View Full Version : Rotary Switch Confusion

08-29-2013, 01:18 PM
Greetings MyCockpit,

I was planning on uploading a video of my partially complete overhead panel, but I'm hoping to install the two rotary switches first. Unfortunately, the connections are not labeled, and it's unclear which pin is the ground pin and which pin corresponds to which shaft position. I have a low-res photo here, see if any of you can help. Should I just test it through trial and error?



08-30-2013, 08:53 AM
The left one as GND in the middle.
But the 1-blank-1-1 layout looks strange.

On the right one it seems logic that one of the groups in the middle is GND. However it is hard to tell with the low-res.

But yeah Trail'n'error seems like the best solution.

Or if you can wait, new rotary switches are $2 each on ebay.

09-01-2013, 01:42 AM
I could get them on Ebay, but these have very specific index angles on them. I guess trial and error is the best idea.