View Full Version : SIOC simple clock display

10-11-2015, 08:33 PM
Hi so I made a simple sioc code to display my clock using 7segment displays and Displays2 card from Opencockpits, but I have little problem...

Here is the code:

// ---------------------- CLOCK ----------------

Var 9014, name Local_Year_Dis, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 31, Digit 3, Numbers 4
Var 9006, name Zulu_Day_Hour, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 31, Digit 9, Numbers 2
Var 9007, name Zulu_Day_Min, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 31, Digit 7, Numbers 2
Var 9008, name Local_Day_Hour, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 31, Digit 5, Numbers 2
Var 9009, name Local_Day_Min, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 31, Digit 3, Numbers 2

Var 9001, name Zulu_Hour, link FSUIPC_INOUT, offset $023B, length 1
CALL &Show_Display
Var 9002, name Zulu_Minute, link FSUIPC_INOUT, offset $023C, length 1
CALL &Show_Display
Var 9003, name Local_Hour, link FSUIPC_INOUT, offset $0238, length 1
CALL &Show_Display
Var 9004, name Local_Minute, link FSUIPC_INOUT, offset $0239, length 1
CALL &Show_Display
Var 9010, name Local_Month, link FSUIPC_INOUT, offset $0244, length 1
CALL &Show_Display
Var 9011, name Local_Day, link FSUIPC_INOUT, offset $023D, length 1
CALL &Show_Display
Var 9013, name Local_Year, link FSUIPC_INOUT, offset $024A, length 2
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9012, name TIME, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 31, Input 40
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9005, name Show_Display, Link SUBRUTINE

IF &TIME = 0
&Zulu_Day_Hour = &Zulu_Hour
&Zulu_Day_Min = &Zulu_Minute
&Local_Day_Hour = &Local_Hour
&Local_Day_Min = &Local_Minute
IF &TIME = 1
&Zulu_Day_Hour = &Local_Month
&Zulu_Day_Min = &Local_Day
&Local_Year_Dis = &Local_Year

Basically clocks displays in upper display ZULU Time in lower Display it shows LOCAL Time, when I press a Momentary switch Upper display shows Month/Day
Lower display shows year
now when i release the button Upper display nicely returns to show ZULU time when lower displays is stuck on showing the year
when one minute elapses MINUTE digits on lower display will change to show Local minutes
when hour elapses HOUR digits will change also on lower display to show Local hours
... so ... how can i make it speed up so that IDK.. sioc of FSUIPC gets the value updated quicker for the Local Time
I suspect there is a problem with declaration on top where i declare Var 9014 uses digits from var 9008 and 9009 so somehow i have to force SIOC or FSUIPC to somehow check for updated value for Var 9008 and 9009 quicker ...
well i hope I'm explaing myself correctly
Any help is appriciated



10-12-2015, 02:15 AM
Hi Andy,

The problem lies in the overlap of display digit definitions, but there is no need to let FSUIPC update quicker.
You bettter do the same as what you already have done for Month and Day: assign (the same) digits different variables depending on the value of variable TIME.

Try this:

// ---------------------- CLOCK ----------------

Var 9006 name Zulu_Day_Hour Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Device 31 Digit 9 Numbers 2
Var 9007 name Zulu_Day_Min Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Device 31 Digit 7 Numbers 2
Var 9008 name Local_Day_Hour Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Device 31 Digit 5 Numbers 2
Var 9009 name Local_Day_Min Link IOCARD_DISPLAY Device 31 Digit 3 Numbers 2

Var 9001 name Zulu_Hour link FSUIPC_IN offset $023B length 1
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9002 name Zulu_Minute link FSUIPC_IN offset $023C length 1
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9003 name Local_Hour link FSUIPC_IN offset $0238 length 1
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9004 name Local_Minute link FSUIPC_IN offset $0239 length 1
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9010 name Local_Month link FSUIPC_IN offset $0244 length 1
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9011 name Local_Day link FSUIPC_IN offset $023D length 1
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9013 name Local_Year link FSUIPC_IN offset $024A length 2
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9012 name TIME Link IOCARD_SW Device 31 Input 40
CALL &Show_Display

Var 9005 name Show_Display Link SUBRUTINE
IF &TIME = 0
&Zulu_Day_Hour = &Zulu_Hour
&Zulu_Day_Min = &Zulu_Minute
&Local_Day_Hour = &Local_Hour
&Local_Day_Min = &Local_Minute
&Zulu_Day_Hour = &Local_Month
&Zulu_Day_Min = &Local_Day
&Local_Day_Hour = DIV &Local_Year 100
&Local_Day_Min = MOD &Local_Year 100

Note some "SIOC improvements" I've made:
I have changed FSUIPC_INOUT into FSUIPC_IN while you are only reading from FSUIPC. FSUIPC_INOUT was not "wrong" but not needed.
I've also used an IF THEN statement for TIME, because if TIME is not 0 you do not have to test it for value 1, it will be 1 ... ;-)
Comma's are not needed as token separator in a SIOC script, 'whitespace' will do.

Nico Kaan

10-12-2015, 10:42 AM
Thank You Nico, works like a "clock" lol
never though that you can just divide "DIV" 2015 by 100 and it will send 20 makes perfect sense, but i do have a question what does the MOD statement do?

after looking at your site where you explain
Suppress (blank) leading zeroes in a displayI am kind of thinking....
that this MOD gives you .. well kinda like this:
say we have Variable YEAR which equals 2015
so using MOD
MOD &year 10 would give us 015
MOD &year 100 would give us 15
MOD &year 1000 would give us 5

I'm guessing it can be used for other variable for computing something not just for display. say we have some variable that will be equal 7345 (just an example) but we are only concern about the last say 2 digits of this variable xx45 so we could go and MOD the value of this variable by 100 which gives us 45 only?

am i understanding it right?


10-12-2015, 12:54 PM
Hi Andy,

MOD stands for Modulo, an arithmetic operation, read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation

And yes, it can be used in any computation, not just for digits.

If Year = 2015, then:

MOD &Year 10 = 5
MOD &Year 100 = 15
MOD &Year 1000 = 15
