Jack Sprat
06-15-2017, 12:04 PM
Hi to all the dedicated knowledgeable enthusiasts on this great site. I need your help!
I am a newbie to the world of sim design, but it is a field that fascinates me.
I am trying to get my head around the subject of collimated display design; this site has really opened my eyes and helped enormously.
Having gleaned the basic principles from this site, i.e. to start at the view point and send a beam of parallel light rays to the spherical mirror and find where the ‘reflected’ rays then converge to identify the screen surface location, I have constructed a basic spreadsheet that does this and draws the results.
I chose some rough parameters, e.g. for how far the crew sits apart, mirror radius, etc. I positioned the mirror-viewpoint first in the vertical plane, to give me a screen solution for the required vertical field of view.
In the horizontal plane I used two viewpoints, one for the pilot and one for the co-pilot.
For each viewpoint I identified the corresponding screen surface location. I also did this for a central viewpoint located in between the pilot and co-pilot.
The results are shown in the pictures attached. Also drawn is the focus position of the mirror.
The results in the horizontal plane show that for each viewpoint the screen surface is located in a different position. As real simulators work fine with one screen only, there is a difference between my calculated solution for screen position (two screen locations) and the real solution (single screen location).
I want to understand why this is the case. Are my calculations wrong or should I use a single viewpoint to design the mirror?
If my calculations are right then it implies that in the real simulator the single screen is in fact a compromise position to accommodate both viewpoints of the pilot/co-pilot. This would mean that there is a tolerance associated with the screen location i.e. there is a zone around the viewpoint of the ideal position in which the display still functions properly. I would like to be able to calculate this zone.
Can anyone tell me if these assumptions are correct? Also how can the zone in which the mirror display can be properly viewed, be calculated? I would hate to build a cockpit and find that the display does not work for the positions of pilot/co-pilot.
I would appreciate any feedback anyone can give on this.
I am a newbie to the world of sim design, but it is a field that fascinates me.
I am trying to get my head around the subject of collimated display design; this site has really opened my eyes and helped enormously.
Having gleaned the basic principles from this site, i.e. to start at the view point and send a beam of parallel light rays to the spherical mirror and find where the ‘reflected’ rays then converge to identify the screen surface location, I have constructed a basic spreadsheet that does this and draws the results.
I chose some rough parameters, e.g. for how far the crew sits apart, mirror radius, etc. I positioned the mirror-viewpoint first in the vertical plane, to give me a screen solution for the required vertical field of view.
In the horizontal plane I used two viewpoints, one for the pilot and one for the co-pilot.
For each viewpoint I identified the corresponding screen surface location. I also did this for a central viewpoint located in between the pilot and co-pilot.
The results are shown in the pictures attached. Also drawn is the focus position of the mirror.
The results in the horizontal plane show that for each viewpoint the screen surface is located in a different position. As real simulators work fine with one screen only, there is a difference between my calculated solution for screen position (two screen locations) and the real solution (single screen location).
I want to understand why this is the case. Are my calculations wrong or should I use a single viewpoint to design the mirror?
If my calculations are right then it implies that in the real simulator the single screen is in fact a compromise position to accommodate both viewpoints of the pilot/co-pilot. This would mean that there is a tolerance associated with the screen location i.e. there is a zone around the viewpoint of the ideal position in which the display still functions properly. I would like to be able to calculate this zone.
Can anyone tell me if these assumptions are correct? Also how can the zone in which the mirror display can be properly viewed, be calculated? I would hate to build a cockpit and find that the display does not work for the positions of pilot/co-pilot.
I would appreciate any feedback anyone can give on this.