View Full Version : Cessna Lover

08-02-2013, 02:09 AM
G'day all
my name is Milo (my nick name not real ) any way
I have only just started flight simming over the last 12 months,
started with cessna 172 then went to 737,747 and now back to cessna
but bought my first payware plane the ceranado cessna grand caravan 208b,
which I have a soft spot for, actually I do for the 172 as well!!

any way so far got over 100 hours , but now just going to stick to the cessna's
not really into the big birds , even though I have my own fictonal airline site

I also did the paint for them, any way would like to some day build a
home cockpit, one that would allow for the 172 or carvan, I'm also thinking of doing
an around the world flight soon once I get used to this first payware plane
so would like the full gps and autopilot etc like i see in some of your pics
so would love some tips and suggestions, not very craft minded or handy but up for ideas..
and on a limited budget so will be a slow project..

I live in Nowra NSW Australia but my airport is based at Bankstown (sydney) but soon to go to Wollongong airport when i get the update for that..
thanks for reading..


08-26-2013, 03:08 AM
The first things players do in the game is choose a side: Elves or Dwarves. Each faction has totally unique art, faction-specific story elements and special surprises. The factions also utilize different units that are true to the fiction. For instance, Elves have archers and Ents while Dwarves have boar riders and siege weapons like catapults.

think you got the wrong game??

01-14-2014, 10:02 AM
weird one there!