View Full Version : Recommended Client Distribution

03-03-2018, 06:48 AM
I am sure, this has been discussed somewhere, but my keyword search always delivers other topics.

As I am just about to switch over from FSX to P3D, and have to reinstall everything, I was wondering,
what the best arrangement of Jeehell modules across the clients is?

Of course, its depending on how many pc you have got (I have 4) and at which power. But what are the most resource intense modules from JL point of view? Despite of that, I guess it would make sense to have one PC for CPT modules and one for F/O for energy saving reasons?


03-05-2018, 05:08 PM
The server and NDs are the most CPU and memory consuming modules. But nothing close to P3D itself.

You can probably run all modules in a single (relatively) modern dual core i3 or i5 CPU with any basic (but not baseline) video card and it will work without a glitch. Leave the P3D computer with the bear minimum and check the install guide for recommendations.

From my tests, I don't see any CPU necessity in having more than 2 computers these days (one P3D, one JH modules), unless you can't run enough monitors on the module PC so you'll need extras just for that.