05-29-2013, 06:04 PM
hi jl,
my name is filippo from rome, italy.
i'm not in the "airbus family" ...not yet at least :-)
i actually own a 737 ng dual seat trainer built by myself and running smoothly.
i was just evaluating a possible switching in the future to the 320.
your piece of software looks promising and the airbus community should thank u for the years coming!
i just made a quick install of your suite today just to give it a quick try...of course i have no airbus hardware connected.
my setup uses 2 pcs: server pc where fs (p3d) runs as long as fmgs server+ap/fbw+fcu+overhead+mcdu and 1 client pc where i tried to run cpt pfd&nd+fo pfd&nd+ewd+sd....
having troubles on client pc since fo pfd doesn't start even if selected in the starter.ini....fo nd keeps being black...and the cpt pfd reacts VERY slowly with big lags and delays.
may all this depend on too many displays on 1 pc?
hope not to have posted in the wrong section. :-)
all the best

05-29-2013, 06:27 PM
Thanks for the new update! :) Tried it out tonight so here are some feedback. (Mostly minor things)

Can anybody please confirm my issue that TO INHIBIT remains on for the entire flight? Or please drop a line if you do not have the issue.

1. I can confirm this for B30 at our setup. The TO INHIBIT remains on after 1st T/O and never goes out.

2. Also during T/O only SRS was active on the FMA, no RWY.

The following were apparent also in earlier versions.

3. After a light test the FDS FCU goes black, until you press reset in hardware connect.

4. The FDS radios are reversed, the inner (big) knob is decimals and outer (small) the first digits.

5. Quite often on SIDs the ND draws the route as if we were flying in the opposite direction (with a 180 degree turn), but still flies the correct route (direct). Also the magenta "speed restriction" dot and TOC still remains on the actual route (not on the green line). Sometimes also a 360 loop over waypoints.

6. Two times (at least once when loading a CORTE) the whole route on the ND was in cyan. (As for the missed approach procedure)

7. With B30 I still only gets CAT I with dual APs. (Ovhd on client computer).

8. In B29 I noticed that if the ND was in plan mode as you entered a STAR the ND crashed almost every time as you where in the TMPY FPLN mode.

Overall the suite works very well :D. This weekend we flew several longer legs in one session without any problem at all with B29.


05-29-2013, 06:28 PM
Hello Filippo,

What are the specs of your client PC? NDs are very CPU intensive, so it is possible that they eat up all your CPU. For such a setup (with all displays on 1 computer) I think a quad core is necessary, or at least a very good dual core.
Also, up to date video drivers may do some good.

Best regards,

05-29-2013, 06:31 PM
Hello Marcus,

I will look at all these bugs for next main release (except the TO inhibit one which will be patched soon I hope).


05-29-2013, 07:00 PM
TO inhibit should be corrected with latest automatic update.


05-30-2013, 01:57 AM
Hi Beret,
Sorry I do not understand what you mean here? ill' wait for the pics...



I try it again. Yesterday was it realy late.
On the Client-PC i have on the SD some messages of faults. If i run the SD on the Server-PC i have no messages.
Also i cant armed the Spoilers on the Client. It change something in the EWD. I think IDLE an A-Floow and it gives some numbers on the right Side of the EWD.
When i at home i make some pics of his.

Regards Beret

05-30-2013, 01:58 AM
hi jl,
thanks for your answer: the client pc has a intel core2 duo E8500 cpu 3.16 ghz....it is actually driving all the displays of the 737 both cpt& fo plus both eicas....of course comparison can't be made.
i was just wondering if i was going in the right direction or if all displays on 1 pc couldn't be setup for some technical reason.
i'll made a test today only with cpt side
thanks again

05-30-2013, 02:59 AM
But after a quick round I like the new thrust controller and the TCAS :)


what is new about the TCAS?

I have just updated to B30 and thought it might be a fix around the display of the traffic in ND. But it looks as if I still have all A/C showing up with heights of +209, +172, +279, +349 etc.

Is it possible to fix this or is it a feature :-) In previous versions (<29 I think) I did not have this problem.


05-30-2013, 05:24 AM

@Beret: I need to know the messages you get. Waiting for your pics when you have time.

@Filippo: to see if the problem comes from your CPU, run the task manager and see how many % of CPU usage the various software take. My software is probably much more demanding than most other external software. But drawing an accurate ND is really not an easy task...

@Stefan: I did only change the TA/RA threshold computation, nothing else. Do you use FS9 or FSX? also, ND on a remote computer or local computer?


05-30-2013, 06:06 AM

@Stefan: I did only change the TA/RA threshold computation, nothing else. Do you use FS9 or FSX? also, ND on a remote computer or local computer?


I am using FS9, ND is on remote computer.


05-30-2013, 09:07 AM
@Beret: I need to know the messages you get. Waiting for your pics when you have time.


So, i have the Pics

First at Start up EXT Power On the Server and the Client
7928 7930

And with Armed Spoiler


I hope it helps you

Regards Beret

05-30-2013, 10:03 AM
Ok thanks I understand now your issue. I will look at it . DO you also run the OVHD on a remote computer? or is it on the FS computer?


05-30-2013, 10:13 AM

The OVHD run on the FS computer.

Regards Beret

05-30-2013, 12:03 PM
hi again JL,just made the test and also running only cpt pfd, cpt nd, ewd and sd the pfd keeps having lags and stutters...pretty impossible to fly.
of course the issue is on my side...unfortunately i couldn't open task manager to check the cpu load...anyway i suppose my pc should be able to run smoothly cpt side + ewd + sd...what u think?
the OS of this remote computer is a stone age old win XP....32 bit...never gave me problem so i've been lazy and never upgraded that one to win7 64.
i spent time optimizing FS pc :-)
do u think the OS could create the issue?
thanks a lot

05-30-2013, 05:30 PM
Hi JL, in this time i'm in flight, after 10 mins to takeoff i still have TO INIBHIT and the A.FLOOR when climb :(

05-31-2013, 01:46 AM

@Antonio: I will add that

@Stefan: the door page does not show the FS door status unfortunately...


Hi JL,
so it does not show it at all, or do I have to configure the door status somewhere?


05-31-2013, 01:58 AM
TO inhibit should be corrected with latest automatic update.



I made a test flight yesterday with all available updates:

1. I am also having the T.O INHIBIT problem.

2. The 3 green on A/B Panel remain on after gear up. I am using Skalarki hardware. This used to work in B29.

3. I also noticed that the autothrust has become a bit nervous again on CRZ LVL. The N1 is going up and down always between 80 and 83%.

4. TCAS is giving me lots of warnings now, even when traffic is more than 8000 feet above or below. Is that like in real life?


05-31-2013, 02:06 AM
hi again JL,
i re-read the manual about installation instructions to be sure i did everything in the correct way...could u pls confirm my setup is correct?

FS PC (server): fmgs server, ap/fbw, hardware connect, fsx connect, fsuipc connect (maybe this is not needed? read somewhere u use simconnect now), ovhd, fcu, mcdu...of course i'm talking about only your software modules, i've no hardware at this stage (only a joy and a throttle to make the tests)

REMOTE PC: pfd, nd, ewd, sd. (am i missing something here? ...i did NOT install fmgs server here)

i'm pretty sure i did something wrong somewhere in the installation and missing something.

05-31-2013, 03:51 AM
Hi guys, hi JL, this is a report of my flight :

1. After takeoff the "T.O. INHIBIT" message remain till to land.
2. If i program at start an ILS approach, the "ILS APP" message was displayed from the takeoff (but it should be display only 250nm before land)
3. During climb i have many "A.FLOOR" message and the speed decrease. I had to stop climb at 290 (i programmed 330).
Can this situation be influenced by weather engine? (i use REX 2.0)
4. During approach when i disengaged AP the nose went up
5. Dus dimmers of CockpitSonic Ecam panel doesn't work (i report also in relative topic)

I updated B30 to last version yesterday before fly.


05-31-2013, 04:48 AM
hi antonio...we catch each other here as well as on Volovirtuale forum :-)
i don't want to answer for JL of course...but as a standard rule when testing autopilot auto throttle behaviour the best is to check them with no weather engine at the beginning...just to be sure everything is working properly with no wind/turbulence interfering...
just my 2 cents

05-31-2013, 04:54 AM
hi antonio...we catch each other here as well as on Volovirtuale forum :-)
i don't want to answer for JL of course...but as a standard rule when testing autopilot auto throttle behaviour the best is to check them with no weather engine at the beginning...just to be sure everything is working properly with no wind/turbulence interfering...
just my 2 cents

Hi Filippo, yes i know it.
I have only reported to JL about my last flight.


05-31-2013, 07:47 AM
Hi all,

there was an issue with previous auto update. Please try again...

I will be away for the weekend, I'll look at the other issues when I'm back.

Best regards,

05-31-2013, 07:54 AM
Thank you JL and have a good vacation

05-31-2013, 10:03 AM
hi jl,
just for info (take a good rest in the weekend) i made another test today and the remote pc has a 90-95% cpu load!!!! just pfd, nd, ewd and sd...something must be wrong on that side in my installation...don't this those 4 displays take so many resources...don't u think so???
even if the comparison can't be made my actual 737 setup with all 6 displays (cpt+fo) side has a cpu load of 5-7%!!!!
what could i have installed wrong?
again...have a good weekend!

