View Full Version : Hi from Switzerland

02-03-2015, 08:05 PM
Hey all,
I've been using many flight sims for years, and I'm now into cockpit building stuff.
I did find a whole bunch of great information and tips in this forum.
I'm now glad to be part of it.
I'm currently using P3D v2.4 on win8.1, Jeehell FGMS A320, Cockpitsonic MCDU and CPFlight FCU.
Look forward to hear from you soon.

03-01-2015, 05:15 PM
Hi Franck
Since many years I was using FSX and other payware add-on airplane... always encouteig issues. Now I decided to completely change: so I'm planning to begin with my sim almost from zero. I intend to use Win7-64, P3D v2.5. I have some client PC's for all the modules. As flightdeck HW, I have a complete OVH, a Pedestal and the MIP and the stick/tiller an Pedals from Flightdecksolutions and the FCU/EFIS (CPT and FO) from CPFlight.
The old System-SW for the A320 is IMHO uncmplete and instable. So I want to switch to Jeehell...
Good Add-on-Scenery that works with P3D is obviously more and more available.
So just one quesion: Does Switzerland Professional work with P3D?
Cheers and greetings