View Full Version : new builder complete noob

01-31-2014, 05:52 PM
hi guys
ive just started to get in to the idea of a home cockpit and have bought an arduino mega card as an i/o board . i haven't really got anything running yet or anything built as im just getting started , i haven't even decided what im going to base on yet i was going for the pmdg 737ngx but that does not seem to interface well though if someone knows a way of doing it then please let me know, now im thinking about the aerosoft Airbus x but i dont know anything again interfacing it i have lin2fs from jims site but it dosent all work with the Airbus etc. hope you guys can help as im starting to get a bit confused with all these diffrent programs etc .

02-01-2014, 03:19 AM
Hi philip,
every beginning is hard. I start first with a small Cockpit like Cessna. You can use all code which is in Link2fs in the demo ino´s. Jim did a great work! Thanks again.

You can look on my Homepage...
To learn making a first cockpit, learn to use the arduino code samples in Link2FS.

Start small, have fun like I ;)

CU Chris