View Full Version : Company Route Editor 4 JeeHell FMGS

12-12-2017, 01:14 AM
Hi Community,

I am working with Dieter Kreiskott on a Company Route Editor to make handling of the corte.xml easier. GUI and main functions are done so far. I am planning to integrate a route validation as well but first focus on main functions.

See here: http://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?p=1713

I realized that a airway "LEG" contains the "AIRWAY" and the "EXIT WAYPOINT". That means the first airway has no first waypoint accept from the SID. If I am trying to save a route like this EDDS ETASA Z724 KETEG Z12 WUR Z744 LEPSA Z104 PSA EDDF we would miss the SID.

This route should bring us this xml, right?

<LEG SEQ="0" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z724" WPT="KETEG" />
<LEG SEQ="1" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z12" WPT="WUR" />
<LEG SEQ="2" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z744" WPT="LEPSA" />
<LEG SEQ="3" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z104" WPT="PSA"/>

But then we would miss the SID and the first waypoint ETASA
Any idea how to handle this? :O)

Thank you!

12-12-2017, 11:48 AM
<LEG SEQ="1" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z724" WPT="KETEG" />
<LEG SEQ="2" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z12" WPT="WUR" />
<LEG SEQ="3" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z744" WPT="LEPSA" />
<LEG SEQ="4" TYPE="AWY" ID="Z104" WPT="PSA"/>

12-13-2017, 03:05 PM
@JeeHell: That makes sense. Thank you.


I found another issue, regardless if CORTE or PILRTE. Each route needs to have a DEP RWY to be loaded correctly in "FLT PLN" page (after enter it on INIT page). If I went to "DATA" page the requested route will be shown correctly.

Do I miss something?


The Company Route Editor is BETA at the moment. Will be available soon - Freeware for sure!

12-13-2017, 07:01 PM
Some news from development. Input validation based on the current AIRAC is implemented. Started with DEPARTURE. ARRIVAL will follow soon. :cool:


12-16-2017, 04:18 PM
Ready for download. At the moment in BETA:

12-17-2017, 02:03 AM
Updated to version 0.4.1 with some bugfixes.

12-18-2017, 04:07 AM
Can you tell me, where do I find WPNAVAID.TXT, WPNAVFIX.TXT and WPNAVRTE,TXT?
I have a subscription with Navigraph for my Navdata but none of those files are included as you suggested.
Would I need to purchase some other package to make this work?
Thanks for all your work on this.

12-18-2017, 05:44 AM
Can you tell me, where do I find WPNAVAID.TXT, WPNAVFIX.TXT and WPNAVRTE,TXT?
I have a subscription with Navigraph for my Navdata but none of those files are included as you suggested.
Would I need to purchase some other package to make this work?
Thanks for all your work on this.

Hello John,

you need Level-D NavData and in this subfolder you will find these *.txt files

regards peter

12-18-2017, 01:32 PM
OK, got it.
Many thanks

12-19-2017, 06:01 AM
I have just updated to version Beta V0.51(rev.2) and I still have a problem with the paths to save the corte.xml to.
I had thought that this was just a permissions issue and double checked the share to my navdata1 folder because I kept getting this error


So I created a navdata1 folder in the same folder that I run Cortemanager and copied an empty corte.xml file there.
I still get permissions problem when I try to save the route which should not happen when I use this folder.


I have also tried running the program as administrator but I get the same results.
Any idea's?


12-19-2017, 08:13 AM
First make sure that your path setting ends in .\A320FMGS\navdata\

Second make sure that you have read/write permission from your computer to the remote computer. Okay?

Thierd make sure that FMGS is not running. Could be that another process has that file open.

Hope that helps.

12-19-2017, 08:56 AM
Here is my config, it looks OK to me unless you can tel me its not.
I do not have FMGS running as I do all my planning on the Instructor station PC and I have a dedicated PC to run the FMGS server
which is not running while I am doing this.


12-20-2017, 01:14 PM
Path to Level-D navdata needs to point to "LEVEL D 767" navdata as described in the manual. You are pointing to JeeHell directory which not work accept your LEVEL D navdata is stored there?! Please download the manual read chapter 5.

Next would be checking write access to this folder: \\A320-07\a320fmgs\navdata\
Can you modify the \\A320-07\a320fmgs\navdata\navdata1\corte.xml file? Your path setting looks right.


