View Full Version : Does anyone here do warbird cockpits ?

Sid Whittman
09-08-2014, 06:03 PM
Or is it all Boeing 737 ?

I am struggling to find any content which isn't related to airliners in general and the 737 in particular.

I'm as fascinated with switches and dials just as much as everyone else, but I find blowing stuff up a lot more fun than being an airborne bus driver...

09-09-2014, 10:45 AM
Unfortunately, not enough people build Warbirds here. There have been a few, I think I saw an ME109 and a Spitfire.

If you do a Warbird, you'll have plenty of switches and dials to deal with, no doubt about it. Remember than in principle, building a Warbird is no different than building any other cockpit. Just use the information you find and apply it to your build. For instance, plenty of people have written scripts to connect DCS: A10 to Helios. You could easily do the same with DCS: P51. There are many choices in terms of both aircraft and platforms. Good Luck!

Sid Whittman
09-09-2014, 01:01 PM
Thanks for the reply :cool:
My target sim is IL2 which doesn't have any capability of outputting data, so no steam gauges for me. Which is a shame in one way...but will save me a lot of time and money.
It doesn't model much in the way of systems either, but that will keep things simple. It does have 'realistic' engine controls however.
DCS isn't an option for me at the moment. My computer can't run it at decent graphics settings and there aren't enough WW2 aircraft available for my taste. Maybe later when I have upgraded my PC and there are more add on planes - I do like the attention to detail of the DCS sims and it can drive gauges of course.

I'm currently building the control column for my pit ( based around a generic FW190 ) but I'm not sure if there would be much interest in it here. There isn't much crossover between a fighter type stick and a GA or airliner yoke.

09-09-2014, 04:40 PM
Ahh ok, now I see what you mean. You should have no trouble with this, as with no outputs you're essentially just building a big joystick that you sit inside. There is nothing special that you'll need to know from here to create the pit other than some basic woodworking and electronics knowledge, both of which can easily be found anywhere. I would go to forums specifically tailored to those two concepts, as you'll have much more luck getting information there. Good luck with your build!

09-10-2014, 02:06 AM
Check this address:


In the download section, You can download an .iso image for a Me109 style cockpit complete plans, as donationware, with cad drawings and all information to build to types (open or enclosed) cockpits.



Sid Whittman
09-10-2014, 04:30 PM
Thanks a lot for that Hyamesto !

09-15-2014, 12:17 PM
Now build one! :) g.

Sid Whittman
09-16-2014, 07:24 AM
I am - but I'm starting with the controls first. Currently building a replica of the KG13 stick used in most Luftwaffe single seat fighters and a gimbal mechanism.

09-16-2014, 09:48 AM
Sid, do you have any good dimensioned drawings of the KG13? The only grip I have any data on is the KG12. tnx. g.

09-16-2014, 09:49 AM
(note to the mods - it would be nice if you fixed whatever bug is causing the editor to ignore carriage returns. There's supposed to be two blank lines above and below "tnx". :( )

Sid Whittman
09-16-2014, 10:16 AM
If you go to this thread - http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/technical-requests/kg13-dimensions-21987.html
and scroll to the last post there is a partially dimensioned drawing of the KG13. I found it enough to work from, although the buttons don't seem to be of the most common type used on the grip.
Going by photos I'm not sure that they made any two KG13's exactly alike :)

Edit :- the forum seemed to be down when I checked the link, but it sometimes does go offline for a short while. If the link doesn't work just try again later.