09-03-2013, 09:29 PM
I was wondering if there is any way to update the FSX Waypoint database. I'm using Project Magenta's FMC and I just updated the CDU Navdata to 1309 and flew from LAX to SFO and some of the waypoints in my flight plan weren't in the FSX Flight Planner.
09-04-2013, 05:52 AM
Why would you use the default FSX flight planner? This is a piece of crap. Use RouteFinder (free access area) ( or ( or Home - vroute premium - ultimate tool for virtual flight planning ( just to name a few of good ones.
To the default FS update: you can get it here: Flight Simulator intersection (fixes) updates ( (on that page there also are navaids update (VOR, NDB,...) and magnetic declination updates).
09-04-2013, 01:09 PM
I do use Vroute Premium and Simroutes but I want ATC to use the route from those flight plans and often I have to change the waypoints in FSX to match. Is there a way to get ATC to follow a Vroute flight plan?