View Full Version : Where to buy OC 737 EFIS (current version as of late 2016) knobs that look realistic?

01-28-2017, 11:28 PM
Hi everyone,

I have the OC 737 EFIS panel and would like to replace the knobs with more realistic versions with STD, RST, etc on them. Any ideas where I can find knobs that work with it?



01-29-2017, 03:49 AM
You could try here, shipping to the usa might be expensive :


04-08-2017, 02:24 PM
You could try here, shipping to the usa might be expensive :


I have EFIS and MCP knobs from acvdesign. Good quality but shipping is a bit of an issue. Like Tipuron said, it's expensive and sent via USPS, which makes it impossible to track. Another option is http://www.aviasimulation.com

05-17-2017, 12:09 AM
Update: I received EFIS knobs from acvdesign, but the hole on the knobs are too small to use with the opencockpits metal shim or if I remove the metal shim, the knob holes are too big. They're great looking knobs, but it's a no go.

Any ideas on making these knobs fit? They do have a set screw, but it doesn't reach the switch shaft since the hole is too big.



05-17-2017, 11:19 AM
Update: I received EFIS knobs from acvdesign, but the hole on the knobs are too small to use with the opencockpits metal shim or if I remove the metal shim, the knob holes are too big. They're great looking knobs, but it's a no go.

Any ideas on making these knobs fit? They do have a set screw, but it doesn't reach the switch shaft since the hole is too big.



If it's too big, you could try finding some brass metal tubing at a hardware store, cut it to size and fit it inside the knob. Just get the right size so it is snug. The hardware store might have some 'set screws' that might be longer to allow you to use without the metal shim from OC. I've used the metal tubing a couple of times.

If the hole on the knobs are too small, you could use a drill to widen the hole. I've used that option too. Just be careful not to put too much pressure or you'll crack the knob.

Finally, you could try http://www.aviasimulation.com/knobs. Get a caliper and measure the width of the rod and send an email to Sergi to confirm the width of his knobs. Or try Sismo http://www.sismo-soluciones.com/index.php/shop/knobs

Good luck.