11-27-2015, 06:32 AM
Hi all
So, after delving into Jim's coding and successfully creating some coding (with great help from forum members), I realised I'd have to have somewhere to put it all.
I love flying the 172, mainly cause I suck at heavy metal. I wanted to have something that was user-friendly for a couple of planes so strayed from the vanilla cockpits of cessna, sorry to purists. This was my original sketch,
So, bought some 2mm perspex and went to work cutting it out from a template.
Some of the drill holes chipped the perspex, I believe this was because it wasn't clamped well enough and the 2 sheets came apart. To clarify, it's a sandwich of perspex, printout and perspex back. I'd do this again, but with a 6 month old baby, time is rare, so it'll do for now.
The frame was made from some 6mm mdf offcuts. Measured round and popped into sketchup. Frame and perspex cut using bandsaw and scroll saw.
Here's the face plate mounted
Ok, throttle... I'm using sliding pots, some 10mm metal rods I found lying around, and wooden drawer handles, sanded into different shapes.
Now the fun. I read a post by davemuir who mentioned using syringes to smooth out the throttle movement. I liked this idea so ordered some syringes, much to the confusion of the missus, who I'm sure is losing all sorts of patience now.
Here you'll see the rod is pushed into a block of wood which is mounted on the pot slider. This had little to no resistance when moved, hence the syringe idea, which works a treat by the way.
The frame is at an 80 degree angle, so I'll fabricate a way of sloping the pots, I'm thinking door wedges. I came up with the idea of fastening the syringe tip through some wood using a screw, which works wonderfully.
In hindsight I would have amended the frame to allow wood to mdf joinery but I'll botch something to hold the syringe baton.
I'll then finish the gear leaver which will switch a toggle switch mounted in the box.
Everything other than the pots are arduino, pots will be leobonar card.
I'm happy to send the sketchup file for the box if you want, for some reason it won't upload as an attachment here.
Please let me know your thoughts, I'll keep updating as I progress (slowly) with the little build.
Lots of inspiration here, thank you for that peeps. Sliding pots are not via arduino but via a usb interface from Leo Bodnar (much easier!).
Here is the arduino code, feel free to take it and play:
/* Original = Multi_Radiohead_annun from Jim's website
v.1, amended liquidcrystal display for 20,4
v.2, deleted pulse leds and unwanted stuff, added dual encoder (8,9,10,11), button = 12
v.3, tweaked 'Void Keys', with help from MyCockpit
v.4, Added Servo to pin 13, as per Jims Multi_keys_with_flaps_servo
v.5, moved and seperated q and q2
v.6, VOID keys change to VOID input
v.7 Completed encoder MASSIVE thanks to BushPilotWannabe for his help and guidance
V.7 Getting servo jitter - continious D260/261 outputs from card??
Changed line 677 to (KpinNo > 22 && KpinNo != 26)
added viod question
V.1.9 Autopilot screen test LATEST VERSION
V2. Added lights and starter key switch
#include "math.h"
#include "Quadrature.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Servo.h>
Servo flapsServo;
Quadrature quad1(8,9);
Quadrature quad2(10,11);
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int CodeIn;// used on all serial reads
int KpinNo;
int Koutpin;
int active; // the mode thats active
int activeold;
int mark; // shows where the cursor is in the likes of ADF etc
long timePrevious;
long timeNow;
long timeInterval = 80;//you adjust this for "your" feel of fast
int fastTurn = 0;//variable for turn-speed state
String KoldpinStateSTR, KpinStateSTR, Kstringnewstate,Kstringoldstate, APsp, APspold, stringnewstate,stringoldstate, vertsp, vertspold, hdgset, hdgsetold, com1, com1old, com1sb, com1sbold,com2, com2old, com2sb,com2sbold, airsp, airspold, altit, altitold;
String nav1, nav1old, nav1sb, nav1sbold, nav2, nav2old, nav2sb, nav2sbold;
String adf, adfold, xpdr, xpdrold, dme1, dme1old, dme2, dme2old, pitot, pitotold;
String gearSimple;
String flaps;
char blank = 255;
int R;// a variable
int Rold;// the old reading
int Rdif;// the difference since last loop
int R2;// a second test variable
int R3;// a second test variable
int Rold2;// a second loop old reading
int Rdif2; // the second test difference
int Rold3;// a second loop old reading
int Rdif3; // the second test difference
// make some custom arrows for the LCD:
byte leftArrow[8] = { // This makes a <-- on lcd
byte rightArrow[8] = { //make a --> on lcd
void setup()
lcd.begin(20, 4); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
Kstringoldstate = "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
for (int KoutPin = 12; KoutPin < 53; KoutPin++)// Get all the pins ready for inputs
pinMode(KoutPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(KoutPin, HIGH);
for (int PinNo = 54; PinNo <= 69; PinNo++)// Get all the OUTPUT pins from analog
pinMode(PinNo, OUTPUT);
lcd.createChar(0, leftArrow); // create a new character
lcd.createChar(1, rightArrow);
mark = 12;
//pinMode(26, OUTPUT);// For the servo.
