View Full Version : Where to start?

09-08-2014, 12:22 AM
Hello everyone!

I'm looking to build a 737 one side home simulator, I know it will takes time so that's why I will start with step by step, the first one is to build the MCP. The main problem is that I lake informations.

I know I need a usb board, do some coding (that's fine for me as I am a webmaster and won't have to struggle too much with this), do some wiring... But the step where I'm lost is when I ask myself all these questions: Which buttons/switchs/potentiometers do I need? Do I have to use multiple boards, or 1 is enough? Where can I find theses components with a nice price?...

It's obvious that I need to learn more about this, but maybe if I can find and buy the board I need with some buttons and mess with them it will be easier to understand and to go further.

So please, if you have some advises and links I will really appreciate it !

Thanks for your help !

10-21-2014, 09:28 AM

Perhaps you found your answers already because many information is available througout Mycockpit.

More detailed information can always be found on the websites of the suppliers. If you are building everything by yourself have you considered Simworld? They offer kits that you need to build up everything.

We offer you more information on our website www.aviosim.org/webshop where you can also contact us for more information!