View Full Version : TC 690 Turbo Commander cockpit

06-06-2013, 01:40 AM
Just a really short video showing the new 45 degree, left side view I installed today. The right side 45 will go in next week and the monitors will get boxed in to contain the views. Still lots to do as far as aligning the view but the effect so far is fantastic.:p


06-07-2013, 11:33 PM
You have really high frame rates considering the number of monitors you have. What are your computer specs and how many computers are you using?

Geremy Britton
06-08-2013, 10:49 AM
Very good!

06-12-2013, 04:25 AM
Sorry Avro, just getting to sorta answering your question now. There are a total of 6 computers running the sim. Three high end i7 type comps for the visuals and three basic $200.00 units to run the gauges. I can get the exact specs for the visual comps in a day or two.