View Full Version : JeeHell FMGS on a remote Computer

06-09-2017, 10:47 AM

does anyone run JeeHell FMGS on a remote Computer? I tried, but cannot connect to the visual Computer (Prepar3D v4). Do I need to install simconnect on the remote Computer?

THX and regards

06-09-2017, 11:31 AM
Fritz -- read this - https://soarbywire.wordpress.com/2017/02/17/running-fmgs-on-a-dedicated-machine-simconnect/

06-09-2017, 01:40 PM
Hi Ben,
thanks for the tutorial. Worked.
Best regards

06-11-2017, 07:48 AM
Since my changeover to run FMGS on a dedicated computer, some things do not seem to work anymore. I guess it is FSUIPC5 but I'm not sure.
I made some assignments to FSUIPC offsets in SIOC on a client. These will no longer work. WideFS is connected to the visual PC.
FSUIPC support is only installed on the visual PC. Should I also install FSUIPC support on the FMGS server PC
or is the FSUIPC support only necessary on FMGS server PC?

06-11-2017, 05:12 PM
FSUIPC5 should be compatible (not tested yet).
I looked at the installer code, it seems it will install only the correct files on the FMGS server PC for now (as it was a must to have the server on P3D PC then...), so for now you should only install it on FMGS Server PC and you will need wideFS there as well...
I will correct the package for next release.

12-23-2017, 09:06 AM
For the generation of the bin files in the Navdata folder, the path to the FS and the scenery.cfg should be specified.
The bin files are generated by the FMGS server. If FMGS Server is running on a dedicated computer, then the paths to the visual PC have to be entered?

Is the installation of the flight models on the dedicated computer really necessary :?:
They are only needed in the visual computer right?

12-18-2018, 05:01 AM
I need some help. I tried to use simconnect like the Tutorial of Soarbywire. I had no success. If I start FMGS on client PC it opens windows with Access denied and Access violation.
I use win10 on both PC. Something different then?
When I installed simconnect there was no .xml file created. I did it manually. Hope this was ok...

12-18-2018, 05:25 AM
I need some help. I tried to use simconnect like the Tutorial of Soarbywire. I had no success. If I start FMGS on client PC it opens windows with Access denied and Access violation.
I use win10 on both PC. Something different then?
When I installed simconnect there was no .xml file created. I did it manually. Hope this was ok...

this sounds itīs more likely an issue of access rights in your network-setup. Network in WIN 10, especially after the October18 update by Microsoft, is a little bit tricky because of some important changes in the security settings in the network.

First you have to make sure, that FMGS and P3D always run as administrator. On all PCīs in the network you have to make sure, that all Clients have read and write, better full access to the necessary subfolders. Like C:\A320FMGS\ and LM P3D etc. Don't forget the related folders in "Documents" and "AppData roaming".

How to setup the access rights in WIN 10, please look into the many many existing threads via Google, because to get this right depends on your personal network and how itīs all connected.

reg. Bernd

12-18-2018, 07:36 AM
Ok, could solve partly the problem. No Access violation anymore. Now FMGS open normally, but can not find FMGS server anymore.

07-20-2019, 04:39 AM
Hi guys, I tried to follow above guide from Soarbywire. But I don't get a connect from the remote FMGS Computer to the P3D computer.

Could it be, because I still have the FMGS program including the server config installed (but not running!) on my P3d computer? Do I need to uninstall this first? And do I need to install FMGS at all on the P3D computer, if I don't use any of the components, only P3D?


07-20-2019, 05:12 PM
You do not need to run FMGS program on the P3D computer. However, you should have done a clean installation before and assign the IP addresses of the P3D computer and the computer running FMGS Server, as well as any clients.


07-20-2019, 06:22 PM
ok, I got it working! I had to put the simconnect.cfg in the user/documents folder. I had placed it in a subfolder "simconnect" as I like subfolders ;-) But that didn't work obviuously.

But now I do have another problem: I connected all hardware to the remote FMGS server PC. Everything is working, except the analogue signals from my Arcaze boards. I'm afraid Arcaze on a client pc does not work (at least for the analogue inputs). On the latest installation guide, I was surprised to see a scenario, where all hardware is still connected to the P3D PC. I thought it must be connected to the FMGS server PC?! So could this solve my Arcaze problem?

