View Full Version : SIOC+OC IOCARD+IOCP+Leo Bodnar

03-24-2015, 10:00 PM
I've spent countless hours trying to get my MCP to work. In hindsight I should have bought the P&P but that's a lesson learned.

I have Hispapanels PCB for the MCP. I initially connected all switches and encoders to a Leo Bodnar card. Using LINDA, i was able to get the switches to work correctly. What was missing were the LEDs behind the pushbuttons. I could try to use SIMIO (by Hispapanel) but it would require me to code to PMDG offsets. I decided to buy OC USBExpansion, Master Card, Input/Output Connection boxes. I also bought Roar's drivers.

I am having some bad connection issues with MCP PCB and OC cards. Lots of flashing in SIOC monitor once I connect the ground connection to the INPUT Connection box.

Now my plan is to go back to the Leo Bodnar cards. But I need to figure out how to get the status of the switches. Roar suggested using IOCP.sendVarData(1285, sPmdgData.MCP_annunVNAV.

My question is where do I put this in the SIOC script? Should I simply read the value at the start of the SIOC script or at the point I want to test for a change?

Thanks in advance.

05-06-2015, 08:36 AM
Might be a dumb answer, but I can't see a way how you will implement Bodnar inputs to SIOC? But I quess you could easily do this via registered FSUIPC.dll.
Just assign a variable from the joystick buttons trough FSUIPC to the sim.

05-09-2015, 01:24 PM
Hello Steve,

Not that I'm an expert, but from what you describe when you connect the ground to the connection box, I think you have at least also a connection problem. One of the many possible causes could be the fact that the Hispapanels PCB's require, as far as I know, common anode LED's, while the OC boards, except for the USB Outputs board, require common kathode connections for the LED's. So if you have got the switches working, you could try to get the LED's programmed using SIOC and an USB Outputs Card from Opencockpits.