void loop() {
timeNow = millis();
{INPUTPINS();} //Check the "button pressed" section
{LCDMODE();} // Sets up the LCD for the mode it's in (From the rotary switch)
{ENCODER();} //Check the Rotary Encoders
if (Serial.available()) {// Check if serial data has arrived from PC
CodeIn = getChar();
if (CodeIn == '=') {EQUALS();} // The first identifier is "="
if (CodeIn == '<') {LESSTHAN();}// The first identifier is "<"
if (CodeIn == '?') {QUESTION();}// The first identifier is "?"
}//End of serial check
}//End of Void Loop
char getChar()// Get a character from the serial buffer
while(Serial.available() == 0);// wait for data
return((char)Serial.read());// Thanks Doug
}// End of get characters
void QUESTION(){ // The first identifier was "?"
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get the second identifier
switch(CodeIn) {// Now lets find what to do with it
case 'Y': // found the second identifier (the "Gear simple")
gearSimple = "";
gearSimple += getChar();// get first charactor (Nose gear)
if (gearSimple == "2"){digitalWrite(54, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(54, LOW);}//Nose gear
if (gearSimple == "1"){digitalWrite(57, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(57, LOW);}//nose gear moving
gearSimple += getChar(); // get the second charactor (gear left)
if (gearSimple.endsWith("2")){digitalWrite(55, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(55, LOW);}//left gear
if (gearSimple.endsWith("1")){digitalWrite(58, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(58, LOW);}//left gear moving
gearSimple += getChar(); // get the third charactor (gear right)
if (gearSimple.endsWith("2")){digitalWrite(56, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(56, LOW);}//right gear
if (gearSimple.endsWith("1")){digitalWrite(59, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(59, LOW);}//right gear moving
}//end of WTDWI
}// end of question void
void LCDMODE(){
if (active != activeold)
activeold = active;
if (digitalRead(14)==0 and active != 14) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Com1)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
lcd.write((byte) 1); // this is the right arrow
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Comm 1 Standby");
active = 14;
} // End of Comm1 LCD Setup
if (digitalRead(15)==0 and active != 15) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Com2)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
lcd.write((byte) 1); // this is the right arrow
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Comm 2 Standby");
active = 15;
} //End of Comm 2
if (digitalRead(16)==0 and active != 16) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Nav1)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0); // this is the right arrow
lcd.write((byte) 1);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Nav 1 Standby");
active = 16;
} //End of Nav 1
if (digitalRead(17)==0 and active != 17) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Nav2)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0); // this is the right arrow
lcd.write((byte) 1);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Nav 2 Standby");
active = 17;
} // End of Nav 2
if (digitalRead(18)==0 and active != 18) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to ADF)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print("ADF ");
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print(" ");
if (mark == 9 ){mark = 10;}
lcd.setCursor(mark, 1);
active = 18;
} // End of ADF
if (digitalRead(19)==0 and active != 19) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to DME)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
lcd.setCursor(18, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("DME 1 DME2 ");
active = 19;
} // End of DMEs
if (digitalRead(20)==0 and active != 20) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to AP)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(15, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
delay (11);
lcd.print("HDG ALT VS ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print(" ");
delay (11);
active = 20;
} // End of Autopilot screen
} // end of LCDmode
void EQUALS(){ // The first identifier was "="
delay (11);
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get another character
switch(CodeIn) {// Now lets find what to do with it
case 'A'://Found the reading "Com1"
com1 = "";
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
if (com1 != com1old && digitalRead(14) == LOW) {
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
com1old = com1;
case 'B': // Found the reading "Com1 s/b"
com1sb = "";
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
