View Full Version : Simple Feedback Yoke (OpenCockpits DCMotors Card)

10-31-2015, 07:52 AM
Hi everybody

I'm trying to build a simple FFB yoke as an alternative to still very expensive
products out there. I'm calling it "simple FFB" because the idea is very simple. The
yoke's axis will freely move and rotate when the aircraft is still. With raising
airspeed, tensors will tighten four bungee cords and build up a tension forcing the
yoke to it's central position.
After some research I decided to buy Opencockpits DCmotors card to do the job.
Although I would like to add more motors in the future for runway vibration, prop
wash effect and other forces, I will begin with simple setup using only one motor
driving the tension of the bungee cords.

I'm quite good with mechanical stuff, basic/advanced understanding of electronics but
newbie to coding. I also understand that most of you guys don't really want to become
a full time tutors when it comes to beginners :cool:
Therefore I set on the long and steep road of SIOC code learning even after very
flustrating realisation that most of the manuals and tutorials available online are
either badly translated or quite advanced to catch up with..
So far I set up my DCmotors card with one pot and one motor and managed to run simple
test script provided within the card's original manual. That pretty much covered the
"very" basics.

Now I am going through the pile of code examples trying to understand
correct procedure and here I really need someone to give me a clue about what to
"write" next.
Vey simple description of my application could be "Airspeed Gauge driven by DCmotors
card". Simply one DC motor and potentiometer, turning the motor into certain position
defined by IAS.
Could anyone pleeease give me a hand here?

My code (if we can call it that) :lol:

// SIOC Simple-FFB Yoke file
// Date 31/10/2015
// v 0.1
Var 100, Value 0 // Initialisation
Var 001, name Motor_1_out, Link USB_DCMOTOR, Output 1
Var 002, name Pot_1_value, Link USB_ANALOGIC Input 1, PosL 0, PosC128, PosR 255
Var 003, name IAS_from_FS, Link FSUIPC_IN Offset $02BC, length 4

11-02-2015, 10:49 AM
guys please, I don't think this is something too complicated for someone who understand SIOC code..
I'm even willing to appreciate your effort financially as there is much more work to this project then just the coding therefore I need to start rolling.
I only have few weeks for the whole build because I'll be away from my workshop for couple of months and really want to finish this before I leave.

Thanks Jay

01-22-2016, 06:59 PM
Jay, see my reply on open cockpits.com forum.