Would it even be better to keep all hardware on the P3D PC? Or would that have a too strong impact on FPS??


07-20-2019, 11:22 PM
An analogue card like a joystick interface does work on a client pc. However i was trying to use a win xp machine and in this case it wouldnt.
What os are you using on the client.

07-21-2019, 02:55 AM
I am using Win 10 on the FMGS PC. P3D still on win 7. Currently changing all PCs to Win10.

As the joystick card is connected to the FMGS pc, I didn't install remotejoy. Just configured it in FMGS directly. Correct?

07-21-2019, 03:20 AM
Hi Michael,
That is correct, remotejoy is ONLY installed on any Client pc but when you do this you must go into the remotejoy.ini and put the Server IP address.
The Server address is not written into the remotejy.ini file automatically.
When you were trying to get your Arcaze module to work on a client pc did you edit the remotejoy.ini file?

07-21-2019, 03:47 AM
well, I have both, the Arcaze board and the FMGS server on the same remote pc.
In FMGS config the analoge input (pot to drive my flaps lever i.e.) from arcaze is identified .

I will try later after breakfast to have the arcaze board on the p3d pc and use remotejoy to connect to the FMGS server pc.

07-21-2019, 04:51 AM
As i said earlier i have a joystick interface(same as what a Arcaze can do) which i run on a client pc where my PFD and ND run .
This pc is running Win 7.

07-21-2019, 05:51 AM
Arcaze buttons do work! But not the potentiometers (analogue input). Could you make analogue inputs work as well, Les?

Really appreciate your help ,guys!

07-21-2019, 08:43 AM
OK, so now I installed the Arcaze boards back on the P3D computer and it's working now. FMGS configuration was no problem with RemoteJoy. And the analog inputs are now also working. As I am also using the display and LED driver of Arcaze together with Mobilflight, the whole Mobiflight environment is now back on my P3D computer. But it doesn't hurt much in terms of FPS.

Thanks for your help!!!

07-21-2019, 07:41 PM
I am back with new problems: after having some positive connection tests I went on with configuration of further hard/software.
Now something strange is happening: On the moment, the FMGS server plays that "bing" sound, my Jehell client on the P3D computer crashes (Windows error "this programming is not working right and will be closed")

Strange is also: before the crash, the server shows for half a minute that the corresponding module is connected (i.e. Sound) > whereas on the client pc it still says not connected. With the server "bing" sound, the crash message comes up but Jehell modules stay alive, now showing "sound connected".

Also the Skalarki profiler (connected to the FMGS server pc) does not show a connection to the Simulator anymore. It all used to work this morning.

This seems to turn into a nightmare.... :-(

07-21-2019, 07:48 PM
hmm, seems that the "edit post" function is not working anymore....

To add to my above post: the error message is on the Hardware Connect Module. What could that be?

07-22-2019, 04:04 AM
You should not have Remotejoy installed on the pc where FMGS server is installed. Is this correct?

07-22-2019, 09:23 AM
pc 1:
fsuipc support
remotejoy ( for Arcaze boards)
sound module

fmgs server
skalarki and most of the game controllers


It worked already. I installed a virtual audio cable on pc2. Could this maybe interfere with something?
Also strange: after I tried fixing it by reinstalling FMGS on P3D PC, p3d prompted an error on the scenery.cfg. I'm afraid I have to start from scratch for both pc. What a waste of time...

07-22-2019, 12:48 PM
I think, I found the error now: I deactivated HardwareConnect in the starter.cfg on the P3D PC. Only RemoteJoy is running now.
And now crash so far... I keep my fingers crossed...

07-23-2019, 03:19 AM
Now I remember I had a similiar issue. I installed RemoteJoy on client PC, which automatically installs and activates HardwareConnect on the the clientPC.
The problem now is that HardwareConnect is running on ServerPC and ClientPC at the same time which causes FMGS SW to crash on clientPC. I fixed it manually by deactivating HardwareConnect in the starter.ini on the clientPC.

@Jeehell, I guess this needs to be fixed in your installation routine, to avoid installation/activation of HardwareConnect module on clientPCs.


07-25-2019, 03:28 AM
only remaining problem is now, that the Skalarki IO Profiler doesnt connect to the simulator. WideFS is connected though.
Anyone else here who uses Skalarki from a networked PC?

07-25-2019, 03:32 PM
OK, don't ask me why, but Skalarki is connecting now.

