View Full Version : which motor for glider rudder pedals forcefeedback

02-03-2016, 12:01 PM

I am thinking about building force feedback glider rudder pedals for Condor soaring simulator. I have already found this very nice design:


This design seems to be quite elegant and simple but I don't know where to buy the MB082GA210 BLDC motors or how much do they cost (I have emailed the manufacturer but no response yet). In the project mentioned above the output force on the pedals is predicted to be about 200N. Isn't it too much? My estimation is that the force on the pedal at high speed should be about 100N could somebody comment on my estimation? Opinion of a real life glider pilot would be very valuable. To achieve this force on 20cm long pedal the motor must produce 2Nm of continuous stall torque (assuming 10:1 gearing).

Could somebody suggest a suitable motor that could relatively easy provide this kind of torque? where could I buy a suitable motor without breaking the bank?

02-03-2016, 12:27 PM
Please remember that with software these forces should be able to be adjusted to suit. By the way I have built the yoke
and the design and operation is SUPERB.

02-03-2016, 02:15 PM
Thanks for your reply

Did you use the recommended motors? If yes where did you get them from and for how much? If no what motors did you use, from where and for how much?

10-08-2017, 04:36 PM

can you please update this post with the motors that you used for your FFB projects.

Thanks and Regards,