05-31-2013, 05:53 PM

I made a test flight yesterday with all available updates:

1. I am also having the T.O INHIBIT problem.

2. The 3 green on A/B Panel remain on after gear up. I am using Skalarki hardware. This used to work in B29.

3. I also noticed that the autothrust has become a bit nervous again on CRZ LVL. The N1 is going up and down always between 80 and 83%.

4. TCAS is giving me lots of warnings now, even when traffic is more than 8000 feet above or below. Is that like in real life?


please disregard #1 - it is obviously fixed after today's update
and also disregard #2 - in my 2nd flight today this did not happen, so obviously it was something else yesterday.

#3 and #4 have happened again in my 2nd flight.


06-01-2013, 03:42 AM
to add something about my strange cpu load on client:
tested running all the displays the cpu load is nearly 1%...after this running fmgs server on server pc the cpu load of the client (of course) keeps at 1%....as soon as i start FS (p3d) on server pc the cpu load of the client jumps to 99% even if the displays are still black (aircraft cold and dark)...i crosschecked the widefmgs on client pc and it lists a lot of DISCONNECTED with port numbers afterwards. the fmgs server on server pc shows all the modules connected in green.
my problems is of course connection related...i'll investigate a bit this morning...will start trying to make a clean installation of FMGS in fs pc not installing this time fsuipc connect.
any idea on what to check much appreciated.

06-02-2013, 08:54 AM
First of all, I want to thank you for this gorgeous software. Just unbelieveable!
And then I wanted to ask you a question or a requirement:

Would it be possible setup the Throttle in order to hear some kind of "click" sound at every detent throttle position?
Is it now possible?

Another again, thanks for this wonderful piece of cake!


06-02-2013, 02:50 PM

@Filippo: try to not launch the ND, this is the one which is the most concuming.

@Papelin: Sorry I will not add that kind of sounds. I only produce the "software" sounds not the "hardware" ones.


06-02-2013, 04:00 PM

@Papelin: Sorry I will not add that kind of sounds. I only produce the "software" sounds not the "hardware" ones.


Thanks a lot.I Understand it and apreciate your fast answer and your interest and dedication.
Thanks another again.
I will see what I can do to deal with this.

06-02-2013, 04:55 PM
Hi JL,
I have some issues regarding switches and LED control on the overhead panel:
1. The ANTI ICE WING korry always is on when starting the FMGS server. When switching it off it always Switches automatically on when switching the wing light on. Is that a normal status?
2. ANTI ICE for ENG 2: The ON LED is not working. ENG 1 is fine. I tested it and when using the IO Profiler the LED is working fine, even when Setting up the Output in the profiler and choosing the LED from the Output ID it is illuminating.
3. I am missing the MAN START korry setting for ENG 2, for ENG 1 I can choose that on the IO profiler from Macin.
4. Bat 1 and Bat 2 are not decreasing when using the batteries only.
5. The APU Agent DISCH LED on the Fire Panel is switched (On is Off and Off is On :-) )
6. When having the Airbus dark and cold at the gate, I need always have the flaps in TO config, when leaving the lever at zero position the warning sound comes up. Is that like in the real Airbus?

One question to the sounds which came with the installation, do I have to configure them, so that I can hear for example the APU starting?

I am using FDS over head panel and Skarlarki IO boards/WIN7 64 Bit and FSX.

Again, great job JL it is an fantastic software and support.

Thanks for that.


06-02-2013, 05:08 PM
Hi Stefan,

Please for all I/O issues concerning Skalarki's boards, contact Marcin first. If he finds out that is a bug in my software, he'll contact me and we'll see together what to do.

As for issues n°4 and 6, I'll look at it.

Concerning the sounds, I do not provide environment sounds (engines, APU, etc...). However, Daniele "Immaging" has made some sounds for the A320:


06-02-2013, 05:24 PM
hi jl,
hope u had a good weekend :-)
made another test after clean installation on the server side: now i get the 4 ports connected on widefmgs...but cpu load always @99% when launching p3d...i tried to close the pfd and tadaaaa the cpu load dropped to 30%....so the problem seems to be the pfd....but may this all p3d related? i don't think so because it uses simconnect as fsx does.
i'll give a try with fs9
...may some services of windows use the same ports fmgs uses? pls note my 2 cockpit computer does NOT have any antivirus program and firewall disabled on both.
this is driving me crazy...i'm sure it's not your software being cpu hungry but something wrong on my config/network...any idea is of course welcome!
bye for now

06-02-2013, 05:42 PM

Just tried your new patch for the TO inhibit. That one is solved. Nice.
some feedback to lasted version:

#1 When you turn off all FLTCTRLs ELACs, SECS etc... the AUTOBRK is listed as INOP... but its still working. When listed due to Hydraulic issue the Autobrk does not work (which is correct). BTW Can you decrease the flap extension speed with low hydraulic?

#2 It has been mentioned. Vertical seperations >8000ft still trigger "TRAFFIC TRAFFIC"

#3 Sometimes you hear "TRAFFIC TRAFFIC" but there is non on the ND. (Yes, zoomed in)

#4 once I was left of the track, the ND showed a value like "2.7R" next to the ACFT symbol. Dont know how I managed that.

#5 What should the ACFT do when you are in managed and you come to a FPLN DISCONTIN.? Now it just continues with the next waypoint after the DISCO but is that the real deal?

#6 when insert anything in the FPLN you are always on top of the FPLN. So when entering several WPTs you have to scroll alot. Is that the real deal?

#7 Can you add the transition for the FD bars when it activates the next WPT. Now there is a "jump" of the bars. I guess that should be gone when the FD actually brings you back on track, right?!

#8 like the new dynamic rudder travel limiter :)

#9 I will upload another short vid which shows an ILS approach and an autoland. My autoland looks really strange. It flares but also rolls in one direction. Wonder if others experience something similar. The vid also contains some other minor things during approach. Here is the link: Jeehell b30 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/R_yS0GkgUAE)... it will take some more hours to upload though. Guess it will be available tomorrow morning.

Thanks + Regards

06-02-2013, 06:16 PM

I have make a clean install of Version B30 and now it look good.
I think, ther was the problem by the update from version B29 to B30.

Regards Beret

06-03-2013, 06:46 AM
made a clean installation on the remote pc as well but my cpu load problems are still there.
i still couldn't test running fs9 instead of p3d.
jl i need some guidelines on where to investigate:
the remote computer has a core 2 duo intel cpu E8500;
running only EWD and SD cpu load 2%;
on top of that running ND cpu load 50%;
on top of that running PFD cpu load 100%;
do these values make sense from your experience JL?
the cpu load jumps hi only after running fmgs server on server pc.
is my cpu really so bad to run this software?
could there be issues on my network setup?
networking is really something i have little or no knowledge at all!
sorry for my many questions!

06-03-2013, 09:17 AM

The CPU usage can come from very different aspects:
- the CPU is not fast enough ans is overwhelmed by the software
- the displays in opengl are not correctly rendered by your video card, and thus have to be rendered by the CPU only
- there are network issues which are reflected on the instruments
- a mix of the preceding issues, or complete other issues...

I do not think changing from P3D to FS9 will change anything (though feel free to test...). What can change in your configuration is checking the graphics card drivers, and checking if the PFD or ND alone take indeed 50% or more of the CPU (with WideFMGS running of course).
Also, check if you always get disconnection messages in WideFMGs, with only PFD or ND, or even without any software.

The best test is to run the software on yet another computer, to see what happens on it...
I never said the gauges are "well written", they are as is, and I cannot do much if your current computer is not powerful enough.

Concerning CPUs, the best CPUs for my software are the multithreaded ones, the more (virtual) cores you have, the best it'll work. The clock frequency in itself is not necessarily the key.


06-04-2013, 11:17 AM
dear JL,
sometimes the hard way is the good way...today i reinstalled the OS on the remote pc upgrading to win7 64 bit as on the server pc and...TADAAA everything is ok and smooth now...when connected the cpu load is 22%.
thanks for your input & patience.
thanks for your software

06-04-2013, 11:25 AM
Hello JL,

at first, thank you for the great new Version B30. Many problems on my system are solved. I made some test flights, and it's really fine, but three things I have noticed! When the aircraft climbs and the autopilot is not activated immediately, it can not be turned on later. All the necessary flight data are entered correctly. The second thing, sometimes comes in PFD the message "use man pitch trim". Is that a new feature? And the last thing, the FBW works a bit too hard not soft. Great work, with your Software is my Home Cockpit a big fun. I'm excited!!!!!!!

nice greetings from Stuttgart


06-04-2013, 12:05 PM
Magenta Bug on ND.
Hello another again.
This time my question: When I set up the ND in ILS mode, it does not appear any heading magenta bug.
Is it like this way in the real one? Is it maybe a bug? or Am I missing something?
Thanks for your time!