BUT: My whole setup is very unstable. Sometimes, inputs from Mobiflight are not processed (although seen in FSUIPC log). Sometimes, pushing a button on the overhead (client PC, Skalarki) needs 10 seconds to be processed. Now, since the last starting sequence, strange warning messages about gear not being down! I am close to getting crazy...

But for now still trying to do a proper failure analysis. So 2 questions:

1) After launching the remote FMGS server, it is immediately showing "connected to P3d" and the other modules in green. But it takes about a minute until that "bing" sound comes up. Isn't that the signal, that the connection is established? Is it normal, that it takes so long when being on a networked pc?

2) Also, after Jeehell connected and during waiting for that "bing" sound, I am hearing a repeatative sound from the cockpit. And I think that is the sound of the gear lever being moved a few times. But as I can't see anything, not sure. Anyway to figure out, what that sound is?

Thank you so much for your help!!

07-25-2019, 05:07 PM
Hi Michael,

your Q.1: yes, this sounds normal. In my setup itīs the same, that the Server connects fast and first with P3D, i guess this is because once the addon-dll is loaded in the sim this connection is established. Then all other modules are loaded step by step and get connected to FMGS-Server which takes around 30 sec. and after everything is up it takes another 10 to 15 sec. until the "bing" or "bong" says "ready". Of course all this may depend aswell on what hardware (processor etc.) you are using for the FMGS-PC and if you use one for everything or spread the FMGS over 2 or more PC. CPT, FO, MCDU etc.

your Q.2: this sounds weird. I canīt hear any whisper on my remote FMGS PC until the "bing" came up. So there is maybe the hint to your issue. An educated guess from me is that your simconnect is not working properly or you have something running which is not needed on the FMGS or Sim-PC. Remember, JL allways remind us to install really only those modules of Jeehell on the particular PC which are really needed and used.

In my Setup on the P3D-Master PC nothing else than FSUIPC and the P3D-backbone of Jeehell is installed.(except the sim itself, of course and all the addons…). On the Jeehell PC i have installed only those modules i use, like FMGS-Server, FBW, Overhead, ECAM, PFD, ND, EWD, standbyinstruments, MCDU, RMP, SwitchingPNL, Flaps and Spoiler gauges and the Skalarki-connection-modul of Jeehell and the Skalarki profiler of course. All Hardware like Joystick and Thrustlevers are directly connected to the FMGS-PC.

You schould check if you have maybe something installed you donīt need like remotejoy or something else. You could also try to make a clean re-install of jeehell. This takes a little time, but maybe less than the search for the issue without success.
Reg. Bernd

07-25-2019, 05:54 PM
Hi Bernd,

thanks for your comprehensive help!

Good to learn on the starting time. Concerning the Jeehell modules, I only installed what's required on each PC.

Checking the hardware is a very good tip: I testwise installed the overhead softpanel on the FMGS additional to the Skalarki (running passively in the background) to see immediate results and to check, if it's the same effect without Skalarki. And on switching buttons on the softpanel I also see a latency. The CPU is at a ~ 90-95% level without any action. On clicking Signs on for example, it's going up to 98-99% and it needs 4-5 seconds. So that sounds like I need a bigger machine, right?

The sound however is coming from the main P3D PC, sorry for being unclear.

09-06-2019, 01:10 PM
Hi there,
Can anyone tell me why I cannot tick the FMGS server configuration on the remote PC?? P3D FMGS PC no problem. Do I need to install FMGS 52.0 on the P#D PC
Hope for you all can give me some expert help


09-06-2019, 07:14 PM
Hi ALex, īam not sure if i understood what you mean, but if you want to use FMGS on a dedicated seperate PC you donīt install the FMGS-Server on the P3D-PC, only on the FMGS-PC. Then you set up the config ONLY on that PC where FMGS-Server is installed. Not on others.
reg. Bernd

09-07-2019, 12:50 PM
Hi Bernd, I am configuring 3x I5 & I7 PC according to the A320 FMGS V 50.1 installation guide. I found that the P3D/Server was loading the I7 PC till it is not flyable. That is why I wanted to install the FMGS server in PC2. But was unable to checked the server box on PC2 after I reinstall the program. From what you mention above the P3D PC should not be install with FMGS server in it, am I right? Then how do I connect the P3D PC with PC 2 Server? Presently the P3D PC is running okay with Jeehell A320 aircraft; if I uninstall FMGS program will the aircraft go missing from P3D? Hope you can advise me what to do. I am truly thankful for your help. Alex

