View Full Version : I'm a GA Flyer - With a GA Cockpit

12-14-2014, 05:06 AM

maybe I should have dropped in here earlier... I've been building up my FSX rig for exactly a year now and in October I spent a week designing and building a GA cockpit. I had all the instruments already, the hard part was constructing a frame and glareshield. I'm completely useless with building stuff! Anyway, I measured carefully, made countless drawings and then used a load of wood let over by the builders who fitted my new kitchen.

This is it: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/lord_mithras/Aircraft/SAM_0858_zps40cbd380.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/lord_mithras/media/Aircraft/SAM_0858_zps40cbd380.jpg.html)

i have some upgrades in mind, upgrading to a twin, with a fuel selector. Who knows what else, that's why I'm here!!!