06-04-2013, 01:55 PM
Hello JL

I forgot a question! Is it possible to use the XPDR-Switches from FMGS_Config.exe with IvAp in a multi-computer system. IvAp is on a Client PC not on Server. I ask because in the MCDU only the transponder is transferred. Stby and Mode C not working with IvAp Module.

Best Regardes


06-04-2013, 02:47 PM

@Fil: OK great news!

@Micha: it seems you are in direct law (use man pitch indication on PFD), no wonder FBW is rought because there is none... Check that you have all SECs/FACs/ELACs ON and that the three ADIRS are ON and aligned. This also causes AP disconnection.
If you installed FSUIPC support, it should be linked to IVAP offsets if I remember correctly?

@Papelin: the magenta (for managed mode) heading bug should never be displayed, neither on PFD nor on ND. Only the blue bug (selected) is displayed.


06-04-2013, 03:00 PM
Anybody of you is happening the same thing than me?
I don't know what's wrong on me but... My Bus seems not to get in Autoland.
Everything is OK, but I don't know what is going on
Please help me. I'm on the very same thing every time I try landing on.
Thanks mates!

06-04-2013, 04:35 PM
@Papelin: You need to explain your issue with a little more details. What you mean with "not get in autoland"? What do you expect, what do you do? What does it do? What doesnt happen as expected?

06-04-2013, 04:46 PM
@Papelin: You need to explain your issue with a little more details. What you mean with "not get in autoland"? What do you expect, what do you do? What does it do? What doesnt happen as expected?
What do I do?

I enter the ILS RADIO NAV RUNWAY frequency into the MCDU.
I press the aprox button on the FCU, but the plane doesn't caught the localizer nor the gliedeslope.
In fact it doesn't appear the LOC and GS on the PFD, just appear the HDG word.

This matter happens to me since I changed my fsuipc version to 3.999.
Earlier, I used to practice plenty of landings.

Any more details? Any sugerence?

06-05-2013, 11:29 AM
Hi Papelin.

Actually when you enter the ILS radio frequency in the Rad nav page as a HARD data the plane might take it as a raw data approach, not a rule but might happen.

The standard way to get a full automatic approach will be setting destination airport, runway and an ILS approach, then FMGS database will set the frequencies for you, then make sure you are in NAV Blue (by pressing the hdg knob) to let the plane intercept the route for you, when NAV becomes Green, press APP + AP1 + AP2 + Managed Speed, then the plane will perform a fully automatic approach. You will see GS and LOC in blue, when they are green you are done.



06-05-2013, 03:58 PM
Hi Papelin,

I fully agree with what Adonis wrote to you. Please try a "regular" procedure. Have you set FLEX TEMP during take off and SRS active and can you select managed modes once you are airborne? If you take off in a "wrong" mode the aircraft might not recognize the different flight phases correctly and the switching of the different AP modes might not work correctly. However, I can confirm that the GS/LOC will be ARMED and ACTIVATED correctly when you apply the regular way of doing it. I might try your manual ILS Frquency way over the weekend.


06-05-2013, 05:05 PM
Hi JL and all,
i'm flying now and i've those problem (b20 last update) :
1. The "ILS APP" message is always displayed but it should be only 250nm before landing (if ils approach is selected)
2. I can't activate managed mode. I'm flying by Open (Speed, HDg and VSpeed)... Why?
Could it be caused because the Radio are turned off, but how i can turn on radio (in joystick setting configuration i can't find this setting) ?
3.The Perf Page is not accessible...
It's all for now...

06-06-2013, 04:00 AM
Hi, at about 20 miles from landing, the Managed mode was active, and also PERF Page was accessible.

What could be happened? (i think is a radio problem)

06-06-2013, 05:37 AM

What do you mean by radios are turned OFF? there is no option to turn them ON or OFF yet??

When managed mode are not active usually it is because the MCDU was not completely filled before departure or the takeoff was not executed in FLX or in TOGA.

Maybe you recovered managed modes once established on the localizer, this does force NAV green if I remember correctly.


06-06-2013, 05:54 AM
When you start from cold&dark, you have the radio are turned off.
If you don't turn on the radio you can have some problem (for example FD could be disconnect).

06-06-2013, 06:07 AM
As I said, in my software there is no possibility yet to turn the radios OFF so this is not your issue.


06-06-2013, 06:16 AM
As I said, in my software there is no possibility yet to turn the radios OFF so this is not your issue.


Ah ok, sorry, i didn't understand. :P


06-06-2013, 10:27 AM
Hi Papelin,

I fully agree with what Adonis wrote to you. Please try a "regular" procedure. Have you set FLEX TEMP during take off and SRS active and can you select managed modes once you are airborne? If you take off in a "wrong" mode the aircraft might not recognize the different flight phases correctly and the switching of the different AP modes might not work correctly. However, I can confirm that the GS/LOC will be ARMED and ACTIVATED correctly when you apply the regular way of doing it. I might try your manual ILS Frquency way over the weekend.


Thanks a lot mates!

I think I had some kind of problem with the fs9 ILS arrival airport frequency.
It really works like a charm now. The bus caught the localizer and also the glideslope.

Sometimes the bus is shaking from up to down without any control. Maybe, should I disconect the FBW in the AP config window option???????

Thanks for your anwers!

06-07-2013, 05:09 AM
hi jl,
is it correct that in the AP/FBW module the dropbox of flight dynamics shows only PA320 to choose from?

06-07-2013, 06:02 AM
@Papelin: when does the shaking occur? I need more info on that. I do not recommend turning the FBW OFF.

@Filippo: this is normal, do not touch the settings in the AP/FBW, they should be good by default.


06-07-2013, 06:40 AM
thanks jl...just wanted to be sure to make tests in "normal" conditions.

BTW, my friend alitalia cpt (retired) now type rating examiner on md80...now getting a conversion course to a320 was here last week and we just cast a glance at your suite: he suddenly noticed the fuel flow indication (800 @ idle) was far too high...i told him that FS is wrongly coded about furl consumption ...a known FS bug. do u confirm this is due to fs bug...or u can tweak those values accordingly?
anyway when flying a short round robin with autoland he said your suite flies actually better than their FTD at alitalia training center :-)

06-07-2013, 06:44 AM
anyway when flying a short round robin with autoland he said your suite flies actually better than their FTD at alitalia training center :-)


06-07-2013, 08:04 AM
I cannot do much right now about fuel consumption. I'm not into FDE creation, and do not master that aspect...


06-07-2013, 10:42 AM
Hello JL,

I have FSUIPC support installed of all PCs but only transponder works. have you any idea to use the other funktions ( Stby and Mode C).

Best Regards Micha

06-07-2013, 12:24 PM

I'll look at it if it can be done easily.


06-07-2013, 12:57 PM
Hi to all
I'd like to mention a few things. (I use FDS I/O card)

1. When I turn steering tiller, the rudder moves too, but as I know they shouldn't.
2. I can steer the ACFT, no matter if Antiskid/NWSteering switch is OFF or ON. Is this normal?
3. When Antiskid/NWSteering switch is ON, on SD says in red: "STEERING A/SKID", in flashing green: "AUTO BRK MAX" and I can't select from Auto Brake panel the MAX, but when this switch is OFF everything is OK. This or the opossite is normal?


06-07-2013, 04:33 PM
Hi Leonidas,

1 & 2: since in FSX there is no separate tiller axis, I never took the time to cheat in my software. I'll do that some day.
3: it should be working correctly though? Are you using hardware there?


06-08-2013, 02:45 AM

what is new about the TCAS?

I have just updated to B30 and thought it might be a fix around the display of the traffic in ND. But it looks as if I still have all A/C showing up with heights of +209, +172, +279, +349 etc.

Is it possible to fix this or is it a feature :-) In previous versions (<29 I think) I did not have this problem.


Hi JL,

have you been able to reproduce this issue? I am using FS9 and get far too many A/C displayed as traffic on ND.


06-08-2013, 05:21 AM
Hi Leonidas,
3: it should be working correctly though? Are you using hardware there?

Yes, I'm using a hardware switch connecting to FDS card. Should I invert the switch connectors, so that ON became OFF and vise versa?

06-08-2013, 07:55 AM
Hi Stefan,

Yes I could reproduce it. But it will take some time to fix it.


06-08-2013, 10:12 AM
Hi Stefan,

Yes I could reproduce it. But it will take some time to fix it.


Thanks for your help :-)


06-08-2013, 10:30 AM
@Papelin: when does the shaking occur? I need more info on that. I do not recommend turning the FBW OFF.

@Filippo: this is normal, do not touch the settings in the AP/FBW, they should be good by default.


Excuse me for the delay.
This matter only happens rarely, but lately everything is ok but the Autothrottle stick or the Autothrottle display indication.

I think this issue is happening to me because of a wrong Throttle joystick setup.(This is working badly for me?)
I wish We had some offsets to configure the throttle positions ( REVERSES, IDLE, CL, FLEX AND TOGA) by means of the joystick buttons or just by the keyboard.
(Don't get me wrong. I don't want you to look at me like an oportunist man and take this chance to make some kind of requirement )

For instance, when I put the Throttles ( I have a CH PRODUCTS THROTLE PRO USB) onto the CL position, select a new altitude higher and then press the altitude button , the bus begin climbing up higher, but in the PFD I can see:

'THR LEVER' and "LEVER CLB" words, (the 'LEVER CLB' word (is in white color and flashing all time), rather than the "THR CLB" word, I guess.

