03-23-2013, 10:23 AM
Althow I am new to flight simming, I look forward to assossiating with you all and look forward to educating my self from your greatly supperior knowledge in this skillful hobby. I live in Pudsey West Yorkshire, UK, the home town of the famous pudsey bear and Mary Poppins [Julie Andrews]
I am also a member of the CIXVF club.
At the present time I am setting a up cockpit using MS Flight Simulator X. and Saitec equipment and trying to configer 3 screans [so far without success]. Any advise on the 3 screan problem would be very gratefully received from you good folk.
Regards to all, Pudseykeith. :grin:
PS. Sorry for the spelling, I suffer badly from dyslecxia.
I am also a member of the CIXVF club.
At the present time I am setting a up cockpit using MS Flight Simulator X. and Saitec equipment and trying to configer 3 screans [so far without success]. Any advise on the 3 screan problem would be very gratefully received from you good folk.
Regards to all, Pudseykeith. :grin:
PS. Sorry for the spelling, I suffer badly from dyslecxia.