View Full Version : Introduciton

02-18-2014, 02:49 AM
Hi all,

My name is chris and I'm from Belgium. I'm 40 and my dream since forever is to be a buiness jet pilot. I'm not a fan of the big size planes like Boeing or Airbus, but instead I'm a fan of small business jets for instance Learjet or Challenger or Cessna Citation. As I got some knowledge in computer (my job), electrics, mechanics, electronics, DIY, I thought that I could at least make my dream virtually by building my own home cockpit.

I don't know yet what and how, but I'm willing to make that project real.

I've built a DIY Mill so I can definitely make my own parts. I'm also building a 3D printer si I can definitely make the buttons and plastic parts.

I'm also an arduino enthusiast. I've found out that it's definitely possible to interface FSX with some arduino boards.
So if some of you guys are doing the same, I'll be very glad to learn from you. In exchange and since I got the Open-Source mind, I'll share my discoveries if I find some :-)

I know this project will be very long and tough. I'm giving myself 4 to 5 years to achieve the project.

Best regards

03-26-2014, 07:44 PM
Hi , I am in the same position here in the UK, I am at the very start of my project and wanting to build a learjet 45 sim, I have lots of I.T and electronics knowledge but wondering where to start. I have seen some pages from Jim from NZ on here regarding using the arduino boards and FSX and I feel this is probably the best solution for me too as it is cheap, I dont have tons of money lying around to buy panels etc so if we share ideas etc that would be great ?

Best wishes Michael


Hi all,

My name is chris and I'm from Belgium. I'm 40 and my dream since forever is to be a buiness jet pilot. I'm not a fan of the big size planes like Boeing or Airbus, but instead I'm a fan of small business jets for instance Learjet or Challenger or Cessna Citation. As I got some knowledge in computer (my job), electrics, mechanics, electronics, DIY, I thought that I could at least make my dream virtually by building my own home cockpit.

I don't know yet what and how, but I'm willing to make that project real.

I've built a DIY Mill so I can definitely make my own parts. I'm also building a 3D printer si I can definitely make the buttons and plastic parts.

I'm also an arduino enthusiast. I've found out that it's definitely possible to interface FSX with some arduino boards.
So if some of you guys are doing the same, I'll be very glad to learn from you. In exchange and since I got the Open-Source mind, I'll share my discoveries if I find some :-)

I know this project will be very long and tough. I'm giving myself 4 to 5 years to achieve the project.

Best regards