View Full Version : SIOC Totally confused.

01-19-2016, 11:19 AM
I have connected my main panel switches and leds to an opencockpits expansion and master cards and all register on the sioc monitor. Have written small script to change led state to 1 (on) with switch input 1 or else off. IOCP console shows both vars and the value of the led changes with the change in value of the switch but the led does not light up. I have spent several weeks with SIOC and understand the basics but can't see where I have gone wrong. Is it some basic configuration. When I open SIOC the opening screen shows ports and address etc and detects FSX and FSUIPC and shows device as IDX= .USB expv3 Device 84. Should there be a number after IDX=.
Would be grateful for any help to get me started.
Richard Halton

01-28-2016, 03:35 PM
there should be an IDX number. This number is set when you have a correct MASTER definition in the SIOC.ini. The IDX is the same as your Device number in the script code.

SIOC.ini with a master line


have an IDX is 31

then you should have the script code commands with a Device 31

01-29-2016, 05:31 AM
Thanks. Have corrected that and everything works.
Richard Halton