if (com1sb != com1sbold && digitalRead(14) == LOW ){
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
com1sbold = com1sb;
case 'C': // Found the reading "Com2"
com2 = "";
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
if (com2 != com2old && digitalRead(15) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
com2old = com2;
case 'D': // Found the reading "Com2 s/b"
com2sb = "";
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
if (com2sb != com2sbold && digitalRead(15) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
com2sbold = com2sb;
case 'E': // Found the reading "Nav1"
delay (11);
nav1 = "";
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav1 != nav1old && digitalRead(16) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
nav1old = nav1;
case 'F': // Found the reading "Nav1 s/b"
nav1sb = "";
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav1sb != nav1sbold && digitalRead(16) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
nav1sbold = nav1sb;
case 'G': // Found the reading "Nav2"
delay (11);
nav2 = "";
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav2 != nav2old && digitalRead(17) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
nav2old = nav2;
case 'H': // Found the reading "Nav2 s/b"
nav2sb = "";
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav2sb != nav2sbold && digitalRead(17) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
nav2sbold = nav2sb;
case 'I': // Found the reading "ADF"
adf = "";
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (adf != adfold && digitalRead(18) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
adfold = adf;
case 'J': // Found the reading "XPDR"
delay (11);
xpdr = "";
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (xpdr != xpdrold && digitalRead(20) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
xpdrold = xpdr;
case 'K': // Found the reading "DME1"
delay (11);
dme1 = "";
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (dme1 != dme1old && digitalRead(19) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
dme1old = dme1;
case 'L': // Found the reading "DME2"
delay (11);
dme2 = "";
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (dme2 != dme2old && digitalRead(19) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
dme2old = dme2;
case 'b': // found AP altitude setting
delay (11);
altit = "";
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
if (altit != altitold){
lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
delay (11);
altitold = altit;
case 'c': // found vertical speed setting
delay (11);
vertsp = "";
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
//vertsp += getChar();
if (vertsp != vertspold){
lcd.setCursor(15, 0);
delay (11);
vertspold = vertsp;
case 'd': // found AP heading setting
delay (11);
hdgset = "";
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
if (hdgset != hdgsetold){
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
hdgsetold = hdgset;
} // End of what to do with it
} //End of Void Equals
void LESSTHAN(){
} //End of Lessthan
void ENCODER(){
R =(quad1.position()); // the /2 was not needed for my dual rotary from Leobodnar
if (R != Rold) { // checks to see if it different
(Rdif = (R-Rold));// finds out the difference
if (active == 14){// Comm1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println ("A04");//Comm1 Mhz down
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println ("A03"); //Comm1 Mhz up
} //End of Comm1 Rotary 1
if (active == 15){// Comm2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println ("A07");
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println ("A08");
} //End of Comm2 Rotary 1
if (active == 16){// Nav1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println ("13");
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println ("A14");
} //End of Nav1
if (active == 17){// Nav2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println("A19");
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println("A20");
} // End of Nav 2 Rotary 1
if (active == 18){// ADF rotary encoder output
if (digitalRead(12)==0 ) {
if (Rdif == 1) {
mark = (mark - 1);
active = 2;
if (mark == 13) mark =12;
if (Rdif == -1){
mark = (mark + 1);
active = 2;
if (mark == 13) mark =14;
if (mark > 14) mark = 14;
if (mark < 10) mark = 10;
if (Rdif == 1) {
if (mark == 10) {
if (mark == 11) {
if (mark == 12) {
if (mark == 14) {
if (Rdif == -1){
if (mark == 10){
if (mark == 11){
if (mark == 12){
if (mark == 14){
}//End of Rdif -1
} //End of else
}//End of ADF
if (active == 20){// Autopilot rotary encoder output
if(timeNow - timePrevious < timeInterval) {fastTurn = 1;}else{ fastTurn = 0;} //is it being turned fast or not ?