In other words: Shouldn't it appear THR CLB instead of THR LEVER + LEVER CLB (flashing all time)?

When moving the throttle stick just a very little bit, it appears the "MAN" word with a red square at the PFD. I think the throttle is moving out from the CL possition. I don't know. I guess....

Is this autothrottle working way right, or maybe there's something wrong that is happening because I didn't setup the throttle stick in the right way yet?
I have set a 4% error ratio for every detent possition in my throttle stick configuration.
(PD: I have set up at 2% error and nothing has changed )

Should I change my Throttle stick by another more complex one?
Another reason could it be that I´m running FS9 and FMGS in the same computer with Two monitors. Maybe it´s so much loading for just one computer?

Excuse for my ignorance. I´ve never ever flown a bird like this one.:oops: The only Airbus I've ever seen is PSS, Wilco and Airsimmer. I don't like Neither of them .
The only system I like a lot is yours: jeehell FMGS.


06-08-2013, 06:10 PM
Hi Papelin,

THR LVR calibration is critical, you have to make sure the following are respected:
- each detent has a non zero error zone
- each detent has a big enough error zone so it can be easily found when moving the lever
- each error zone must not overlap with another detent error zone

If when you put the thr lever in CLB detent you still get LVR CLB flashing, then your levers are not in the correct position.
The MAN indication means you are between CLB and MCT.

You do not need a complex throttle, and this is not a computer issue either, this is calibration I think.


06-09-2013, 06:29 AM
Hi JH,
I have a problem with the installation of the navigation data
(current data from Navigraph for Leveld 767).
All other parts of the JH FMGS software works without problems.
But if I want to enter the departure and destination airport in the MCDU,
then comes the following error message "no data available".

All software (JH-A320FMGS_B30 with update and FSX) are installed
on the same computer on the drive "D".
So there should be no problems with the
operating system W7 Professional and the internal firewall.
The installation were all performed with administrator privileges.
Furthermore, the User Account Control is turned off.

The following error:
1. Start of the program "Configure" with administrator privileges
2. Window with its own IP address appears
3. Fenster with the NETWORK SETUP screen is displayed
3.1 Activate the FSX running on this computer
3.2 select the path for the extracted navigation data
(D: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Games \ Microsoft Flight Simulator X \ Level-D Simulations \ navdata)
3.3 DONE button
3.4 window with "File acces denied.

From this loop, I'm just entering
the local IP address and
disable that the FSX is not running on this computer.

I have also removed the write protect on all folders and files on the D drive.
Another attempt to copy the navigation data on a USB Sick did not work.

What can I do ?

06-09-2013, 06:41 AM

Did you try to copy the level navdata to another fodler prior to importation? Like c:\leveld\
This way you ensure there is no protection whatsoever (program files folders ARE protected on windows, no matter what you do, and I did not took time to adjust my software for that...).


06-09-2013, 08:44 AM
Hi JH,
first of many thanks for your help on Sunday.
Yes, I have tested with C:\leveld but it has not been successful.
Therefore, I had copied the data on the USB stick, which also has not worked.

Do you have another idea?

06-09-2013, 10:03 AM
hi jl,
yes i must join thanking u for answering on sundays as well!
even if i'm not experiencing any navdata install problem, could u please explain better the 2 notifications we get while installing new navdata? i receive a 1st notification asking "copy older navdata to navdata1?" and a second notification "copy newer navdata1 to navdata2?"
what's the difference between navdata, navdata1 and navdata2 ?
what are we supposed to answer to the 2 above notifications?

06-09-2013, 11:25 AM
Hi Papelin,

THR LVR calibration is critical, you have to make sure the following are respected:
- each detent has a non zero error zone
- each detent has a big enough error zone so it can be easily found when moving the lever
- each error zone must not overlap with another detent error zone

If when you put the thr lever in CLB detent you still get LVR CLB flashing, then your levers are not in the correct position.
The MAN indication means you are between CLB and MCT.

You do not need a complex throttle, and this is not a computer issue either, this is calibration I think.


Thanks for your time, patience, and effort!
and thanks for being there developing the most exciting airbus software ever seen.

At last! I got it.
I think I didn't understand what exactly did I have to do.
Well. It´s done and the only words I can say are: I'm speechless. This software is absolutely amazing!
Thanks a million of times!
I think now that the shaking movements from up to down were due to I didn't set up any data into the MCDU init second page.
I did enter the Zero Fuel Weight but I didn't ever enter the C.G.
Why? It´s the question. Because when entering a value of Zero, the MCDU did say me: Not Allowed mate!

Now, I'm entering a value of 1.0 and the plane doesn't move any more.
Which is the right value should I have to enter? I guess there must be some sort of table or something like this.:oops:


06-09-2013, 12:07 PM

@Filippo: the FMGS can use two navdata sets: one current and one for the last cycle. The pilots can chose which dataset to use (in case of errors or in other situations).
If you want to be true to life, you can chose (when importing a new set) to use the previous number as a number 2, or to use only the new as number 1 and number 2.

@papelin: the CG is usually around 25%. I suggest you search the web for the FCOM, it has everything you need to know ;)


06-10-2013, 06:06 AM
thx for the explanation jl!
that makes a LOT of sense.

06-10-2013, 12:41 PM
Hi JH,
can you give me another solution? I have time and when you needs time - is OK !
Or is this a problem for you do not understand.
I would like to wait for a response from you.
As a last resort I will install my computer.
But this will not solve the problem, because I had the same problem on a second computer.
Can I create an trace/logging during the installation ?
I just do'nt understand how could the other people upload the navigation data in your database and have not the problem.
greetings Andreas

06-10-2013, 01:42 PM
Hi Andreas,

Sorry I haven't had the time to look into your issue since then.
Can you describe more precisely how you try to import the navdata? Please detail each step.
As you said, you're the only user who seem to have this kind of issues, so I really think there is an issue in the actions you take rather than in the software (including your windows installation).


06-10-2013, 03:18 PM
Hi JH,

i have create a pdf with the steps of the FMGS installation.
How can i send you this pdf ? its 654 KB

06-10-2013, 05:08 PM
"jeehell" at "jeehell.org" without the quotes and at being @.


06-12-2013, 11:44 AM
hi Jl,
in my test i use always no external weather programs and wind calm in FS. i was checking autopilot behaviour and noticed that in HDG select if u input a new HDG the autopilot turns then overshoot a bit the selected heading then turns in the opposite direction a little bit to pick and follow the new HDG.
do u plan to fine tune this autopilot behaviour? or not in your todo list?

06-12-2013, 11:56 AM

I plan to correct his kind of behaviour, but I have a lot of things going on now, so I do not know when it will be corrected.


06-12-2013, 12:24 PM
thanks a lot JL...always kind and quick!
if u don't mind i'll keep u updated with my tests and questions :-)
all the best

06-13-2013, 12:30 PM
Hi Jeehell

Fast question, I have loaded the navigation database in server computer and the dedicated one for ND. When I set the Terr ON ND function on ground I got a white blackground in ND while I should be seeing the surrounding terrain by levels.

Any suggestion?

Best regards


06-13-2013, 12:32 PM

The terrain database is not linked to the navigation database. Please look into the manual for information on the TERR ON ND feature.


06-13-2013, 12:41 PM

The terrain database is not linked to the navigation database. Please look into the manual for information on the TERR ON ND feature.


06-13-2013, 01:20 PM

The terrain database is not linked to the navigation database. Please look into the manual for information on the TERR ON ND feature.


Hi jeehell

Sorry my mistake, I was refering to the Terrain Database.

I will make the check and let you know.

Best regards


06-13-2013, 01:25 PM
If you installed the terrain data correctly, a blank display probably means you're out of memory on your computer (this is a very intensive feature).


06-13-2013, 05:01 PM
hi JL,
experienced something strange today performing an ils approach rwy 16R at LIRF. got the new free scenery of LIRF which has the correct new frequency of 109.75 for the ILS 16 R.
i got the latest navigraph airacs which have the correct new ils freq (checked in the lirf.txt file).
when selecting the ils approach from the destination page the ils 16 R shows the correct new frequency.
the problem is in the NAV RAD page: the ils shows the old freq (110.3) and course. where does this information come from?
if i manually enter in the ils field the new freq it is accepted and the identifier shown is correct but the course field is empty and can't be manually filled.
so the ils can be performed only with the old freq.
what u think about this??

06-13-2013, 06:38 PM
Hi Filippo and all people reading this post,

I am completely aware of big issues with the navigation data. For those who have been following my software for some time, I always answered to this kind of questions that in the future I would look into possible solutions to make sure it works better.

I'm happy to say this time has probably came now. I have been discussing with navdata providers for some time now. As you know, there are 2 of them: Navigraph and, since a few months ago, Aerosoft (with their so called Navdata pro).