12-24-2017, 08:13 AM
New version 0.5.4 is ready to download (http://aviation.pero-online.de/corteManager4JH/). With this version and FMGS B49.1 the corte.xml can be forced to be reloaded with FMGS Server / WideFS running. Please read manual chapter 9 before using it.

@Jean Luc: Thank you for implementation. :)

12-30-2017, 11:38 PM
I just updated corteManager4JH to version 0.6 and put it to ReleaseCandidate status because a lot of tests has been done (and a lot of improvements). Thanks to Peter Fuss, René and Dieter.

Please find v0.6 on my server: http://aviation.pero-online.de/corteManager4JH/ (http://aviation.pero-online.de/corteManager4JH/)

Manual and ReleaseNotes have been updated as well. :O)

01-02-2018, 05:25 AM
I just updated corteManager4JH to version 0.7. Sorry there are still some new ideas by using it myself.
Latest change is the validation of the JeeHell FMGS and the used LEVEL-D AIRAC. They should have the same Cycle.

If you've used the "Don't save" setting please set it again to "DEPARTURE" or "ARRIVAL". This logic has been changed.

Please find v0.7 on my server: http://aviation.pero-online.de/corteManager4JH/

Manual and ReleaseNotes have been updated as well. :O)

01-05-2018, 09:51 AM
Hi Peter

I have installed the needed Airac from Aerosoft, but it does not recognize the versions as it should: both are the same. Have you seen that before.



Best regrds

01-05-2018, 10:27 AM
Can you please post your "cycle_info.txt". Looks like Aerosoft is using another format. I can change that very quick.

01-05-2018, 10:44 AM
Okay. Fixed it myself. Check out 0.7.1

01-05-2018, 10:44 AM
Hi Peter

Aerosoft NavDataPro

AIRAC cycle : 1801
Revision : 1
Valid (from/to): 04/JAN/2018 - 31/JAN/2018

Diese Navigationsdaten dürfen ausschließlich für die Flugsimulation verwendet werden und weichen von den aktuellen Navigationsdaten ab!
Benutzen Sie diese Navigationsdaten in keinem Fall für die Navigation in der realen Luftfahrt!
These navdata are intended for flight simulation use only and will vary from current aeronautical navdata!
Do not use for real navigation!

Diese Navigationsdaten, die Software und sonstiges zugehöriges Material sind durch Urheberrechtsgesetze geschützt. Die Navigationsdaten und die Software werden lizenziert, nicht verkauft.
Sie dürfen eine Kopie der Navigationsdaten und der Software auf einem Computer für Ihre persönliche, nicht kommerzielle Nutzung installieren und verwenden.
Die Navigationsdaten, die Software und alle anderen zugehörigen Materialien dürfen ohne vorherige, schriftliche Erlaubnis der Aerosoft GmbH
weder kopiert, fotokopiert, übersetzt, zurückentwickelt, dekompiliert, diassembliert oder in anderer Form für elektronische Maschinen lesbar gemacht werden.

These navdata, the software and all the related materials are protected by copyright laws. The navdata and the software is licensed, not sold.
You may install and run one copy of the navdata and the software on one computer for your personal, non-commercial use.
The navdata, the software and all related materials must not be copied, photocopied, translated, reverse engineered, decompiled or reduced to any electronic medium
or machine legible form, neither completely nor in part, without the previous written permission of AEROSOFT GmbH.

© Copyright Aerosoft GmbH, alle Rechte vorbehalten, all rights reserved.

website: www.aerosoft.com
support: http://forum.aerosoft.com/


01-05-2018, 10:48 AM
Hi Peter

sorry. to late ;-) Works, thank you for the quick response...


01-07-2018, 01:41 AM
Thanks to the community for bringing up this piece of software that quick. Especially to Jean-Luc for his great support.
Today I released final version 1.0. Tomorrow work is starting back and will take a lot of my time. :D

Download (in ZIP file now):

01-24-2018, 04:35 PM
This looks amazing. Many thanks.
Got it set up to work with PFPX as well - Already loving it!


02-03-2018, 12:11 AM
Version 1.1 is available now.
It includes small bugfixes and an important feature to start software BEFORE performing the "Silent Import".

With that feature you dont need to start your routing software, plan route, close it, open corteManager4JH.
You can easily start corteManager4JH, he opens your routing software (for example PFPX), wait until this process has been ended and continue after with the import. Very handy. :O)
Note: Only works (and make sense) with "Silent Import".