if (Rdif == -1) {//knob is going forward
if (fastTurn == 1){//yes it's being turned fast ,, else ,, it's being turned slow
for (int accel = 1; accel <= 10; accel++){//loop to send "A57" 5 times ,, use more or less to suit.
Serial.println ("A58");}// heading increase fast
}else{//it's turned slow
Serial.println ("A58");}// heading increase slow (sent once)
}//end of forward
if (Rdif == 1) {//knob is going backwards
if (fastTurn == 1){ //yes it's being turned fast ,, else ,, it's being turned slow
for (int accel = 1; accel <= 10; accel++){//loop to send "A58" 5 times
Serial.println ("A57");}// heading decrease fast
}else{//it's turned slow
Serial.println ("A57");}// heading decrease slow (sent once)
}//end of backwards
} // End of R Autopilot
if (quad1.position() > 1000){ // zero the rotary encoder count if too high or low
if (quad1.position() < -1000){
} //End of R
R2 =(quad2.position()); //setting up second rotary
if (R2 != Rold2) { // checks to see if it different
(Rdif2 = (R2-Rold2));// finds out the difference
if (active == 14){// Comm1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A02"); // Com1
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A01");//Com1
if (R2 != Rold2);
} //End of Comm1 second encoder
if (active == 15){// Com2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A09");
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A10");
if (active == 16){// Nav1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A15");
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A16");
if (active == 17){// Nav2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A21");
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A22");
if (active == 20){// Xponder rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("B12");//
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("B11");//
}//End of checks if different
}//End of Dual Rotary (Thank goodness)
Kstringnewstate = "";
for (int KpinNo = 12; KpinNo < 70; KpinNo++){ //checks all the pins 12 to 69
KpinStateSTR = String(digitalRead(KpinNo));
KoldpinStateSTR = "";
KoldpinStateSTR = String(Kstringoldstate.charAt(KpinNo - 12));
if (KpinStateSTR != KoldpinStateSTR) { // yes it's different
if (KpinNo == 22 and KpinStateSTR == "0") { //Change-over button is pressed
if (active == 14) Serial.println("A06"); //com1
if (active == 15) Serial.println("A12"); //com2
if (active == 16) Serial.println("A18"); //nav1
if (active == 17) Serial.println("A24"); //nav2
if ( active == 18){ //adf
mark = (mark + 1);
if (mark == 13){
mark = 14;
} // sort out for piont in ADF
active = 1;
if (mark > 14)mark = 10;
} //end of ADF
if (active == 20){ //xponder
mark = (mark + 1);
if (mark == 13){
mark = 9;
} // sort out for length Xponder
active = 1;
if (mark > 12)mark = 12;
} //End of xponder bit
} //End of pin 12 sortout
if (KpinNo == 21 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("C02");} // Gear UP
if (KpinNo == 21 && KpinStateSTR == "1"){Serial.println ("C01");} // Gear DOWN
if (KpinNo > 39){ // start of "Keys" bit
Serial.print ("D");
if (KpinNo < 12) Serial.print ("0");
Serial.print (KpinNo);
Serial.println (KpinStateSTR);
} //End of keys bit
} //End of yes it's different
Kstringnewstate += KpinStateSTR;
} //end of checking keys
Kstringoldstate = Kstringnewstate;
} // end of void inputpin
Best wishes
So, after delving into Jim's coding and successfully creating some coding (with great help from forum members), I realised I'd have to have somewhere to put it all.
I love flying the 172, mainly cause I suck at heavy metal. I wanted to have something that was user-friendly for a couple of planes so strayed from the vanilla cockpits of cessna, sorry to purists. This was my original sketch,
So, bought some 2mm perspex and went to work cutting it out from a template.