I am sorry to say that Navigraph does not want to help addon developpers. They provide navigation databases for the main addons out there, in file formats either encrypted, or very hard to decipher, or in a readable format but incomplete, or at least not complete enough for my needs. They also refused to give me documentation on already existing formats, and they clearly said that they would not develop new formats for me (probably a too small user base).

On the other hand, Aerosoft agreed directly to create a file format tailored to my needs. Their developper is working on it as we speak, and I on my side am working to add the new features as well.

So this means:
- there will not be any new versions until I finish (at least basic features) the conversion to the new navdata format (this is a huge job)
- I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU DO NOT RENEW ANY MEMBERSHIP/BUY ANY LONG TERM CREDITS FROM NAVIGRAPH. I hope to have finished by the end of the month (and hopefully Aerosoft will provide the sets by then as well).
- Aerosoft provides LevelD formats, I never tried hem with my software, and so I do not know how they behave. But if you feel adventurous and want to move over to Aerosoft right now...

The new navdata features will be:
- consistent and up to date navaids, fixes, procedures, awys, etc... with one single source.
- Support for all ARINC 424 legs, as per the real ARINC specifications (I bought the real specs document).

I know some of you probably do no like Aerosoft, and their navdata product (pricing is a bit higher). However please consider this is currently the only alternative to get a decent navigation database. Maybe this will force Navigraph to make sets for me, but I feel they are not really into development anymore.

Best regards,

06-13-2013, 07:08 PM
hi jl,
nice to hear about this HUGE work u're into!! all my (our) best wishes!
about the "choice" it's a pity from my pov to leave navigraph: last year i started buying and using aerosoft navdata (i like their LIDO source) in my 737 cockpit...just the day after i discovered that aerosoft navdata include only pricedures with straight in minima; this means a lot of my best circling procedures (and i mean published procedures: vor A 33 @ lira; vor rwy 33 @ licr; vor app and circling rwy 05 @ madeira...to name a few) are not included in their airacs. they must be hand built each time in the mcdu.
silly from navigraph side not to listen to your request!!!!!
just a pity for the missing procedures when using navdatapro...but from this community pov long life to aerosoft :-)
all the best

06-14-2013, 04:25 AM

Nice to hear about these plans, especially about the ARINC protocol. Does that mean, that you will also get rid off the x-plane dataset for the ILS data. I just wonder as I already started to think in details about a VBA GUI to ajust the issue wrt ILS runway offsets in some cases. I assume the LOC/GS data will then be used from your new source only, right? Same with runways names and frequencies... As you know this sometimes lead to some issues in the MCDU when the "old" 2 sources (xplane nav and navigraph) did not match.

Thumbs up! So I assume the next step will be a rework of FPLN construction, maybe with dynamic turn radius according to speeds? And maybe a try to tweak the ND performance abit further? My impression is that the current ND is really CPU hungry.

Looking forward!

Thanks alot and best regards to you!

06-14-2013, 06:58 AM
Hi Rob,

Yes this will make sure there is a unified and up to date database. No more discrepancies between ILS freq on APP and in RAD NAV, etc...
However, this will NOT completely sort the ILS/RWY alignment. I will then provide a way to fix that, but first we'll have to see how far we are from correct position on concerned RWYs.

There already is a dynamic turn radius on the ND, though not perfect. But yes the new database will help enhance greatly the ND representation. As for performance, it will not be directly linked, but the ND will undergo major surgery anyway, so if I can improve performance, I will of course...


06-21-2013, 07:03 PM

I have some problems with the landing config. In B30 the speed does not reduce when i set the flaps. In B29 it works finaly.
I hope, you have some ideas for my.

Regards Beret

06-22-2013, 08:31 AM

Do you use the keyboard shortcuts for the flaps?


06-22-2013, 11:41 AM
Yes, i use f6 and f7 for the flaps.
on the ewd i see thats the flaps moving.

Edit: I have change the controls to the joystick and now it works great.

06-23-2013, 02:51 AM
Hi JL,

currently I have PC1 where JL server runs on, and PC2 where all other JL modules are running (incl. OVHD, Sound etc.) which works fine.

As I introduced a third PC now (having Radar Contact, Flight Keeper etc.), my plan was to move the JL Sound module on this PC3. I installed only the sound module on PC3 using the JL installer, added the server IP there and also set the sound module to NO in starter.ini of PC2.

The sound module on PC3 does connect to the server, but it does not play any sound. Is there anything I missed?


06-23-2013, 05:28 PM

@Beret: Ok great the joystick switches solved your issue. I know this is not a great solution, but I had several issues maintaining the FS shortcuts... I'll look for a way to make keyboard keys work later (after current work on navdata).

@Stefan: you do not run the sound module on the server PC at the same time as the one on PC3?
Last time I checked sounds worked on a remote computer, I'll check that when I have the time to do so.


06-24-2013, 01:18 AM

@Stefan: you do not run the sound module on the server PC at the same time as the one on PC3?
Last time I checked sounds worked on a remote computer, I'll check that when I have the time to do so.


Hi JL,

no, it's not running on server, and it was running fine on PC2 which is also a remote one. I will double check and maybe reinstall on PC3.


06-24-2013, 01:47 PM
hi JL,
noticed today 2 details in your fmgs and wanted to ask your opinion about them:
1) if choosing conf 3 (not full) from mcdu app page the ecam memo still ask me for flaps full...if i select flaps 3 the ecam memo is still blue...did i experience this?
2) after landing i wanted to try just some circuits for training but noticed that if after completing a flight i keep engines running and try to program again the mcdu...the init B page of course is not available due to eng running....the zfw and zfw cg can be entered in the fuel pred page (totally correct) but there's no way to get F, S and O speed displayed since their values stay blanked in the mcdu.
is this the correct behaviour?? couldn't find reference for this in the FCOM because not entirely read :-) i mean if i just want to do some training after a flight do i have to shut engines to have a complete programmed mcdu?
all the best

06-24-2013, 02:44 PM
Hi Fil,

1) Did you try the LDG CONF 3 button on the OVHD panel?
2) If you want to play with the MCDU, it is best to do it with engines off and EXT PWR ON.
There are ways to reprogram the MCDU with engines running but this is not the correct way to do it.


06-24-2013, 03:12 PM
ouch!!!!! the landing conf 3 on the overhead!!!!! ok...feel free to call me stupid :-)
...i'm still a boeing man...have a lot to learn
sorry jl...
about mcdu: of course what i was talking about is just a training related thing...i was just guessing if when training in the sim pilots need to shut engines of before reprigramming the cdu.
anyway i'll investigate about this next time i'll go to alitalia training center :-) now trying to have the opportunity to ride one of their 320 sim
thanks a lot jl

06-24-2013, 04:45 PM
Hi JL,

I noticed something which I dont really understand. If you turn off all FLT computers all protections are gone and you are in direct mode. So there is shouldnt be any FBW, correct? No roll limit, no auto pitch, no auto rudder ... nothing. Pretty much like clicking "disable FBW" in your software? (Except that this really cuts off my joystick inputs)
I wonder because if you bank to lets say 70deg the elevator starts pumping up and down in direct mode. Same as in "normal" FBW mode (which is probably also not 100% the real deal but understandable due to your control laws in these "extreme" roll angles. But I thought you do provide direct input when all FLT comps are OFF. So where is the elevator pumping coming from?
Nothing to worry but I would like to know/understand :)

And I really tried to reproduce an error. Sometimes I manage that I cant get managed mode after takeoff. I guess this has something to do with the order of entering SID, waypoints and STAR and weather you delete anything in between or you use the TEMP mode... I didnt figured it out, yet. Can anybody confirm this strange behaviour?
YES... Flex temp, Vee's etc is set correctly.

It has to do with "HOW" you enter your F-PLAN on the FPLN page... any idea or confirmation from anybody?

Looking forward!


06-24-2013, 05:16 PM
Hi Rob,

Are you sure you are in Direct Law and not Alternate LAw? in alternate law, there is still a gload law on the elevator.

As for managed mode after takeoff, I can only guess that for some reason the acft does not go in takeof mode but stays in preflight mode. Why, usually it has to do with the THR LVR not in FLX or TOGA?


06-24-2013, 05:28 PM

maybe the "MAN PITCH TRIM" gave me the idea?? But you do know this pumping effect in pitch in normal mode at high banks?

For the other issue: no, this is something different. When I can reproduce it, I will drop you a line. Maybe somebody else can confirm it. I am 99% sure that this has to do with the FPLN page.


06-24-2013, 05:32 PM
MAN PITCH TRIM does indeed mean you are in direct law. It should be direct stick to elevator control in that case. I'll try to see if I can find a bug there.


06-25-2013, 03:32 AM
And I really tried to reproduce an error. Sometimes I manage that I cant get managed mode after takeoff. I guess this has something to do with the order of entering SID, waypoints and STAR and weather you delete anything in between or you use the TEMP mode... I didnt figured it out, yet. Can anybody confirm this strange behaviour?
YES... Flex temp, Vee's etc is set correctly.

It has to do with "HOW" you enter your F-PLAN on the FPLN page... any idea or confirmation from anybody?

Looking forward!


