View Full Version : Can't set Radio Altimiter In Boeing GC

01-23-2007, 08:28 AM
I've got a minor issue that someone in the group might be able to help me solve. I can't get ground radio altitude to read zero; it always reads 10 no matter what is set in the radioalt parameter. Not that this is a huge issue but that nearly continuous "10" callout gets a bit annoying during takeoff and landing rolls.

I tried setting the ground radio altitude (radioalt=10) in the (type).txt file but it does not seem to take in the ADI. I have successfully configured flap settings in the B752-PW2037.txt file so I'm confident that I'm working with the right file. I have the GC in Type=CDU mode and modified the file in the CDU/Type directory. I tried reloading the type in the CDU by forcing another type and switching back, tried reloading the aircraft and restrting the GC. none of which worked. Also, changing the values had no effect on the display.

This leads me to believe that there may be something else going on here. Perhaps is ie PFD mode related; I am using the 767/EADI PFD mode. Or Aircraft related (Project Opensky 757-200).

Any assistance would be helpful.

- Chris Baye

Bob Reed
01-23-2007, 09:25 AM
Hi Chris. Manualy edit the ini file for that setting. In the ini file the settings have a description ( I am not at my sim so I can not look) but by scrolling through the settings you should see it. Set it to zero and save the file.

01-24-2007, 09:35 AM
Hi Bob,

I tried editing the pfc.ini file and did not achieve the desired results. None of the setting changes results in a change in the display (let alone the desired change) I'm going to send a note to Enrinco.

- CB

Bob Reed
01-24-2007, 11:37 AM
Hey Cheis. That is strange. Is your ini file read only? If you make the changes, save them close the file and reopen it, are the changes you made still there? If not the file may be read only. Also is the display locked? You might have to unlock it to make the changes you desire. If I change mine to whatever that is the low reading I get. Also keep in mind that depending on where the antena would be located on a real AC that 0 is probably not a true readin. The cockpit on 737 is about 10 feet off the groun... Well as long as the landing gear is out...:) Any way Enrico may have an answer for you.

01-24-2007, 12:57 PM
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to try again after removing the display locked flag; I confirmed that my ini file is not read-only. As far as the height goes, My understanding of the radioalt setting is that it is used to offset the distance between the Antenna (in the case of FS, the models datum center) and the ground; such that the reading is zero.

The antenna location brings up another interesting question; what is it's longitudinal location?. If it were in the nose it would read high as a function of aircraft pitch, assuming pitch up is prefferend on landing :) Quick math says that 5deg of pitch (extreme) (in a B752) would result in a ~ 6 ft error between the an antenna mounted near the nose vs. one mounted near the main gear. It seams to me that placing the antenna near the mains would give the pilot the most useful information on landing.