Some of the drill holes chipped the perspex, I believe this was because it wasn't clamped well enough and the 2 sheets came apart. To clarify, it's a sandwich of perspex, printout and perspex back. I'd do this again, but with a 6 month old baby, time is rare, so it'll do for now.
The frame was made from some 6mm mdf offcuts. Measured round and popped into sketchup. Frame and perspex cut using bandsaw and scroll saw.
Here's the face plate mounted
Ok, throttle... I'm using sliding pots, some 10mm metal rods I found lying around, and wooden drawer handles, sanded into different shapes.
Now the fun. I read a post by davemuir who mentioned using syringes to smooth out the throttle movement. I liked this idea so ordered some syringes, much to the confusion of the missus, who I'm sure is losing all sorts of patience now.
Here you'll see the rod is pushed into a block of wood which is mounted on the pot slider. This had little to no resistance when moved, hence the syringe idea, which works a treat by the way.
The frame is at an 80 degree angle, so I'll fabricate a way of sloping the pots, I'm thinking door wedges. I came up with the idea of fastening the syringe tip through some wood using a screw, which works wonderfully.
In hindsight I would have amended the frame to allow wood to mdf joinery but I'll botch something to hold the syringe baton.
I'll then finish the gear leaver which will switch a toggle switch mounted in the box.
Everything other than the pots are arduino, pots will be leobonar card.
I'm happy to send the sketchup file for the box if you want, for some reason it won't upload as an attachment here.
Please let me know your thoughts, I'll keep updating as I progress (slowly) with the little build.
Lots of inspiration here, thank you for that peeps. Sliding pots are not via arduino but via a usb interface from Leo Bodnar (much easier!).
Here is the arduino code, feel free to take it and play:
/* Original = Multi_Radiohead_annun from Jim's website
v.1, amended liquidcrystal display for 20,4
v.2, deleted pulse leds and unwanted stuff, added dual encoder (8,9,10,11), button = 12
v.3, tweaked 'Void Keys', with help from MyCockpit
v.4, Added Servo to pin 13, as per Jims Multi_keys_with_flaps_servo
v.5, moved and seperated q and q2
v.6, VOID keys change to VOID input
v.7 Completed encoder MASSIVE thanks to BushPilotWannabe for his help and guidance
V.7 Getting servo jitter - continious D260/261 outputs from card??
Changed line 677 to (KpinNo > 22 && KpinNo != 26)
added viod question
V.1.9 Autopilot screen test LATEST VERSION
V2. Added lights and starter key switch
#include "math.h"
#include "Quadrature.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Servo.h>
Servo flapsServo;
Quadrature quad1(8,9);
Quadrature quad2(10,11);
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int CodeIn;// used on all serial reads
int KpinNo;
int Koutpin;
int active; // the mode thats active
int activeold;
int mark; // shows where the cursor is in the likes of ADF etc
long timePrevious;
long timeNow;
long timeInterval = 80;//you adjust this for "your" feel of fast
int fastTurn = 0;//variable for turn-speed state
String KoldpinStateSTR, KpinStateSTR, Kstringnewstate,Kstringoldstate, APsp, APspold, stringnewstate,stringoldstate, vertsp, vertspold, hdgset, hdgsetold, com1, com1old, com1sb, com1sbold,com2, com2old, com2sb,com2sbold, airsp, airspold, altit, altitold;
String nav1, nav1old, nav1sb, nav1sbold, nav2, nav2old, nav2sb, nav2sbold;
String adf, adfold, xpdr, xpdrold, dme1, dme1old, dme2, dme2old, pitot, pitotold;
String gearSimple;
String flaps;
char blank = 255;
int R;// a variable
int Rold;// the old reading
int Rdif;// the difference since last loop
int R2;// a second test variable
int R3;// a second test variable
int Rold2;// a second loop old reading
int Rdif2; // the second test difference
int Rold3;// a second loop old reading
int Rdif3; // the second test difference
// make some custom arrows for the LCD:
byte leftArrow[8] = { // This makes a <-- on lcd
byte rightArrow[8] = { //make a --> on lcd
void setup()
lcd.begin(20, 4); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
Kstringoldstate = "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
for (int KoutPin = 12; KoutPin < 53; KoutPin++)// Get all the pins ready for inputs
pinMode(KoutPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(KoutPin, HIGH);
for (int PinNo = 54; PinNo <= 69; PinNo++)// Get all the OUTPUT pins from analog
pinMode(PinNo, OUTPUT);
lcd.createChar(0, leftArrow); // create a new character
lcd.createChar(1, rightArrow);
mark = 12;
//pinMode(26, OUTPUT);// For the servo.