Hi, i also have many times this problem.
I'm sure I programmed the mcdu well, but i can't activate the Managed Mode , so i have to fly in Open (HDG,SPD,ALT,VS) untill the T/D point...after this i can activate the managed and all is ok.

Why ?

06-25-2013, 05:40 AM

I do not know. I never experience this issue. I am quite sure there is a problem on the user side in those cases...


06-25-2013, 06:01 AM

I do not know. I never experience this issue. I am quite sure there is a problem on the user side in those cases...


i do this steps :

1. I programmed the INIT PAGE 1 and 2 , except FINAL Reserve (i leave default value)
2. I programmed the FPLN page and i remove all Discontinuitiy lines (i also inserted the approach)
3. I programmed the PERF T/O Page, with V1,V2,VR - FLEX TEMP - ALT TL and FLAPS

Can it due to the weight ?
Can it due to the flightplan (but i see correct plan into ND) ?
Can it due to the Perf (velocities) ?

When i takeoff, i correctly see TO INIBHIT , the engines go in FLEX or TOGA but ATHR was not active...

06-25-2013, 07:09 AM
Check on the PFD you see from left to right on the FMA:
-MAN TOGA or MAN FLX XX° in white
-SRS in green and CLB in blue
-RWY in green and NAV in blue
-blank column
-ATHR in blue and 1FD- or 1FD2 in white

Also, do not change the vertical modes until you reach the aircraft ACC ALT.


06-25-2013, 07:24 AM
Check on the PFD you see from left to right on the FMA:
-MAN TOGA or MAN FLX XX° in white
-SRS in green and CLB in blue
-RWY in green and NAV in blue
-blank column
-ATHR in blue and 1FD- or 1FD2 in white

Also, do not change the vertical modes until you reach the aircraft ACC ALT.


Ok , i will report you asap with a screenshot ;)

06-25-2013, 07:32 AM
to add something...even if maybe not the cause of this issue: it's a good procedure (as reported on the fcom and on all the airbus guides i read) to complete init A page...then f-plan page and AFTER THAT complete the init b page.

06-25-2013, 07:43 AM
to add something...even if maybe not the cause of this issue: it's a good procedure (as reported on the fcom and on all the airbus guides i read) to complete init A page...then f-plan page and AFTER THAT complete the init b page.

it's a good point...i'll try it :)

06-27-2013, 03:31 AM
Hi JL,

I got a question regarding landing/flare phase. When in manual flight right about after the "30" callout I sometimes notice a hard not commanded or intended pitch down of the aircraft. Is that desired?


06-27-2013, 07:48 AM
Hi Rob,

Yes in manual flight, the flare law commands a small pitch down action. This is intended to force the pilot to have a pitch up command on the stick just as he would on a conventional aircraft.


06-27-2013, 01:05 PM
Hi JL,
thanks for you answer. It is indeed the real thing but I could imagine that this pitch down action is introduced more gentle/smooth so the pilot can really counteract by smoothly pulling the stick back.

As far as I know the flare mode the real ACFT remembers the pitch attitude at 50ft RA as a sort of reference attitude. So instead of g-load demand you command a delta pitch which returns to this reference pitch state if you have zero pitch stick input.
Do you agree?
Now, when passing 30ft the real ACFT smoothly goes down to -2 deg pitch att. This pitch down to -2deg happens over 8!!! seconds in the real aircraft. I did not take a stop watch but I have the impression that your FBW introduces the pitch down more rapidly or to a more negative alpha.
So all I want to say is that I have the feeling that your pitch down during flare seems a bit to quick/hard What do you think?


06-27-2013, 03:13 PM
I did not take a stop watch but I have the impression that your FBW introduces the pitch down more rapidly or to a more negative alpha.
So all I want to say is that I have the feeling that your pitch down during flare seems a bit to quick/hard What do you think?


Hi All,

I have to same issue too. When I started to flare, the aircraft sets the Pitch Trim to maximum down in about 2 to 3 seconds. After that it's no more possible for me to land the aircraft even with the maximum deviation of the sidestick. This issue occured first as I updated to B30. Did I something do wrong with my config?
All in all it's a great A320 FMGS and it works without any problem except the mentioned issue.
Thanks for all the great work and support Jeehell!

Best wishes,

06-27-2013, 03:35 PM

The pitch down is probably a bit too quick and too hard, but I never experienced a full down pitch trim?
I'll look at that later, I really am busy on the navdata right now...


06-27-2013, 03:44 PM

The pitch down is probably a bit too quick and too hard, but I never experienced a full down pitch trim?
I'll look at that later, I really am busy on the navdata right now...


@ I didnt experience a full pitchj down either... but as I said: I got the feeling that the aircraft derotates too quick. I just wanted to know your opinion about it and if you implemented the described behaviour :) Looking forward for the new nav system.


06-29-2013, 10:18 AM
Hi JL, i'm trying to program a route, from LIRN to LIME (Naples to Bergamo) and i've this message after i insert this data -> Airway: UM726 , TO VERUN , if i push on the LSK about VERUN point : "MCDU DISPLAY PROBLEM , PLEASE REPORT ISSUE". Could be a problem after i installed the new airac cycle?

06-29-2013, 10:24 AM
Update : if i confirm FPLN (pushing on TMPY INSERT) i don't have the problem.

06-29-2013, 10:24 AM
I don't think so. Probably an FMGS bug.


06-29-2013, 11:09 AM
I don't think so. Probably an FMGS bug.


In anycase, this was the first time i've that message.

07-02-2013, 03:32 PM
Hi Jl,
since the update to v30 I have always problems to fill in the V2 in the MCDU on INIT B page. It always says "not allowed" when entering 139 for example, it does not accept anything.....
Do you have a clue?

Best regards


07-02-2013, 03:46 PM
Hi Stefan

There were no changes regarding V2 in B30 version?
Usually this message appears when you enter a V2 which is too low (below V1 or below minimum V2 for current weight).


07-03-2013, 01:58 AM
Hello JL,
After testing a long time I have found the text message "not for commerciale use " caused strong stutter. Is there a possibility to fix this?


07-03-2013, 04:20 AM

I never noticed that. This is strange. I cannot do much, the message itself is produced by FS directly...


07-03-2013, 11:41 AM
Hello JL,

Thanks for the reply, I have to search in fsx to look for the problem.


07-03-2013, 01:13 PM

I never noticed that. This is strange. I cannot do much, the message itself is produced by FS directly...


Hello JL,

Thanks for the reply, I have to search in fsx to look for the problem.


Hi, i also have this problem...

07-04-2013, 12:01 PM

you were right, wrong speeds :-( grrrrr

Best regards

Hi Stefan

There were no changes regarding V2 in B30 version?
Usually this message appears when you enter a V2 which is too low (below V1 or below minimum V2 for current weight).


07-05-2013, 08:51 AM
hi guys,
experienced yesterday and today a strange issue:
short flight LIEE-LIEO.
after filling the f-pln when performing lat revision for the arrival at LIEO, the arrival page did not show up any approach name; scrolling down showed the ils freq on the right hand side, but the left hand side reported NO app names and identifiers. line selecting any approach line caused an error in fmgs server (access violation).
replicated today in the same way.
i don't have the latest navigraph airacs but just the last month's ones...don't know if this issue is related to the nav database thing.
anyone else ecperienced this? (maybe antonio?)
or jl can u replicate it if u find any spare time?
all the best

07-05-2013, 08:58 AM
hi guys,
experienced yesterday and today a strange issue:
short flight LIEE-LIEO.
after filling the f-pln when performing lat revision for the arrival at LIEO, the arrival page did not show up any approach name; scrolling down showed the ils freq on the right hand side, but the left hand side reported NO app names and identifiers. line selecting any approach line caused an error in fmgs server (access violation).
replicated today in the same way.
i don't have the latest navigraph airacs but just the last month's ones...don't know if this issue is related to the nav database thing.
anyone else ecperienced this? (maybe antonio?)
or jl can u replicate it if u find any spare time?
all the best

Hi Filippo, i can try this weekend, i have last navdata on board.

07-06-2013, 09:47 AM
Hi Filippo, i'm trying to program from LIRN to LIEO and i've same problem but i solved choosing 24 in arrival page, then FMGS show stars and it works fine.

07-06-2013, 10:43 AM
yes antonio,
but if u choose just 24 u select just a rwy and not an approach.
there is something wrong there

07-06-2013, 11:43 AM
yes antonio,
but if u choose just 24 u select just a rwy and not an approach.
there is something wrong there

Hi Filippo , after i choose 24 the fmc show me all stars for that rwy. Try ;)

07-06-2013, 11:47 AM

I think it will be solved in next version.


07-06-2013, 12:04 PM
antonio....i'm not talking about seeing the list of the STARS i wanted the list of the ILS APPROACHES to choose from...if u don't select an ils approach from the ils list it's hard to fly the procedure on an airbus :-)
@JL: thanks a lot as usual!

07-08-2013, 04:26 AM
antonio....i'm not talking about seeing the list of the STARS i wanted the list of the ILS APPROACHES to choose from...if u don't select an ils approach from the ils list it's hard to fly the procedure on an airbus :-)
@JL: thanks a lot as usual!

