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View Full Version : Version B37

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
01-15-2015, 06:25 AM
Hallo All,
This is myfirst post in this forum. After sellingmy B738 Sim, I am building now a A320 Sim. I have ordered the hardware and I am evaluating the various avionicspackages. I downloaded the Jeehellpackage a while back, but with the latest version I have all kinds of problems:

There is no longer a message stating the IRSalignment time in the upper ECAM

When the IRS is aligned (I see thaton the ADIRS panel), the ND still says NO MAP and the PFD still says ATT.

Setting the GND PWR in the P3D menuno longer works

All theseitems worked on the B36 version.
I have theJeehell software running on three computers and there is no connectionproblem. I appreciate any guidance onwhat I am doing wrong.

01-15-2015, 06:27 PM
hi pim and welcome on this forum my friend! :)
what u report sounds strange and like a local problem because in my rig all u report is working...was it a clean install of B37? or installed on top of the old 36? most of the time when users have strange behaviour not shared with others using this soft it depends on modules not updating.
welcome again and hope u get rid soon of your troubles!

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
01-16-2015, 06:26 AM
Hallo Filippo,

Thanks for the kind words. I removed the graphics OVHD package from the computer that runs it, reinstalled it and now it runs fine. Thanks for the suggestion.

Best regards,


01-17-2015, 07:09 AM
happy it helped :)
all the best