void loop() {
timeNow = millis();
{INPUTPINS();} //Check the "button pressed" section
{LCDMODE();} // Sets up the LCD for the mode it's in (From the rotary switch)
{ENCODER();} //Check the Rotary Encoders
if (Serial.available()) {// Check if serial data has arrived from PC
CodeIn = getChar();
if (CodeIn == '=') {EQUALS();} // The first identifier is "="
if (CodeIn == '<') {LESSTHAN();}// The first identifier is "<"
if (CodeIn == '?') {QUESTION();}// The first identifier is "?"
}//End of serial check
}//End of Void Loop
char getChar()// Get a character from the serial buffer
while(Serial.available() == 0);// wait for data
return((char)Serial.read());// Thanks Doug
}// End of get characters
void QUESTION(){ // The first identifier was "?"
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get the second identifier
switch(CodeIn) {// Now lets find what to do with it
case 'Y': // found the second identifier (the "Gear simple")
gearSimple = "";
gearSimple += getChar();// get first charactor (Nose gear)
if (gearSimple == "2"){digitalWrite(54, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(54, LOW);}//Nose gear
if (gearSimple == "1"){digitalWrite(57, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(57, LOW);}//nose gear moving
gearSimple += getChar(); // get the second charactor (gear left)
if (gearSimple.endsWith("2")){digitalWrite(55, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(55, LOW);}//left gear
if (gearSimple.endsWith("1")){digitalWrite(58, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(58, LOW);}//left gear moving
gearSimple += getChar(); // get the third charactor (gear right)
if (gearSimple.endsWith("2")){digitalWrite(56, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(56, LOW);}//right gear
if (gearSimple.endsWith("1")){digitalWrite(59, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(59, LOW);}//right gear moving
}//end of WTDWI
}// end of question void
void LCDMODE(){
if (active != activeold)
activeold = active;
if (digitalRead(14)==0 and active != 14) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Com1)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
lcd.write((byte) 1); // this is the right arrow
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Comm 1 Standby");
active = 14;
} // End of Comm1 LCD Setup
if (digitalRead(15)==0 and active != 15) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Com2)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
lcd.write((byte) 1); // this is the right arrow
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Comm 2 Standby");
active = 15;
} //End of Comm 2
if (digitalRead(16)==0 and active != 16) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Nav1)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0); // this is the right arrow
lcd.write((byte) 1);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Nav 1 Standby");
active = 16;
} //End of Nav 1
if (digitalRead(17)==0 and active != 17) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to Nav2)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.write(byte(0)); // this is the left arrow
lcd.setCursor(9, 0); // this is the right arrow
lcd.write((byte) 1);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Nav 2 Standby");
active = 17;
} // End of Nav 2
if (digitalRead(18)==0 and active != 18) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to ADF)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print("ADF ");
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(19, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print(" ");
if (mark == 9 ){mark = 10;}
lcd.setCursor(mark, 1);
active = 18;
} // End of ADF
if (digitalRead(19)==0 and active != 19) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to DME)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
lcd.setCursor(18, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
delay (11);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
delay (11);
lcd.print("DME 1 DME2 ");
active = 19;
} // End of DMEs
if (digitalRead(20)==0 and active != 20) { // Sets up the LCD when switching to AP)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(15, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
delay (11);
lcd.print("HDG ALT VS ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd.print(" ");
delay (11);
active = 20;
} // End of Autopilot screen
} // end of LCDmode
void EQUALS(){ // The first identifier was "="
delay (11);
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get another character
switch(CodeIn) {// Now lets find what to do with it
case 'A'://Found the reading "Com1"
com1 = "";
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
com1 += getChar();
if (com1 != com1old && digitalRead(14) == LOW) {
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
com1old = com1;
case 'B': // Found the reading "Com1 s/b"
com1sb = "";
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
com1sb += getChar();
if (com1sb != com1sbold && digitalRead(14) == LOW ){
delay (11);
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
com1sbold = com1sb;
case 'C': // Found the reading "Com2"
com2 = "";
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
