View Full Version : programming in Linda LUA IPC code with a pokey56U

11-05-2013, 04:32 PM
hello all

I bought a Pokey 56U and i try to pilot a single switch with a Script given on Polabs Web Site (written by Terry Hall)

but the script doesn't work at all
if i open it with the "Linda Editor", a error is shown at the begining of the script on a "end" in line 11 and the line 6 (creating the pockey Dll object) is hightlighted in Red

is somebody know how interact pokey with Linda IPC or have you a small piece of code to show how i could manage switch as the battery ON/OFF

Syntax error!

Line: 11: attempt to index global 'luacom' (a nil value)
stack traceback: \linda\lua\tmp.lua:11: in main chunk

1 | -- =================================================================================
2 | -- Initial Setup
3 | -- =================================================================================
4 |
5 | require "luacom"
6 | poKeys = luacom.CreateObject("PoKeysDevice_DLL.PoKeysDevice")
7 |
8 | if poKeys == nil then
9 | ipc.log("Error: Unable to create PoKeysDevice_DLL object")
10 | ipc.exit()
11 | end
12 |
13 | connect_usb = true -- true = USB / false = ethernet

thanks for your help
newbie in home cockpit

02-02-2014, 06:51 PM

i find the solution