09-07-2019, 06:37 PM
Alex, first off all, i really suggest that you install the latest Revision of Jeehell. Itīs the B52.3.6! You will find the link in the thread "
A320 FMGS B52" http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32381&page=24

On the P3D-PC you install only the P3D-Main Application with the box ticked "Master FSX/P3D PC"
On the PC2, lets call it the FMGS-Server, you need to install the Main Application with the box ticked "FMGS Server and AP/FBW" plus the other modules you want to put on this PC.
The important point is to install on each PC only that portion of the installation you really need on that particular PC.
I. Ex.: if you want to have the Captains PFD and ND on the 3. PC (no. 2 out of your 3 I5), you install "PFD Captain Side" and "ND Captain Side" on this PC, and only on this one!!
As Jeehell mentioned in his documentation: "Only install the portion of the software on each PC that you need on this one"

You also have to make sure, that you have the Sim-Connect application properly installed, because this is the communication lane that is used by Jeehell FMGS to connect to the sim and to each involved PC in your network. In the latest Documentation Jeehell has discribed how to set this up. Another discription can be found here:

Hope this helps you a bit.
reg. Bernd

09-08-2019, 09:34 AM
Hi Bernd,
I have downloaded the latest Version FMGS software and will install it as per your advise above. I shall give you an update if everything work perfectly.
Appreciate the help. best regards Alex.

09-28-2019, 10:22 AM
Hello everyone,

Im terribly stuck, read everything I could find, Ill try to be as brief as possible :

Computer A : FMGS + win 10 64 Pro
Computer B : P3D V3.4 + win10 64 Home

Problem : FMGS Server does not connect to P3D
When running FMGS on Computer B (one computer setup) all works fine.

-Ping works in both directions

-Both win10 with latest update

-All FireWall and Virus Protection on A & B disabled

-Simconnect located in P3D and executed on A & B

-Airplanes from FMGS-Folder installed in B and activated in P3D

-Updated FMGS and Installed 2x Nav-Data, configured Joystick settings

-changed Simconnect.xml with data from
https://soarbywire.com/2017/02/17/ru...ne-simconnect/ (https://soarbywire.com/2017/02/17/running-fmgs-on-a-dedicated-machine-simconnect/)
and changed IP to Computer B IP

-Made a Simconnect.cfg File with Computer B IP in Computer A in stated directory

-Of course unchecked this computer is running FSX / P3D on Computer A and checked Server

-Installed FMGS with Master FSX/P3D PC checked as Bernd suggested (tried also without FMGS running on Computer B)

-granted fulll access to everyone to specified folders in this thread
(although I switched off every virus Protection Windows still managed to delete starter.exe from A320 Folder, stating its a threat, during several new installs !)

2 Questions :

1: When running FMGS Configure.exe you are able to change 4 Server Ports (8003-8006), are they supposed to be be set to the port stated in SimConnect.XML and Simconnect.CFG (9017 in above link) ? Tried this as well, just wondering.

2: When running configure.exe (as admin) a second time, the 3 Checkboxes are empty again, IP-adress of Computer running P3D is memorized though. Is this normal behaviour ?

Any suggestions highly appreciated ! Brgds Toulouse

09-28-2019, 12:45 PM
Hello everyone,

Im terribly stuck, read everything I could find, Ill try to be as brief as possible :

Computer A : FMGS + win 10 64 Pro
Computer B : P3D V3.4 + win10 64 Home

Problem : FMGS Server does not connect to P3D
When running FMGS on Computer B (one computer setup) all works fine.

-Ping works in both directions

-Both win10 with latest update

-All FireWall and Virus Protection on A & B disabled

-Simconnect located in P3D and executed on A & B

-Airplanes from FMGS-Folder installed in B and activated in P3D

-Updated FMGS and Installed 2x Nav-Data, configured Joystick settings

-changed Simconnect.xml with data from
https://soarbywire.com/2017/02/17/ru...ne-simconnect/ (https://soarbywire.com/2017/02/17/running-fmgs-on-a-dedicated-machine-simconnect/)
and changed IP to Computer B IP

-Made a Simconnect.cfg File with Computer B IP in Computer A in stated directory

-Of course unchecked this computer is running FSX / P3D on Computer A and checked Server

-Installed FMGS with Master FSX/P3D PC checked as Bernd suggested (tried also without FMGS running on Computer B)

-granted fulll access to everyone to specified folders in this thread
(although I switched off every virus Protection Windows still managed to delete starter.exe from A320 Folder, stating its a threat, during several new installs !)

