View Full Version : Help needed to get pmweatherget46 working

07-01-2021, 01:13 AM
Hello Im trying to get pmweatherget46 working on project magenta boeing glass cockpit software has anyone got this working ? the posting on mycockpit forums not working properly so im posting individual parts as replys so to make it easier to read

07-01-2021, 01:18 AM
this is what ive tried using MSFS FS2020 AND the new FSUIPC 7and all the latest project magenta installers from the official software setup page

07-01-2021, 10:05 AM
ive got a valid weatherunderground api key created a weatherunderground account selected a device from the device pull down menu and added my address weatherunderground then issued me with a api key but on my weatherundergrounddevicce page it does says offline becuase i dont actually own any weather recording hardware

07-01-2021, 10:06 AM
so i put the api key into pmweather.ini config file saved then load MSFS in a loaction with storms in the real world that are showing as storms on weatherunderground radar page then load pmweather.exe program it loads say found fs connected and has found the correct netdir path i then select wxr button on the MCP but the ND display says in grey NO WXR and the weather isnt showing what am i doing wrong for this??

07-01-2021, 10:09 AM
i havenet got active sky but tried this aswell added the following text lines to the pmweather.ini config file and fsuipc 7 .ini A wx.png is being generated in my PMWEATHER FOLDER ON MY DESKTOP (this is a folder where all pmweater files are installed .ini exe etc )

07-01-2021, 10:10 AM
FSUIPC.INI file:[General] SectionASNwxRadarBitmapPath=c:\desktop\PMWEATHER\wx.png pmGetweather.ini file:ASNwxRadarBitmapPath=c:\desktop\PMWEATHER\wx.png

07-01-2021, 10:12 AM
FSUIPC.INI file:[General] SectionASNwxRadarBitmapPath=\\DESKTOP-LHOQPK9\NetDir\myRadarFile.bmpASNwxRadarBitmapPath=\\DESKTOP-LHOQPK9\NetDir\myRadarFile.bmp

07-01-2021, 10:13 AM
FSUIPC.INI file:[General] SectionASNwxRadarBitmapPath=\\DESKTOP-LHOQPK9\NetDir\myRadarFile.bmppmGetweather.ini file:ASNwxRadarBitmapPath=\\DESKTOP-LHOQPK9\NetDir\myRadarFile.bmp

07-01-2021, 10:14 AM
do we need to add any extra text lines to the .ini files ? once the weatherunderground api key has been added for example (not my real key) weatherundergroundkey=5ugm4t

07-01-2021, 10:15 AM
any help regarding this would be greatly appriciated if you got it working please post your pmweather.ini and fsuipc.ini text lines as an example thanks from harry

08-20-2021, 08:52 AM

I'm having the same problems with PMGetWeather. I recently discovered a better website to retrieve weather images https://www.rainviewer.com/. I could easily write a little program that takes GPS coordinates and generate a .bmp image through the website API, but I'd need to know the size of the picture needed by pmgetweather.