Download (in ZIP file now):

02-09-2018, 07:52 PM
Version 1.1 is available now.
It includes small bugfixes and an important feature to start software BEFORE performing the "Silent Import".

With that feature you dont need to start your routing software, plan route, close it, open corteManager4JH.
You can easily start corteManager4JH, he opens your routing software (for example PFPX), wait until this process has been ended and continue after with the import. Very handy. :O)
Note: Only works (and make sense) with "Silent Import".

Download (in ZIP file now):


I have discovered that the programme crashes if I run it on a W10 computer with the UK date/time format. If I change the format to the default (US time/date format), the programme runs fine.

I thought I would mention it just in case there are other UK users having the same problem.

Darren Sugden

02-10-2018, 01:55 AM
Hi Darren,

thank you. I would like to debug that issue but if I switch to UK date/time it works fine:

Do you tried to import flight plans? Can you please post a zip file including some saved flights and your corte.xml?

02-10-2018, 09:38 AM
Hi Darren,

thank you. I would like to debug that issue but if I switch to UK date/time it works fine:

Do you tried to import flight plans? Can you please post a zip file including some saved flights and your corte.xml?

I confess, I am now at a loss.

I tried running the programme on 3 different computers which all had the UK date/time format and all three would crash when I hit 'OK' after setting the path for the FMGS Data folder and AIRAC folder. But when I changed the date/time format to US, then all three computers worked fine running the programme. But here is the odd thing. I have now reverted back to the UK time/date format on all three computers and programme still works. I can't explain it but that is what happened!

Anyway, thank you for giving the community such a wonderful piece of software.

Kind regards,

02-10-2018, 11:38 AM
Okay. And it happend after initial start of the software after clicking "OK" in the Settings dialog?

02-10-2018, 09:24 PM
Okay. And it happend after initial start of the software after clicking "OK" in the Settings dialog?



07-01-2018, 02:46 AM
I did some bugfixes at IVAO Flightplan imports. This affects routes, where a SID/STAR is included in the route string.

Download (in ZIP file now):

07-07-2018, 04:32 PM
Hello peter!
Cought it be that there is a old version on your hp?
best regards

07-08-2018, 02:36 AM
Sorry, just the website showed v1.2. It is v1.3.
I correted the website already. Thanks for telling me. :D

09-14-2018, 11:31 AM
Problem not caused by Company Route Editor, Post deleted...

11-25-2019, 01:07 AM
I did some changes last weekend. Specialy for simBrief Users very interesting as Corte Editor will now automatic monitor for file changes. So just download your flightplan via SimBrief OFP Downloader and my program recognizes this and will create the CompanyRoutes. Useful...

In additon some major bugfix to prevent the false positive detection of SID and STARS.

--- 25.11.2019 - v1.4.0
[FEATURE] Monitor Mode monitors the import directories for new flight plans. Very useful when using 3rd party flight planning software like PFPX and simBrief.
[FEATURE] Route validation shows the selected route (makes it lot easier to unterstand, what he is doing)
[CHANGED] Route Import can be stopped by clicking "cancel" in the "delete file dialog"
[BUGFIX] SID and STAR validation failed in some cases which causes invalid files

I need some more days for "real life testing" and will release soon (during the week or latest next weekend).

12-06-2019, 11:48 PM
The new version can be found here (https://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=1725).

[FEATURE] Monitor Mode monitors the import directories for new flight plans. Very useful when using 3rd party flight planning software like PFPX and simBrief.
[FEATURE] Route validation shows the selected route (makes it lot easier to unterstand, what he is doing)
[FEATURE] Flight Level Import with VATSIM Flightplan
[FEATURE] Create empty corte.xml if no corte.xml is found
[CHANGED] Route Import can be stopped by clicking „cancel“ in the „delete file dialog“
[BUGFIX] SID and STAR validation failed in some cases which causes invalid files

If corteManager4JH is already installed you can use the automatic update.

12-22-2019, 10:49 PM
Version 1.5.x integrates a program to rebuild the NavData on your FMGS PC:

--- 22.12.2019 - v1.5.2.3

[FEATURE] Disable logging in Settings dialog
[FEATURE] Open logfile from Settings dialog
[CHANGED] Monitor mode logging enhanced
[BUGFIX] Monitor mode try to reload FMGS every second

Please find the new version here (https://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=1725).

