View Full Version : Moving on from the desk... Advice...

11-06-2014, 05:20 PM
Hi all,

I am making some small steps to move away from my flight sim desk that I have.

I have the following setup:-

Dell XPS 420 - due to be upgraded
3 x 23" IPS screens for out the window views
1 x 19" wide screen for instruments
Windows 7
FSX + SP's
Saitek Yoke, Throttle and Pedals

I have decided to purchase a more realistic throttle quadrant and have ordered a Jetmax 737 TQ + Stand.

My next steps are over the coming months due to funds are:-

- New PC - i7 4790 etc..
- JetMax SSTD Frame

I understand I can go to these as they are all modular (or I believe they are?) and I will be able to use them with my desk..

Then I may go for the JetMax Frame and install all of this equipment.

My questions are:-

1. Does this sound like a good sensible approach?
2. Am I missing anything fundamentals that I should consider?
3. Is this the best order of events?
4. Is anyone selling any of these items 2nd hand so I can save a few £ ?

Exciting (and expensive) times ...

Geremy Britton
11-06-2014, 07:42 PM
Please PM me

11-08-2014, 06:48 PM
Any suggestions/feedback all?