View Full Version : New cockpitbuilder (the cheapest and the laziest)

Mark Stallen
08-13-2015, 04:09 PM
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to make my own 737 NG cockpit and till now I spend about 15 euros and 4 hours time.
Offcourse I allready had an VR Insight MCP Combo I (100 euros second hand) and a old Acer Laptop and last but not least a MSI GT70 OD. But I think the result up till now is pretty nice.



To do:
- Make a plate for the clock
- Find me some nice knobs and switches (that's hard to do it el cheapo)
- Fill in (dummy) the Yawdamper and Flap Indicator gauge
- Find a low table (about 60 cm's high)
- I allready have a CH yoke and old pedals

And who knows what more (as long as it is cheap)

10-05-2015, 02:13 PM
That looks super nice!! sweet!! but where did you get the dimensions for the panel? are they full scale panels anyway?

Mark Stallen
10-08-2015, 06:36 AM
Thank you. The dimensions I took from URL : http://users.skynet.be/jcordon/cockpit/plans.htm Fullscale captains side only
By now I also found some knobs and toggle-switches identical to the 737 from an destructed Lynx Helicopter. So now the looks are completed.
I', trying to get a large monitor (27 inch or more) for as cheap as possible (aiming on 100 euros).
I already had an old CH-yoke and old pedals, so almost ready to really use my panel.

10-08-2015, 07:56 AM
You will share the fate of all of us.
Here's a button, there's a panel and, of course, an additional monitor. And in 3 months is a 737 Cockpit in the living room.:mrgreen: