View Full Version : Forecast option on Boeing CDU Descent mode?

Ray Proudfoot
02-04-2007, 10:24 AM
Hi all,

I'm running build 387 of the Boeing CDU. There's a new option on the Descent mode - Forecast. I can't find any documentation on this. Anyone know what it's there for please?


Bob Reed
02-04-2007, 04:05 PM
Well, just so you know that this is getting read... I have no idea. Must be it is in the real one. Need to see if we can find real world data on it. Might be the best way to get documentation on it.

Peter Nielsen
02-04-2007, 04:19 PM
Hi all,

I'm running build 387 of the Boeing CDU. There's a new option on the Descent mode - Forecast. I can't find any documentation on this. Anyone know what it's there for please?


Ray, the 387 is a beta AFAIK, the Decent forecast is not fully there yet, but once it is...

The following information is provided on the DESCENT FORECASTS page:

TRANS LVL: The transition level for the destination airport is displayed in 1L. The transition level can be modified by up-selecting from the scratchpad.

CABIN RATE: (Not Modeled) The rate of descent required to adjust the cabin altitude rate of descent in order to minimize the rate of change in cabin pressure.
TAI ON/OFF: Altitude at which anti ice is projected to be necessary.

ISA DEV/QNH: Destination airport temperature deviation from Standard Atmoshperic Conditions and airport QNH. This information is used to plan the descent portion that will take place below the Transition Level entered at the 1L LSK.

Wind altitude speed and direction entries are made by the crew based upon reported conditions, observed conditions (use the wind indication on the Nav Dissplay!) or forcast conditions in order to assist the FMC in computing the descent profile as defined in the flight plan

Ray Proudfoot
02-04-2007, 05:07 PM
Hi Peter,

Thanks for providing that info. Despite it being a beta version I would have expected there to be some mention in the release notes of the new features. We're not all r/w pilots. ;)


Ray Proudfoot
02-04-2007, 05:09 PM
Well, just so you know that this is getting read... I have no idea. Must be it is in the real one. Need to see if we can find real world data on it. Might be the best way to get documentation on it.

Hi Bob,

I'm glad I'm not the only one!:lol: Peter has kindly provided the info. Let's hope the PM documentation is updated when this CDU is released. ;)
