View Full Version : Possible : Ifly / PMDG 737NGX and Project Magenta

03-21-2013, 02:28 AM
At the PM forum I saw that some people have managed to have the PMDGT/Ifly model work with PM mcp/glass cockpit.

I have the following hardware :
- CPFlight mcp LE + efis
- Open Cockpits CDU v2
- VRInsight Overhead

To have the entire Overhead work correctly I should be using the Ifly 737. The PMDG 737 works about 90% with it.
The CPFlight mcp/Efis and VRInsight Oh can be attached and used with it.

However to save fps I want to use PM with it too , so the flightdisplays can be put on a client pc.

Has anyone tried this ?

Or perhaps you have some suggestions/ideas ?

03-21-2013, 06:40 AM
Why not just get Ifly Pro or Prosim 737 and avoid the issues? The Vri Overhead works perfectly with both as all your other gear.

03-21-2013, 07:10 AM
Why not just get Ifly Pro or Prosim 737 and avoid the issues? The Vri Overhead works perfectly with both as all your other gear.

Last weekend I bought the Engravity Captain and Center Part, the CPFlight mcp + efis and Open Cockpits CDU.
That did cost quiet some Money.

Tomorrow the VRInsight Overhead will arrive.
All together ny wallet is empty right now.

Project Magenta Boeing ( everything ) I already had.
Therefore I would like to use the combination I described.