View Full Version : New member building a Cessna 182 Cockpit

11-29-2019, 01:07 PM
Hello All,

I have been working the last several weeks on a Cessna 182 cockpit. My goal is to create a cockpit similar to my actual Cessna 182 and my primary usage would be for IFR training.

I am building a smaller seat and panel setup and am using AirManager for the display along with the Arduino code it supports for things like rotary encoders and such.

I am glad to find a community that supports these projects!


Ron Monsen

11-29-2019, 02:48 PM
Hi Ron,
Sorry to say this site is a bit run down now and i dont think the owner has much input anymore. So we have to put up with the spam. Welcome anyway, much support can be had here but maybe a bit spasmodic.
Another site is Cockpitbuilders.com. There are a few of us with Single engine interests but most guys are Big Iron.
Still well worth joining. Hope to see you there. The guys are very helpful.

No Longer Active
12-23-2019, 06:25 PM
IWIK I completely agree....