01-04-2020, 05:59 AM
Peter, i wish you and your family a happy, successfull and healthy new year.
I appreciate that you build into the cortemanager the navdata rebuild function. This is a helpfull little tool to make the update process an easy task. Many thanks for your ongoing development.
Cheers Bernd

01-05-2020, 10:10 AM
Peter, i wish you and your family a happy, successfull and healthy new year.I appreciate that you build into the cortemanager the navdata rebuild function. This is a helpfull little tool to make the update process an easy task. Many thanks for your ongoing development. Cheers BerndThank you very much Bernd. I really appriciate your feedback! I thougt it is a useful feature for the the software. ;-)

01-05-2020, 10:17 AM
--- 05.01.2020 - v1.5.3.7

[CHANGED] File modified date added in "red info bar" when Monitor Mode is active
[CHANGED] Added "Wait curser" when importing flightplans
[CHANGED] Clicking "Import Flightplan asks" if you want to import the latest flightplan or all flightplans
[CHANGED] Import with arguments (like "/IVAOimport") will import the latest flightplan only
[CHANGED] Removed "Import latest flightplan only" as it is not longer needed

Please find the here:

01-12-2020, 11:59 AM
--- 10.01.2020 - v1.5.4.18

[FEATURE] Load FSX/PREPAR3D flightplan if filename matches and aircraft is on ground
[CHANGED] Monitor Mode triggers changes by file size not by file count (if an existing file will be overwritten)
[CHANGED] "Cancel" Button switches to "Cancel Monitor Mode" if monitor mode is active
[BUGFIX] Monitor Mode imports the latest flightplan when multiple sources are configured

Please find the here:

01-25-2020, 12:33 PM

we just found, that in some cases my NavDataRebuild function does not create the PROC2.bin. In total there should be 11 *.bin files in "[...]\A320FMGS\Navdata".
Please double check your installation. If this is not the case please do a manuael NavData Rebuild without my tool.

The updated and fixed version is already in BETA test and will be released soon. ;-)

02-10-2020, 12:55 PM
Hi,we just found, that in some cases my NavDataRebuild function does not create the PROC2.bin. In total there should be 11 *.bin files in "[...]\A320FMGS\Navdata".Please double check your installation. If this is not the case please do a manuael NavData Rebuild without my tool.The updated and fixed version is already in BETA test and will be released soon. ;-)Peter, is this issue causing, that the AIRAC validation information isn´t updated in the FMGS MCDU? Because after the rebuild with your tool the MCDU start page still shows the outdated AIREC validation and CorteManager gives the warning that the AIRAC is different to Jeehell FMGS. I´am using NavDataPro.I remember that this problem occurred as the same with "UpdateNav" from Dieter Kreiskott.CheersBernd

02-11-2020, 11:27 PM
No, it causes, that one file is missing. The MCDU shows everything correct.
v1.5.5 is out now. Everything fixed - works like a charme!

--- 11.02.2020 - v1.5.5.6
[CHANGED] Description of the AIRAC window at the bottom improved
[BUGFIX] In some cases PROC2.bin is not created. This can cause missing approaches in MCDU
[BUGFIX] CTD if click on "Open Logfile" in settings and no logfile available
[BUGFIX] Import SID/STAR in US-Region failed in some cases (Waypoint not found)

Please find the new version here (https://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=1725).

02-13-2020, 10:01 AM
Hi Peter, i´ve testet the new Version yesterday and it works fine accept for Navdata update. After several unsuccesfull tries I´ve read in the manual that it needs to run on the "Master-PC" only (yes i usually try before reading the manual LOL). OK, that makes it clear, but is there no way to get it working on a client, because the way you intend how the "Master-PC" needs to be configured is a little different what is JL´s install philosophy. I try to keep as much as possible away from the Main-PC which works as the P3D image generator. Though i have installed with Jeehells standard procedure only the nessecary portion of FMGS which is needed on the P3D-PC, following JL´s strict order to install on each PC only what is really needed on that particular PC. The PC where the FMGS-server is installed is a client from the perspective of the P3D-Master-PC but the Master-PC for Jeehell FMGS because all backbone applications of FMGS like the server, ecamlogic, FBW etc. is running on that "FMGS-Master" and all Hardware is connected to this PC aswell. So in fact this is the "dedicated server" of Jeehell FMGS. Just one additional PC is running as the CPT/FO FMGS-client to drive all the screens like PFD/ND, EWD and SD. Because the CPT/Fo client-PC is a strong machine i´am using this one with additional Monitors also as the planning station with PFPX, EFB etc. and as the maintance and instructor station for the whole sim setup. Though i used your CORTEManager on that PC to copy the routings from PFPX into the corte.xml on the FMGS-Server PC. That works well so far.If i run the NavdataUpdate with the latest version as usual on that client it deletes the bin files and create new ones on the FMGS Server PC, so far so good but once those files are created it doesn´t copy them onto the CPT/FO-PC and the process information isn´t updated any further in the CorteManager window (it stays on FMGS Master running). The funny thing is that with the former version it worked.I would prefer not to install FMGS-server portion on the P3D-Master to avoid any inferencing as Jeehell mentioned. But i would like to use you update tool too. So is there really now way to get it working on a "Non-P3D Master". P.S. i´ve also tried to run it on my FMGS-Server PC with same result that it wont update the client. If i run the update tool on the P3D-Master the process is terminated immediatly because of the missing FMGS-Server.CheersBernd