2 Questions :

1: When running FMGS Configure.exe you are able to change 4 Server Ports (8003-8006), are they supposed to be be set to the port stated in SimConnect.XML and Simconnect.CFG (9017 in above link) ? Tried this as well, just wondering.

2: When running configure.exe (as admin) a second time, the 3 Checkboxes are empty again, IP-adress of Computer running P3D is memorized though. Is this normal behaviour ?

Any suggestions highly appreciated ! Brgds Toulouse

1.you should leave the default ports (8003-8006)

2.it is a normal behaviour, it gets the data only from the installer executable for now, when you run it again it loses that input.

You should try to delete your simconnect.xml file and try again doing it manually from scratch. It is not easyly done though I noticed donwloading the file from the net induces weird invisible characters in the file which make it improper for P3D.

09-28-2019, 12:45 PM
Hello everyone,

Im terribly stuck, read everything I could find, Ill try to be as brief as possible :

Computer A : FMGS + win 10 64 Pro
Computer B : P3D V3.4 + win10 64 Home

Problem : FMGS Server does not connect to P3D
When running FMGS on Computer B (one computer setup) all works fine.

-Ping works in both directions

-Both win10 with latest update

-All FireWall and Virus Protection on A & B disabled

-Simconnect located in P3D and executed on A & B

-Airplanes from FMGS-Folder installed in B and activated in P3D

-Updated FMGS and Installed 2x Nav-Data, configured Joystick settings

-changed Simconnect.xml with data from
https://soarbywire.com/2017/02/17/ru...ne-simconnect/ (https://soarbywire.com/2017/02/17/running-fmgs-on-a-dedicated-machine-simconnect/)
and changed IP to Computer B IP

-Made a Simconnect.cfg File with Computer B IP in Computer A in stated directory

-Of course unchecked this computer is running FSX / P3D on Computer A and checked Server

-Installed FMGS with Master FSX/P3D PC checked as Bernd suggested (tried also without FMGS running on Computer B)

-granted fulll access to everyone to specified folders in this thread
(although I switched off every virus Protection Windows still managed to delete starter.exe from A320 Folder, stating its a threat, during several new installs !)

2 Questions :

1: When running FMGS Configure.exe you are able to change 4 Server Ports (8003-8006), are they supposed to be be set to the port stated in SimConnect.XML and Simconnect.CFG (9017 in above link) ? Tried this as well, just wondering.

2: When running configure.exe (as admin) a second time, the 3 Checkboxes are empty again, IP-adress of Computer running P3D is memorized though. Is this normal behaviour ?

Any suggestions highly appreciated ! Brgds Toulouse

1.you should leave the default ports (8003-8006)

2.it is a normal behaviour, it gets the data only from the installer executable for now, when you run it again it loses that input.

You should try to delete your simconnect.xml file and try again doing it manually from scratch. It is not easyly done though I noticed donwloading the file from the net induces weird invisible characters in the file which make it improper for P3D.

09-28-2019, 01:19 PM
Tanks for the fast reply - Iīll try...

10-03-2019, 07:19 AM
Sorry to be bothering you all on the same matter.

Taking Jeehells advice Im starting completely from scratch. Buying a new P3d V4.5 (used to be on 3.4) and doing a complete new Install of FMGS and P3D.

I just want to make sure about two issues beforehand:

Having located simconnect.msi in

C:\Program Files (x86) /Lockheed Martin /Prepar3D v3/redist/Interface/SX-SP2-XPACK/retail / lib

I run this on the P3D computer, copy it to the FMGS Computer (does the location matter ?) and run it there…
Edit the XML File (this time Iīll try edit-pad and use the save as XML-Document option, who knows, maybe it will help) by simply copying your version into it, replacing the ip-Adress and deleting the rest…(is there any way to generate a valid new XML File if it is missing ?)

All this correct so far ?