com2 += getChar();
if (com2 != com2old && digitalRead(15) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
com2old = com2;
case 'D': // Found the reading "Com2 s/b"
com2sb = "";
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
com2sb += getChar();
if (com2sb != com2sbold && digitalRead(15) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
com2sbold = com2sb;
case 'E': // Found the reading "Nav1"
delay (11);
nav1 = "";
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += getChar();
nav1 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav1 != nav1old && digitalRead(16) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
nav1old = nav1;
case 'F': // Found the reading "Nav1 s/b"
nav1sb = "";
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += getChar();
nav1sb += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav1sb != nav1sbold && digitalRead(16) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
nav1sbold = nav1sb;
case 'G': // Found the reading "Nav2"
delay (11);
nav2 = "";
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += getChar();
nav2 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav2 != nav2old && digitalRead(17) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
nav2old = nav2;
case 'H': // Found the reading "Nav2 s/b"
nav2sb = "";
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += getChar();
nav2sb += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (nav2sb != nav2sbold && digitalRead(17) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(12, 0);
delay (11);
nav2sbold = nav2sb;
case 'I': // Found the reading "ADF"
adf = "";
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += getChar();
adf += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (adf != adfold && digitalRead(18) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
adfold = adf;
case 'J': // Found the reading "XPDR"
delay (11);
xpdr = "";
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += getChar();
xpdr += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (xpdr != xpdrold && digitalRead(20) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
xpdrold = xpdr;
case 'K': // Found the reading "DME1"
delay (11);
dme1 = "";
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += getChar();
dme1 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (dme1 != dme1old && digitalRead(19) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
dme1old = dme1;
case 'L': // Found the reading "DME2"
delay (11);
dme2 = "";
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += getChar();
dme2 += (" "); //pads it up to 8 caracters
if (dme2 != dme2old && digitalRead(19) == LOW) {
lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
delay (11);
dme2old = dme2;
case 'b': // found AP altitude setting
delay (11);
altit = "";
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
if (altit != altitold){
lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
delay (11);
altitold = altit;
case 'c': // found vertical speed setting
delay (11);
vertsp = "";
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
//vertsp += getChar();
if (vertsp != vertspold){
lcd.setCursor(15, 0);
delay (11);
vertspold = vertsp;
case 'd': // found AP heading setting
delay (11);
hdgset = "";
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
if (hdgset != hdgsetold){
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);
hdgsetold = hdgset;
} // End of what to do with it
} //End of Void Equals
void LESSTHAN(){
} //End of Lessthan
void ENCODER(){
R =(quad1.position()); // the /2 was not needed for my dual rotary from Leobodnar
if (R != Rold) { // checks to see if it different
(Rdif = (R-Rold));// finds out the difference
if (active == 14){// Comm1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println ("A04");//Comm1 Mhz down
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println ("A03"); //Comm1 Mhz up
} //End of Comm1 Rotary 1
if (active == 15){// Comm2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println ("A07");
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println ("A08");
} //End of Comm2 Rotary 1
if (active == 16){// Nav1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println ("13");
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println ("A14");
} //End of Nav1
if (active == 17){// Nav2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println("A19");
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println("A20");
} // End of Nav 2 Rotary 1
if (active == 18){// ADF rotary encoder output
if (digitalRead(12)==0 ) {
if (Rdif == 1) {
mark = (mark - 1);
active = 2;
if (mark == 13) mark =12;
if (Rdif == -1){
mark = (mark + 1);
active = 2;
if (mark == 13) mark =14;
if (mark > 14) mark = 14;
if (mark < 10) mark = 10;
if (Rdif == 1) {
if (mark == 10) {
if (mark == 11) {
if (mark == 12) {
if (mark == 14) {
if (Rdif == -1){
if (mark == 10){
if (mark == 11){
if (mark == 12){
if (mark == 14){
}//End of Rdif -1
} //End of else
}//End of ADF
if (active == 20){// Autopilot rotary encoder output
if(timeNow - timePrevious < timeInterval) {fastTurn = 1;}else{ fastTurn = 0;} //is it being turned fast or not ?
