View Full Version : Hello to Everyone - greetings from Poland

01-24-2013, 08:59 AM
Dear All,
I'm completely new in this forum, so I'd like to introduce a little bit myself.
I'm interested in plane, especialy passenger, modern planes, and also I'm traveling a lot by planes becouse of my work.
Last month I've started my home-cockpit project of CRJ-200.
It is not very advance, but I'd like to start from something quite easy ond not to big.
In normal life I have family, so I cannot focus only on my cockpit project (unfortunately;))

So, summaized, I'm very happy, that I joined to MyCockpit forum.

Best regards

01-24-2013, 05:48 PM
Hi Leszek

Welcome to this forum. Sounds great thatvyou will build a CRJ-200 cockpit. Look around and you will find a lot of inspiration

Build your own 737 NG home cockpit (http://www.737sim.dk)

05-17-2013, 02:09 PM
Hello Again
I've started to build blog about my CRJ-200, so if You would like to see my progress, please go to following web-page:
crj200athome | How to make own home cockpit (http://crj200athome.wordpress.com/)

Best regards