View Full Version : Linear actuator suggestions

01-10-2014, 08:17 PM

I'm going to be building a motion platform using an aluminum box frame construction to keep it light. I have a basic idea of how I'm going to build it. I'm ordering a racing seat this weekend with sliding rails and will be starting a basic layout over the weekend.

I'm an Aerospace Machinist by trade with 34 + years experience. I have CNC machines available to build the project as well as a CAD / CAM system to design and generate programs. I also have all the material I need right in the machine shop.

What I really need help with is the type of linear actuator to purchase. I would like to move up to a 220 lb person plus 3 light weight monitors so I think the max I will be moving is 260 - 280 lbs. I will be building 3 DOF so 3 actuators.

Can anyone give me some ideas of actuators needed as well as a way of controlling them.

Thanks in advance.


01-11-2014, 04:49 AM

For 3DoF systems there are several actuator options to choose from:

Many commercial platforms use the motor+gear+crank-arm method.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czGIx6mkUQ8
This method needs a stabilizing center post, with splint for avoiding unwanted yaw.

The force dynamics 3DoF system and its Czech brother http://www.motion-sim.cz/index.php/en uses long linear actuators that need to be quite stiff in sideways direction. Pulley-belt system.
Flightsim setup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pATsL3I2Wtg

Ian Hopper's mini platform is good DIY possibility: http://bffsimulation.com/platform3.php
He also has the full 3DoF motion drive software and hardware, which works really well.

My generation IV 3DoF platform design uses balanced scissor type actuators that don't need a center post.

There are other possibilities, just search the web for 3DoF / Linear actuators / Motion Platforms ....

Good luck!

09-09-2014, 03:50 PM
were you ever able to find suitable actuators??

10-28-2014, 10:38 AM
Hello Chippie.

I opted for the Ian Hopper's mini platform, I bought the set of plans and software but I am attracted by your idea of the aluminium box frame so, I will be very grateful to get more details on your construction.

Now that I'm nearing retirement after working for a career in aviation maintenance and occupied the highest title in this activity, I have ample time to devote myself to the idea which has never left me to build by myself a flight simulator in my garage.

Today, this idea turned into envy since I have two pilots at home, these are my two sons. However, although I am a good handyman with a good background in mechanical, electrical, avionics, airframe and engine power, I did not want to go through adventures between make and remake without a specific purpose.

Also, the project that I intend to do is to make a one seat cockpit mounted on a 6DOF motion platform so, I liked the one built by Ronald VANROY seen on the site simprojects.nl but my attempts to try to reproduce at home the same actuator were unsuccessful as it does not give many details on woodworking.

That does not stop me so, I bought online in UK PetrolScooter 03 DC Motors with Following specifications: Model MY1020, Voltage 48V DC, Rated speed 3000 RPM, Rated current 26.7 A and 1000W output to get into the realization of his (Ronald VANROY) platform with 3 degrees of freedom.

If you want, we can continue our conversation by PM.

Best Regards.


10-28-2014, 02:53 PM
You can also visit x-sim.de or xsimulator.de
same content range from 12 volt wiper motors to 400 volt 3phase ac like mine :)
2 3 or 6 dof price range 1 to 10000$
regards Henk

10-29-2014, 04:13 AM
Hello Kermit,
Thank you for the tip but x-sim.de site is blocked and there is no way to enter unless you have a username and a password.
I have already consulted the xsimulator.de site without dwell too because I do not have the financial means to offer me a 6dof motion plateform key in hand and it is not my goal either.
Regards, Mahfoud

10-29-2014, 07:26 AM
you could try xsimulator.net,
homebrew platforms