if (Rdif == -1) {//knob is going forward
if (fastTurn == 1){//yes it's being turned fast ,, else ,, it's being turned slow
for (int accel = 1; accel <= 10; accel++){//loop to send "A57" 5 times ,, use more or less to suit.
Serial.println ("A58");}// heading increase fast
}else{//it's turned slow
Serial.println ("A58");}// heading increase slow (sent once)
}//end of forward
if (Rdif == 1) {//knob is going backwards
if (fastTurn == 1){ //yes it's being turned fast ,, else ,, it's being turned slow
for (int accel = 1; accel <= 10; accel++){//loop to send "A58" 5 times
Serial.println ("A57");}// heading decrease fast
}else{//it's turned slow
Serial.println ("A57");}// heading decrease slow (sent once)
}//end of backwards
} // End of R Autopilot
if (quad1.position() > 1000){ // zero the rotary encoder count if too high or low
if (quad1.position() < -1000){
} //End of R
R2 =(quad2.position()); //setting up second rotary
if (R2 != Rold2) { // checks to see if it different
(Rdif2 = (R2-Rold2));// finds out the difference
if (active == 14){// Comm1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A02"); // Com1
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A01");//Com1
if (R2 != Rold2);
} //End of Comm1 second encoder
if (active == 15){// Com2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A09");
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A10");
if (active == 16){// Nav1 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A15");
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A16");
if (active == 17){// Nav2 rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("A21");
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("A22");
if (active == 20){// Xponder rotary encoder output
if (Rdif2 == -1) Serial.println ("B12");//
if (Rdif2 == 1) Serial.println ("B11");//
}//End of checks if different
}//End of Dual Rotary (Thank goodness)
Kstringnewstate = "";
for (int KpinNo = 12; KpinNo < 70; KpinNo++){ //checks all the pins 12 to 69
KpinStateSTR = String(digitalRead(KpinNo));
KoldpinStateSTR = "";
KoldpinStateSTR = String(Kstringoldstate.charAt(KpinNo - 12));
if (KpinStateSTR != KoldpinStateSTR) { // yes it's different
if (KpinNo == 22 and KpinStateSTR == "0") { //Change-over button is pressed
if (active == 14) Serial.println("A06"); //com1
if (active == 15) Serial.println("A12"); //com2
if (active == 16) Serial.println("A18"); //nav1
if (active == 17) Serial.println("A24"); //nav2
if ( active == 18){ //adf
mark = (mark + 1);
if (mark == 13){
mark = 14;
} // sort out for piont in ADF
active = 1;
if (mark > 14)mark = 10;
} //end of ADF
if (active == 20){ //xponder
mark = (mark + 1);
if (mark == 13){
mark = 9;
} // sort out for length Xponder
active = 1;
if (mark > 12)mark = 12;
} //End of xponder bit
} //End of pin 12 sortout
if (KpinNo == 21 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("C02");} // Gear UP
if (KpinNo == 21 && KpinStateSTR == "1"){Serial.println ("C01");} // Gear DOWN
if (KpinNo > 39){ // start of "Keys" bit
Serial.print ("D");
if (KpinNo < 12) Serial.print ("0");
Serial.print (KpinNo);
Serial.println (KpinStateSTR);
} //End of keys bit
} //End of yes it's different
Kstringnewstate += KpinStateSTR;
} //end of checking keys
Kstringoldstate = Kstringnewstate;
} // end of void inputpin
Best wishes