View Full Version : Cockpit Dimensions

11-02-2012, 07:28 PM
I am currently in the planning stage for my cockpit and I am looking for some guidance regarding the relative positions, dimensions etc for the cockpit.

What I am looking at is a generic GA cockpit. I went to the Museum of Flight in East Lothian during the week in the hope of being able to see cockpits close up and maybe take some measurements, from their aircraft, but the ones that you could get access to had their cockpit areas secured behind plexiglass screens which made even taking decent photos quite difficult.

What I would really like is some actual cockpit dimensions from something like a DeHavilland Twin Otter or Beaver.

Anyone out there able to point me in the right direction?

11-04-2012, 07:18 AM
Hi you must not be afraid to contact a flying club. I am sure they would like to give you access to a plane so you can take your measurements if you ask nicely.

You can see here how far one can get by asking the right peoble in a nice way: Cockpit dimensions - MD-80 Cockpit Project | Forums | MD-80 Project related (http://www.md80project.dk/portal/forum_topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=92&FORUM_ID=35&CAT_ID=12&Forum_Title=MD-80+Project+related&Topic_Title=Cockpit+dimensions)

11-04-2012, 01:22 PM
That's a really good idea - I would never have had the gumption to do that. I actually wonder if the Museum of Flight would allow access if I asked nicely. (I may be able to bribe them with a BOAC silk headscarf from the 60's that my wife is considering gifting.)