View Full Version : First flight - Descent Alt const. -9999 and FBW did not recognize Flap settings

03-09-2014, 07:04 PM

A couple of problems on my first real flight.
Setup is as follows:
- P3Dv2.1 w hotfix. Running in Legacy mode using the Estonian Migration tool.
- Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle and Stick managed by FMGS. (worked well)
- Opus Wx
- FMGS 32.3 OCHD, AP/FBW, CPT FPD, CPT ND, E/WD, SD, Brakes, DDRMI, Clock, Sound, ECAM Logic
On laptop:
- FMGS 32.3 FCU, Sound, CPT MCDU, and a number of others.
- FSInn (Vatsim Connection)

Route: EKCH-EKBI, 22R ODN1C ODN LOKSA ILS27 (Cruise FL160)
I handflew the flight following the FD.
Three problems:
1- The descent showed Alt Constraint -9999 for a number of late fixes on the route, and did not allow a vertical constraint to be inserted.
2- It seemed the system entered Approach phase by itself. I could not select this.
3- The FS, as well as the E/WD showed flaps and slats extending step by step to FULL, however the speed tape did not recognize this and the A Floor protection took over, keeping the airspeed at 220 kts on short final.

Supplementary question.
4 - Both Joystick and Throttle are managed by the FMGS software. How do I let non allocated buttons and axis pass through to FSUIPC and/or P3D?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks for your help


03-09-2014, 07:09 PM
Supplementary note: When shutting FMGS down after use I get an error that EIS.exe has stopped responding.


03-09-2014, 07:46 PM

1) -9999 on vertical profile is a known bug
2) When passing teh DECEL point (circled D on the ND), it switches from DES to APPR phase.
3) You must not use the FS controls for flaps (F5-F8) but instead the FMGS flaps. This means you must have a joystick axis or joystick switches (at least 2: increment/decrement), or compatible hardware.


03-10-2014, 04:56 AM
Merci JL,

There is an extra lever on the Warthog throttle that can function as Flap lever. I will incoporate that.
Any information we can provide to help debug the -9999 issue?

Thanks for a fantastic package! It was a joy, and P3D is running at 30 fps with all sliders max now with FMGS. I did notice a slight stutter but have to test more to evaluate.



03-10-2014, 10:57 AM
Any information we can provide to help debug the -9999 issue?

Not really for now, I more or less now waht's going on, and it's just a long task of debugging...