Hi Filippo, i understand it....but when i choosed 24 -> SUKUN1A the ILS was set in NAV/RAD Page correctly and i landed with autoland with no problems.

However i think is a navdata problem , because it is only with LIEO approach procedures.

@JL , thanks

07-08-2013, 05:04 AM
yes antonio, definitely a navdata issue as jl explained.
what i meant about your workaround choosing just rwy 24 is that u cannot choose the approach: at lieo and at many airports there are many...and u choose them from the letter identifier.
agree with me that having the ils freq and course autotuned in the nav rad page is not enough to fly an approach?
did u have all the fixes in the fplan page after your workaround? ...don't think so...
how can u choose for example if landing on rwy 05 the straight in ils...or the procedure turn ils?
can't wait to test the next release with own airacs from aerosoft.

07-08-2013, 05:23 AM
yes antonio, definitely a navdata issue as jl explained.
what i meant about your workaround choosing just rwy 24 is that u cannot choose the approach: at lieo and at many airports there are many...and u choose them from the letter identifier.
agree with me that having the ils freq and course autotuned in the nav rad page is not enough to fly an approach?
did u have all the fixes in the fplan page after your workaround? ...don't think so...
how can u choose for example if landing on rwy 05 the straight in ils...or the procedure turn ils?
can't wait to test the next release with own airacs from aerosoft.

After i selected 24 then SUKUN1A (if i remember well) i had all points (but they were incorrect in comparison to the charts) .

In any case, this was the first time i had this problem and only at LIEO.

I reported you how i done only for a test, i know is not a correct action (but keep in mind the approach with an Airbus is different than Boeing, you can't fly [for example] an arc in standard mode like you do it with a boeing , you don't have the ability to fly radials in standard mode and so on ;))


07-08-2013, 05:48 AM
antonio: i definitely know the differences between boeing and airbus...i'm actually studying the 4 volumes of airbus FCOM and the FCTM volume...knowing the differences i wrote that u NEED to select the correct approach with the correct identifier from the mcdu before flying that precise approach.
anyway we're going offtopic now :-)

07-10-2013, 01:01 AM
Hi Jeehell

pair of questions:

1) in beta 28 I loaded the sid stars procedures modify tool but it doesnt work, have you changed something there?
2) I made some tests in the software and I went amazed when tried the emergency electrical configuration, so, how many ECAMs are implemented by now? do you have a list of them to contribute with some test with FCOM at hand?
3) the overspeed warning for flaps is not working , intentionally I exceeded the 230 kt limitation for F1 and I didnt get the CRC, any idea?

Keep up the good work as usual ,and thanks in advance.

07-10-2013, 03:59 AM

1) no but I havent looked at that for ages, and will disappear in next version anyway...
2) I do not have a list, it is for you all to find out ;)
3) Not all warnings are implemented yet

Best regards,

07-10-2013, 12:12 PM

1) no but I havent looked at that for ages, and will disappear in next version anyway...
2) I do not have a list, it is for you all to find out ;)
3) Not all warnings are implemented yet

Best regards,

Hi Jeehell

well time to start doing weird things to the plane to find ecams, and of course crosscheck on the plane and ley you know

So if the sid stars tool will bit be working in the future
do you know any tool to add ir edit sids for example to add an engine out sid?


07-10-2013, 12:34 PM
Hmmm EOSID are not implemented, and I'm not sure I will add them.
Reason is as you know EOSID are company tailored. And no FS navdata providers give any EOSID.
Also, I don't think there will be any way to modify/add procedures in the database, at least in the near future.


07-10-2013, 01:33 PM
+1 JL...
there are no glass cockpit suites on the market (both boeing & airbus style) which implement EOSIDs for the reason well explained by JL: company custom tailored.

07-12-2013, 05:37 PM
Hi jeehell
as always thanks for your great support

Working on version 30 I have noticed some lags over the network specially with pfd nd and ewd, I have cleaned up firewalls, antivirus updaters and everything, even i went back to fs9 to check if things speeeeds up, but some intermitency remains.

Any suggestions about a preferend port for the network or any trick to improve network lags?

Also is beta 30 the latest version or is there an upgrade im not aware of?

Best regards


07-13-2013, 08:50 AM

B30 is the latest version, there were no upgrades for some weeks now.
So far you're the first I think who experienced more lag with B30 than the previous version? if others have feedback on that...

There is no particular trick, a good port is a port which does work.

Best regards,

07-14-2013, 10:24 AM
hi guys,
experienced yesterday and today a strange issue:
short flight LIEE-LIEO.
after filling the f-pln when performing lat revision for the arrival at LIEO, the arrival page did not show up any approach name; scrolling down showed the ils freq on the right hand side, but the left hand side reported NO app names and identifiers. line selecting any approach line caused an error in fmgs server (access violation).
replicated today in the same way.
i don't have the latest navigraph airacs but just the last month's ones...don't know if this issue is related to the nav database thing.
anyone else ecperienced this? (maybe antonio?)
or jl can u replicate it if u find any spare time?
all the best


In B30 I have lost the Runway ILS in many airports. Example ILS 16 is now nav rad 16.

07-14-2013, 11:29 AM

A few days ago I started planning the first phase of an instructor station.
The first part is reserved for fault management.
I found some things that could help me to clarify.
for the engine failure I used the standard FSUIPC offsets, but indications on ECAM are not always equal.
For example, the management does not display some of the levers and start idle valve, and does not continue with the list on the display card.
is a problem of offset, or you have reserved a particular offset list?
The project provides a first part for fault management, and thereafter the weather and ground control.
If you have a list of offsets dedicated to this type of work, where can I find it?



07-14-2013, 01:26 PM
Hi JL,

one thing about the barometric switch on FO side: When this is set to Hg mode and is then pulled, it goes to standard which is fine. If it is pushed later, it's displaying somthing around zero. It then takes minutes to turn back to the right pressure again. In hPa mode this is working fine, and on CP side it's working fine in both modes.

Thanks for looking into this.


07-15-2013, 11:32 AM
hi JL,
i was guessing if the APP NAV approach mode is fully implemented in your suite: i've flown a couple of vor approaches but when pressing the app button on the fcu i get the APP NAV annunciated on the fma but no way to have the FINAL annunciated and of course engaged. moreover i have the amber ILS flashing on the pfd. am i missing something or the vertical FINAL mode is just not yet implemented?
thanks a lot

07-15-2013, 12:25 PM

@Startrail:everything concerning navdata is changing in next version, until then we'll all have to wait.

@Daniele: the ECAM messages available are only those which results of wrong actions under normal conditions (i.e. no failures: a switcvh off when it should be on...). There is no way to trigger any failure otherwise.

@Stefan:I'll try to have a look...

@Filippo: as you noticed, the APP NAV and FINAL mode are not yet fully implemented. I am working on that for next version.

Best regards,

07-15-2013, 12:55 PM
thanks for your quick reply!
imagined that u were working on it...just wanted to be sure i was not doing something wrong on my side.
thanks a lot for your work!!!
all the best

07-16-2013, 03:44 PM
Thank you once again for your efforts in updating the system and mostly replying to our numerous questions.
One more thing please. There is no triple click sound when disengaging AP .

07-16-2013, 03:54 PM
i have the sound when disconnecting a/p...must be a local issue

07-16-2013, 10:41 PM
i have the sound when disconnecting a/p...must be a local issue

i use to have the sound but with the latest update it is gone


07-17-2013, 01:47 AM
i have the triple click sound also using last release...so must be something local on your side

07-17-2013, 03:12 AM
i have the sound when disconnecting a/p...must be a local issue

i have the triple click sound also using last release...so must be something local on your side

I confirm , i also have all sound when A/P or ATHR disconnect.


07-19-2013, 05:53 AM
i use to have the sound but with the latest update it is gone



I am also missing the triple click - don't know since when. The WAV file is there and can be played, have already done lots of tests, but it's simply not playing.


07-19-2013, 10:58 AM
Hi guys

Just to clarify the "triple click" is an aural alert. It is an attention-getter, designed to draw the flight crew's attention to the FMA when a reversion occurs.

The PFD FMA highlights a mode change or reversion with a white box around the new mode, and the pulsing of its associated FD bar.
The reversions are also emphasized via the triple click aural alert.

Reversions occurs to ensure a coherent AP, FD, and A/THR operations, in conjunction with flight crew input (or when mode reversions are automatic mode changes that unexpectedly occurs for example you are in NAV mode and you reach a discontinuity, the plane will revert to HDG since NAV is Not possible anymore )

The triple click also appears in the following, less usual, cases:
• SRS ▸ CLB (OPCLB) reversion: If, the flight crew selects a speed on the FCU
• The V/S selection is "refused" during ALT *: The flight crew pulls the V/S knob, while in
• The V/S target is not followed, because the selected target is too high, and leads to

So when you disconnect the AP you will not hear the "click, click, click" because that is not a mode reversion.

Best regards


07-21-2013, 01:22 AM
Hi guys

Just to clarify the "triple click" is an aural alert. It is an attention-getter, designed to draw the flight crew's attention to the FMA when a reversion occurs.