02-14-2020, 08:09 AM
Hi Bernd,

the meaning of the "Master-PC" is the Server/PC which run's the "FMGS_Server.exe" (maybe the documentation isn't that clear). My tools is doing this stupid steps:
- deleting all ".\A320FMGS\navdata\*.bin" files
- starting ".\A320FMGS\FMGS_Server\FMGS_Server.exe"
- wait until all *.bin files are created
- copy the whole directory ".\A320FMGS\navdata\" to the configured "Dedicated", "CPT" or "FO" PC

If these systems are mixed a little you can install the tool on another PC. I tried to make it easy for "normal" installations (whatever that is).
Clear now? Otherwise - lets have a quick chat in german - please use the email. :-)


02-15-2020, 09:35 PM
Just a short notice that the latest version vom 15.02.2020 isn't compatible with the NavDataRebuild any more.
I am already in touch with Jean-Luc to get it sorted out.

Background: "FMGS_Server.exe navdata" should auto close the FMGS-Server, when all *.bin files are created. This should have been fixed but the latest version does stop creating all files. See Bugtracker (https://www.christophpaulus.com/bugreport_jeehell/view.php?id=1617) for more details.

02-17-2020, 02:04 PM
Hallo PeterI have a (perhaps small) Problem with your Corte ManagerYou wrote in your Guide that the Corte will be updated by clicking Safe.But I only can get the new imported Corte route in mcdu after restart Jeehell Server.What do I wrong?FMGS 52.5 latest Corte Version and start both with admin rights...Any Suggestions?Thanks and greetingsJochen

02-18-2020, 01:15 AM
Hallo PeterI have a (perhaps small) Problem with your Corte ManagerYou wrote in your Guide that the Corte will be updated by clicking Safe.But I only can get the new imported Corte route in mcdu after restart Jeehell Server.What do I wrong?FMGS 52.5 latest Corte Version and start both with admin rights...Any Suggestions?Thanks and greetingsJochen
You can try to use an empty corte.xml in .\A320FMGS\navdata\navdata1\ and try again (do not use the backup after restarting the corteManager). I had one case where a route was invalid and because of this the whole corte.xml has not been loaded in FMGS.

If that does not help, please post the corteManager4JH.log (or the latests lines).

02-18-2020, 01:17 PM
Oh, interesting Peter. I wasn´t aware that this should work in fact? I thought FMGS-Server reads the corte.xml on startup only and though i always updated it with your tool before i start FMGS. I would be happy if the corte can be updated "on the fly" i will test it next time.CheersBernd

02-18-2020, 03:37 PM
Works fine Thanks for help

02-24-2020, 08:14 AM
indeed it works fine even "on the fly"

03-28-2020, 01:34 AM
[BUGFIX] Route including "K" for Kilometers are identified as bad route. Example "K0808F330 XIMBA N195 OMAVA L980 DORER A137 LAPVA LAPV1N"
[CHANGED] Extended Backups are limited to 10 backups. All other files will be deleted.
[CHANGED] Improved logging for NavDataRebuild (in case of errors)

05-03-2020, 01:01 AM
Corte Manager for JeeHell is now compatible with JeeHell FMGS 53.0.1 or higher. JeeHell changed the behavior to create new *.bin files with that version. This causes to former CorteManager to drop an error.
If you don’t use B53.0.1 or higher – don’t update!
Find the download here… (https://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=1725)

06-16-2020, 01:40 PM
I will not monitor this topic further. Please use the new forum:
https://jeehell.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4 (https://jeehell.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4)