View Full Version : Building a super joystcik

10-02-2013, 02:52 PM
so ive been doing some research, and it doesnt seem all that difficult to build a 69 button super USB joystick (at least in theory). what is required is a micro controller. some of the cheaper ones around $5 will even do. but i cant get my hands on a micro controller, since its unavailable. is there a way to make a simple micro controller to interface with the PC?

I've already destroyed 2 joysticks. one had almost worked. in fact, it worked for a good two days. on the third day, the computer stopped recognizing it altogether. and that was the end of that.

so coming back to the topic, is it even possible to build a micro controller?

10-02-2013, 05:14 PM
Simple answer... no. Building a microcontroller would take an extreme amount of expertise in the area of programming and engineering. What you can do is buy an Arduino board to interface your own joystick creation. What specifically are you building?


10-03-2013, 06:30 AM
im trying to build an overhead panel. i got most of it working with hacking a keyboard. but im stuck on some switches, (about 10) that need a joystick interface. so i was thinking of building one.
as far as IO cards are concerned, im confused.
1. there's leo's bu0836x
2. then there's Pokeys
3. arduino (which has sooo many models)

if i do choose a card, which one would be the best? i need lots of buttons, and no rotary encoders, no pots.

10-03-2013, 11:16 AM
Pokeys is the best route to go. I don't know how far you are in your build, but the pokeys will open or do everything you want + more. It also has the capabilities to expand the digital outputs to 80 without using the terminal pins. If you do decide to go for the pokeys, go for the Ethernet version and grab a free copy of FSSymphony from Flying the Winglets (http://www.flying-the-winglets.de) , just email Ruediger for a copy. It's a great piece of software.

10-03-2013, 06:43 PM
The Bodnar BBI-32 is like an 836X without pot support. It has 32 inputs and support for lighted toggle switches.

Jim NZ
10-03-2013, 10:02 PM
Unless you build your own, the cheapest way to get heaps of joystick buttons is to use an Arduino.

You can convert a Arduino Mega 2560 16AU over to a unit that will be seen by windows as being 2 joysticks.
(You need to make sure it's not a FTDI / serial one)
Look on ebay,, they start at about $18 and go up.

The one's I done have 64 buttons and 5 analog inputs but while programing it you can choose how many buttons and analog inputs you want that would fit into the windows 'presentation' of 2 complete joystick setups.
(Each 'presentation' has 32 buttons and 6 analog inputs)

So there's another option for you.

10-04-2013, 12:53 PM
Hi Jim,

Is the Arduino Mega you're talking about the non R3 version?


10-04-2013, 01:28 PM
hexpopePokeys is the best route to go. I don't know how far you are in your build, but the pokeys will open or do everything you want + more. It also has the capabilities to expand the digital outputs to 80 without using the terminal pins. If you do decide to go for the pokeys, go for the Ethernet version and grab a free copy of FSSymphony from Flying the Winglets , just email Ruediger for a copy. It's a great piece of software.

well I've completed the overhead but I don't like the way I've done it. It's overly complicated with 3 independent circuits running and over 300 feet of wiring. Pokeys looks pretty complicated. But people are saying that its really easy.
joysticks in my country (non analogue) cost $2. I get 14 switches for $2. So that's a pretty decent deal. The downside is, the micro controller is super sensitive to heat anywhere on the board. (Soldering). But it works. So I can get buttons no problem. But I do need a board if I want to expand this panel. Like adding an apu egt gauge or the pressurization gauge. Can pokeys handle that? Or do I need a servo card from OC.

Avro748The Bodnar BBI-32 is like an 836X without pot support. It has 32 inputs and support for lighted toggle switches.

i will definitely keep that in mind. I do plan to make a backlit panel. Thanks

Jim NZUnless you build your own, the cheapest way to get heaps of joystick buttons is to use an Arduino.

You can convert a Arduino Mega 2560 16AU over to a unit that will be seen by windows as being 2 joysticks.
(You need to make sure it's not a FTDI / serial one)
Look on ebay,, they start at about $18 and go up.

The one's I done have 64 buttons and 5 analog inputs but while programing it you can choose how many buttons and analog inputs you want that would fit into the windows 'presentation' of 2 complete joystick setups.
(Each 'presentation' has 32 buttons and 6 analog inputs)

So there's another option for you.

thats exactly what I was looking for. But checked the shipping and its around €75. So I will definitely keep it in mind when I'm in Europe. Sounds perfect.

Thanks for the 3 options guys. Really appreciate it. Il have to weigh the pros and cons of each, before I go buying them.

Jim NZ
10-05-2013, 09:32 PM
Hi Sam ,,,
The one's I done used the atmega8U2 ( Older R1 and R2)
It also works on the atmega16u2 (R3).

It just don't work if it has the FTDI chip (for obvious reasons).
I just threw that in as there are some odd-ball Chineese/Hong Kong stuff out there that advertise as Mega 2560 but have the FTDI chip in them.

Easy to spot tho ,, the small chip that is right behind the USB socket ,, if the chip has small legs on all 4 sides then it's an atmega chip ,, if the legs are larger and only on 2 sides then it's the FTDI one.


PS ,, I just done a quick check on prices on ebay for the Arduino Mega 2560 ,,,
US$13.99 + shipping US$3.99
US$15.22 with free international shipping
US$16.88 with free international shipping
US$19.98 + shipping US$2.58
and most of them came with a free USB cable.
Not bad for 64 buttons !!

Matti V
04-19-2014, 03:05 AM
dealextreme and ebay have cheap arduino mega card many place and shipping have many free. just i orden 2560 mega car 7 euro and free shipping, cheap :)
then you can adding new program in chip load and adding Mjoy mega file ,have many easy good site were see how make.
Mjoy can made 64 inbut.