The PFD FMA highlights a mode change or reversion with a white box around the new mode, and the pulsing of its associated FD bar.
The reversions are also emphasized via the triple click aural alert.

Reversions occurs to ensure a coherent AP, FD, and A/THR operations, in conjunction with flight crew input (or when mode reversions are automatic mode changes that unexpectedly occurs for example you are in NAV mode and you reach a discontinuity, the plane will revert to HDG since NAV is Not possible anymore )

The triple click also appears in the following, less usual, cases:
• SRS ▸ CLB (OPCLB) reversion: If, the flight crew selects a speed on the FCU
• The V/S selection is "refused" during ALT *: The flight crew pulls the V/S knob, while in
• The V/S target is not followed, because the selected target is too high, and leads to

So when you disconnect the AP you will not hear the "click, click, click" because that is not a mode reversion.

Best regards



It is exactly like Stephen described It . The file is in Sound Folder and can be played but is no longer available thru FMGS regardless of the situation you have mentioned above. It did happen after upgrading To B30 . Before that it was working perfectly.



07-21-2013, 03:06 AM
guys let's keep focused on the "original" discussion: sound when a/p is disconnected. on my side i have the sound correctly played in v30....don't know about triple click on mode change.
i'll check it...but the original question was about the a/p disco.

07-21-2013, 11:00 AM
guys let's keep focused on the "original" discussion: sound when a/p is disconnected. on my side i have the sound correctly played in v30....don't know about triple click on mode change.
i'll check it...but the original question was about the a/p disco.

To be precise, when you disengage auto pilot the cavalry charge will sound and the master warning lights up. When you press the latter the triple click sound comes out which I am not

thank you for your concern and help.


07-22-2013, 05:28 AM
To be precise, when you disengage auto pilot the cavalry charge will sound and the master warning lights up. When you press the latter the triple click sound comes out which I am not

thank you for your concern and help.


It's correct, and v30b do it very well (i've Cockpitsonic FCU/EFIS)

07-23-2013, 03:12 AM

Has anyone witnessed Stuttering or Hickups in FSX after using Server & Client for FMGS. When I had all on one server I did not fcae this problem. I have tried all tweaks and programs but in vain. The stuttering starts after loading FMGS and FScockpit .
I have a complete Capt. Side cockpit from FScockpit. Running on I7, 64, Quad with 16GB . Nvidia GTX 460 .



07-23-2013, 03:25 AM
Hi JL,

just two things :

1. when the thrust levelers go on IDLE , the ATHR should be disengaged , but it always stay active
2. when i open doors by pressing SHIFT+1/2/3/4 , the S/D show DOORS PAGE but all doors are shown closed.


07-23-2013, 05:00 PM

@Mike: I do not know what may be causing the stutters. Check the CPU usage by all the various software. Did you make sure you have the stutters if you do not start FScockpit software?

1. i'll look at that. I'm surprised it stays engaged?
2. The door status in FS is not coded in a proper way. I'll work on that someday, but until then it'll stay this way.


07-24-2013, 03:54 PM

the ATHR disengages when you put the throttles to idle. It works correctly.


07-25-2013, 03:11 AM

the ATHR disengages when you put the throttles to idle. It works correctly.


Hi AirFan, i noted it disengages only when i am on ground.
If i go to idle during approach , for example, it remain engaged... but i will perform other tests



thanks for your response

07-25-2013, 03:31 AM

@Mike: I do not know what may be causing the stutters. Check the CPU usage by all the various software. Did you make sure you have the stutters if you do not start FScockpit software?

1. i'll look at that. I'm surprised it stays engaged?
2. The door status in FS is not coded in a proper way. I'll work on that someday, but until then it'll stay this way.


Hi JL,

i have tested FMGS w/o Fscockpit and voila the stutter disappeared. Is there an advice from your side to overcome this issue. Do I need to make any adjustments on the program.

Thank you for your continuous support .

regards regards


07-25-2013, 03:45 AM

@Asessa: ok keep me posted.

@startrail: I m sorry I do not know how fscockpit soft operates at all. Best would be to contact the manufacturer?

@All: I'm leaving for a couple weeks on holyday. So I probably wont be able to answer as fast as usual...


07-25-2013, 09:05 AM
Hi JL, one question : can we use your software with all A32x family ?

It could be great if we can use it also with A319 and A321... and ,maybe, A33x.

Can you explain if it's possible?


07-25-2013, 05:45 PM
enjoy your holiday JL!
just for info my 737 cockpit has been sold...so in mid august i'll order my 320 cockpit from skalarki! wow! everything is going to start!!

07-26-2013, 03:28 AM
so in mid august i'll order my 320 cockpit from skalarki! wow! everything is going to start!!


It's a good news Fil :)

07-31-2013, 03:53 PM
Hi JL, one question : can we use your software with all A32x family ?

It could be great if we can use it also with A319 and A321... and ,maybe, A33x.

Can you explain if it's possible?


UP, Jl when you can , please

08-26-2013, 08:40 AM
Hi JL, one question : can we use your software with all A32x family ?

It could be great if we can use it also with A319 and A321... and ,maybe, A33x.

Can you explain if it's possible?


UP, pls :)

08-26-2013, 10:17 AM

I thought I had answered that question.
Anyway, any new type of aircraft takes a very long time of tuning in the AP/FBW software. SO for now only A320.
Some have managed to make it work with A330, but this is not perfect and takes a lot of time I cannot give.


08-26-2013, 10:25 AM
ok thanks JL.
can AP/FBW tuning be done by us ?

08-27-2013, 03:01 PM

It took me several weeks to do it, knowing how to, I doubt it would give correct outputs for end users... And the AP/FBW is also undergoing surgery recently, so the tuning will need to be redone soon...


08-28-2013, 04:14 AM

It took me several weeks to do it, knowing how to, I doubt it would give correct outputs for end users... And the AP/FBW is also undergoing surgery recently, so the tuning will need to be redone soon...


Ok JL, no problem ;)

09-01-2013, 11:28 AM
Hi JL,

seems like it became very silent on the forum and I hope you are ok. I just wonder if you are still working on the integation of the new nav data and all the new leg features that comes with it. Maybe you can drop a line about whats going on or where you are stuck? Do you also want to touch the vertical path profile with b31?

And do you plan to further improve the FBW gains as there are still some issues:

- ATHR sometimes very "nervous"
- higher bank angles result in pumping pitch
- maybe you can check your definition about bank angle joystick input... I find it very hard to keep a constant bank angle beyond 33deg manually. I know it should return when you have no joystick input and the ACFT is above 33deg. Thats clear, but joystick inputs seem to become verrry sensetive when above 33degs. How is the logic defined? Will 75% roll axis input give 75% of max bank angle when above 33deg?

- sometimes I manage to get wrong vertical flight mode changes which lead to the point that the FD will not show both green bars. So only one of the green bars is shown on PFD.

- the flare during autoland still ALWAYS results in crash in my case using DUAL CAT3.
- the pitch down trim during flare to induce a slight backstick input is abit to hard or introduced to quickly
- sometimes LOC* is active even the AC is pretty close to runway threshold. LOC shoud activate way earlier.

Regarding internal logics:

- check MW light and sound logic for double failures like TOGA set while PRK on and still not in Takeoff Config
- maybe I am just a bad pilot but in EVERY manual approach I see the AUTOLAND flashing. Can somebody confirm? @ How long should it flash when its flashing?

Future ideas:

- I think I mentioned the "ILS-Ajuster-Tool" to ajust NAV-data and scenery mismatch allowing to shift GS and Localizer.
- I dont know the electric logic in every detail but I assume there is a difference between ground power and interal batteries only wrt backlight and floodlight. Are all displays on when you only switch on the batteries? I know there is a difference in a 737. Maybe someone can provide some documentation and you could add some offsets in your SIOC GUI.
- I guess you heard it very often :) x-plane 10 is still an issue. Maybe you can quickly explain the problem with x-plane. Is it only the offsets?
- Slew mode should be recognized to avoid low speed TOGA or overspeed warnings
- jumping lateral FD bar when passing a waypoint
- audio options: why not adding options for APU, avionic fan, packs... stuff like that
- on the real ACFT you have "intermediate states" for some korries. So if you turn on or turn off the fuel pumps you see the "FAULT" sign of each pump for half a sec.Can that be added?
- When you power the ACFT ... how do the displays get alive? I assume they turn on more smoothly.
- New ECAM styles

I know, not all that stuff is relevant right now. However, maybe it gives you some ideas.


Looking forward trying your new release.

09-01-2013, 12:01 PM

Well, summer is a busy time for me (in both professional and private lives).
Also, the navdata upgrade is really complex. It's not just a matter of changing navdata source, this is a complete FPLN system rewrite. I'm not stuck, but this is just taking time.
As for your other issues, some will be corrected in next version, some will maybe be corrected and some will have to wait.
The idea is first to finish the navdata thing for good, then resume on other items.

A little teaser:


09-01-2013, 12:41 PM

unfortuanatelly your link gives a mycockpit.org error message "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator".
Well, I will just wait for the big surprise.