10-03-2019, 10:38 AM
the XML file should be edited by the installer, even if missing it should be created with correct details.

10-03-2019, 11:51 AM
Hello, did a clean install of new P3dv4.5. No simconfig.xml present in C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3

In Prepar3D v3 Install Location\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib Only Simconnect.msi present no Simconnect.exe. Ran the msi file. Still no Simconnect.xml. Made one and saved it as XML Document but, as expected no connection fmgs server to p3d computer...what am I doing wrong

10-03-2019, 12:12 PM
I meant the installer of my package. Delete the Sim connect xml and reinstall my soft.

10-03-2019, 01:39 PM
So I deleted my simconnect.xml (which I put there) from C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3.
Uninstalled FMGS. Granted full access rights to everybody to folder above and to the one, one level up. Reeinstalled fmgs as admin - still no sign of Simconnect.xml.
Did I get this right ? During installation of fmgs the simconnect.xml file should be written to the directory ?

10-03-2019, 02:03 PM
Do you have multiple versions of p3d installed?

10-03-2019, 02:16 PM
On the machine I installed P3d V4.5 now - no....clean format with new win 10 installed. On the FMGS-One yes, 2 Versions, both uninstalled by now

10-03-2019, 02:51 PM
could the xml file was written in another P3D version roaming folder, check there

10-03-2019, 03:06 PM
I`ll check if any roaming folders besides the new 4.5V are left. Did the uninstall of P3D V3.5 before my last installation attempt with ccleaner. Thank`s again

10-04-2019, 02:44 AM
Good morning, no other P3D roaming folder present, not even on the other network pc. What I found, however, was a file dll.xml in the roaming folder containing a line :
C:\A320FMGS\Simpatch\Simpatcher.dll, file timestamp is exact time of running FMGS installer last time - so installer is abler to write something into to the directory and knows where it is located....

10-04-2019, 04:17 AM
Try downloading this zip file
Inside you have my own Simconnect.xml file, being zipped it should prevent your browser from tampering with it during download.
You of course need to change the IP in the global section to your own IP.

10-04-2019, 05:29 AM
Great, thank`s for this fast reply. As so many have said before, even if your software would have had a high price tag this support is outstanding...

10-09-2019, 03:57 PM
The simconnect.xml file you sent me solved my problems, you were right, that was the cause – though I`m still curious to know why FMGS installer does not write a fresh one for me.

One remark and one general question :

For all those in doubt, as I was : There is no need to run anything from FMGS on the P3D machine as long as you ran the FMGS-Installer there once…

When I use one machine soley for outside views with P3D and a second one running FMGS – would I experience an increase in frame-rate with the P3D machine if I were to use two FMGS-Computers in the network instead of just one ? Or, to put it differently, does a slow FMGS Computer in the network impose a hit on frame rate on the P3D computer by connecting it via simconnect ?
God Night to everyone....Toulouse

10-10-2019, 03:06 AM
a slow remote machine should not impose slow FPS on P3D.

03-17-2020, 12:18 PM
Hi Bernd, I got my system running but I keep on getting this nagging problem with the Widefmgs server indicating a socket error #10051, I really don't know how to resolve this problem; as it causing my computers network connectivity problem with the client. I kill the Windows 10 firewall and AV program, but it still there. This happens when I run P3D 4.5 first then FMGS. If I run FMGS first and then P3D. Widefmgs is connect to the client computer and is stable but P3D will not connect to FMGS server. I appreciate if you can you tell what I need to do in the configuration to stop this error. Thanks Alex I attached an image of the problem

03-18-2020, 05:15 AM
could be linked to your network adapter or switch/router forbidding broadcast UDP packets ...

03-19-2020, 10:54 AM
This only happens after I update from 52.4.0 to 52.5.2 and then to latest update 52.5.6. when i revert back to 52.4.0, the problem disappear. Can you explain why? when anti-virus and firewall is disable. I am using a new TPlink switch, TL-SG108PE. Do you reckon is the switch or is it Windows 10. Appreciate if you can help me as it is very annoying that the server is unable to connect to the client computers in the network. Thanks Alex.

Alb Calderon
04-27-2020, 11:52 PM
Hi ! Iīm using remote joy feature, in the configure controls window all de axis of my remote joys works but when i try to configure a complex THR LVR does not recognize any axis or button any idea?? thankyou

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