View Full Version : HOTAS Warthog Thrust Reverse

02-18-2016, 06:54 AM

I have recently discovered this fantastic software but am having problems trying to set up the throttles correctly ans was hoping someone could help me out.

I have a HOTAS Warthog throttle which uses buttons for the Thrust Reverse. I have setup both throttles in the Complex Joystick utility which has idle set at 65535 and TOGA at 0. The trust reversers are set to btns N0.29 & 28 respectively. In the complex THR LVR Joysticks all looks good, but that is where I get lost.

Do I still have to set up the detents in the Config Controls utility, and if so, how do I do it? I've set up the Idle, CL, Flx Max and TOGA, but what do I do with the Rev Idle and Max Idle detents, as they are now on buttons and not axs. When I start P3D I have both engines showing Rev when at idle.

I hope this makes sense, and any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mick Williams

02-18-2016, 11:45 AM

For the reverse, in fact when pushing the buttons it will replciate an axis moving towards the FULL REV button (and releasing will move the axis back to idle). You need to be fast when clicking the detents positions...


02-18-2016, 12:20 PM

For the reverse, in fact when pushing the buttons it will replciate an axis moving towards the FULL REV button (and releasing will move the axis back to idle). You need to be fast when clicking the detents positions...


Thanks for your reply but I'm afraid I don't understand what you are telling me to do. Are you referring to the Complex Joystick app or the Configure Controls app?

If it's the Complex Joy app, which option at the top should I be picking, Merge Two Axis or Use one axis & switch as full reverse? I have been trying to use the Use one axis & switch as full reverse, which does not give you any detents to select.


Once again,I hope this makes sense.



02-18-2016, 12:26 PM
Once you've "saved the merge", in FMGS COnifg, whre you can setup the THR LVR detent, you should use your joystick as you would on the aircraft to set the detents. Complexe joy creates a "virtual joystick axis", but you then need to tell teh software how it is calibrated exactly. These are 2 different instances.

02-18-2016, 01:49 PM
Fantastic support...thank you. I deleted my merges and started again and then was able to set the reverse thrust detents in the config utility.

Many thanks again.

