View Full Version : AP disconnects and pitch oszillation

07-20-2015, 04:23 AM
Hi everybody!

I have finished to migrate all Project mangenta Software to JeeHell in my A320 home Cockpit and I am very satisfied and impressed. Really better solution than pm!

After the first test flights I only have two isues I cannot solve by myself:

When engaging AP in managed mode, the AP disconnects after a while (very often immediately, sometimes after a few seconds) with master caution warning. My first thought was that a too small null zone in an assigned joystick axe was the cause - but all null zones have enough margin values.

During manual flight with all flight computers engaged (normal law) there is a very unrealistic pitch oscillation of the plane! It increases from low to high, stops a few seconds and then start again. The motorized trim wheels (Cockpitsonic) is also going up and down a Little bit.

Does anyone have the same issues?

Thanks and regards

07-20-2015, 05:47 AM

All your porblems probably come from the cockpitsonic trim.

1) Which version of the software do you use? you should be using the latest one, as it has better controls for the cockpitsonic trim.

2) in this latest version, the cockpitsonic.ini inside you hardware modules folder should have the following entries:
MinTrimValue=-4.0 //this line should not change, it's the value you read in the minimun position, on A320 it should be -4.5°
MaxTrimValue=13.5 //this line should not change, it's the value you read in the max position, on A320 it should be 13°
MinTrimPos=0 //put here the calibration value in the min position (i.e. wheel at -4°)
MaxTrimPos=$FFFF //put here the calibration value in the max position (i.e. wheel at 13.5°)
TrimDirection=1 //I dont think you should change that


07-20-2015, 06:22 AM
I use latest version. And I already use the new ini values in cockpitsonic.ini...
Do I really have to set the MinTrimPos and and MaxTrimPos in hex? I use decimal values so far?

Is it possible to use cockpitsonic trim wheels manually - without motor moving in auto trim mode?
I fear the problem is due to the slow movement of the wheels. When the software tries to keep pitch it changes
trim values all the time... maybe there is a too high latency when moving the trim wheels with motor?

07-20-2015, 06:41 AM
you can use decimal values.
If you use the latest version, and everything is correctly configured, then the problem is elsewhere I believe.
I included in the EHID driver the latency of the trim so the software disregards it...
You can probably move the trim, but to allow the big latency, my software will probably not take into account the manual trim value, as long as you are in normal law with auto trim operative.
You can set the trim on the ground, or if you are in ALTN or direct law with auto trim inop (try playing with the FLT CTL computers...).

Back to the AP oscillations:
1) do you have a steady 30fps in FSX/P3D?
2) You do use the fligth model which comes with my software?
3) Do you only have cockpitsonic hardware?
4) joysticks neutral zones may be the issue. Or the rudders's for instance.


07-24-2015, 08:05 PM
Hi everybody!

During manual flight with all flight computers engaged (normal law) there is a very unrealistic pitch oscillation of the plane! It increases from low to high, stops a few seconds and then start again. The motorized trim wheels (Cockpitsonic) is also going up and down a Little bit.

Does anyone have the same issues?

Thanks and regards

I have observed some mild oscillating at FL and on approach. I do not use a throttle (I use a potentiometer for now!). I'll have to look out to see if this occurs more frequency and may just be a weather phenomenon.

03-01-2016, 11:42 AM
The pitch oscillation is not present anymore. Wonderful!

The only problem left in my whole cockpit is a sudden A/P disconnection when trim wheels move a lot in auto flight mode.
For example when speed changed or changing from cruise mode to descend mode. A auto land mode is not possible because on selectet nav and approach mode the trim wheels are used very intensive by the auto flight mode, so the A/p disconnects immediately.

Can everybody give a hint what is the reason for this?