11-09-2004, 10:55 PM
Hi Everyone,
This is Matt here. I have been asking around about encoders and trying to research what the next generation Encoder Phidget could be like for the sim builders. I need your help with insightfull feedback about what all of you would feel would be the best solution.
Here are my thoughts so far:
Currently the Phidget encoder is a single 16 click encoder with a push button. The Phidget Encoder only works with the encoder already soldered onto the board. This presents a problem for sim builders for 3 reasons. 1) you are limited to the size of the encoder. 2) you are limited to the 16 clicks. 3) you often need dual or concentric encoders to complete your panels.
Here's what I have in mind. We would create a Phidget Encoder board without the encoder already on it. We would design the board to work with a specific family of encoders that sim builders could choose from. In a perfect scenario this "family" of Encoders would be of a relativly reasonable cost and would have many different formats to choose from. Different sizes, different clicks per revolution, and different configurations; single, dual, triple, etc.
Now, I doubt we will find a solution that could fit every possible scenario, but I'd like to at least find a set of Encoders that meet as many of these needs as possible.
The idea of the Phidget Encoder Board works well with dual encoders since it allows people to simply buy 2 boards and wire them up to dual encoder if this is what they need.
A solution of this nature allows us to design and produce a single Phidget that meets a range of needs. We cannot design a dozen encoders for the market because the cost is too high and we don't know what will sell.
We need your help in figuring out this solution so that we can research possibly solving it! :)
The main questions are as follows:
Do you know of a family of encoders which you feel would meet the needs of 90% of the cockpits out there? If so, give us the link. (Or go research it and report back :) You guys know better than we do what you need!)
What encoder solutions do you most need for yourself? Links to the actual encoder spec sheets or web page where we can research them are best.
The more everyone can help show us which encoders best work for this market the more capable we are for creating a solution.
Please note that I will watch this thread closely and research all the suggested info, but probably won't be responding to all the posts submitted. Feel free to keep discussing this among each other in this thread.
Thanks for your time and your feedback!
This is Matt here. I have been asking around about encoders and trying to research what the next generation Encoder Phidget could be like for the sim builders. I need your help with insightfull feedback about what all of you would feel would be the best solution.
Here are my thoughts so far:
Currently the Phidget encoder is a single 16 click encoder with a push button. The Phidget Encoder only works with the encoder already soldered onto the board. This presents a problem for sim builders for 3 reasons. 1) you are limited to the size of the encoder. 2) you are limited to the 16 clicks. 3) you often need dual or concentric encoders to complete your panels.
Here's what I have in mind. We would create a Phidget Encoder board without the encoder already on it. We would design the board to work with a specific family of encoders that sim builders could choose from. In a perfect scenario this "family" of Encoders would be of a relativly reasonable cost and would have many different formats to choose from. Different sizes, different clicks per revolution, and different configurations; single, dual, triple, etc.
Now, I doubt we will find a solution that could fit every possible scenario, but I'd like to at least find a set of Encoders that meet as many of these needs as possible.
The idea of the Phidget Encoder Board works well with dual encoders since it allows people to simply buy 2 boards and wire them up to dual encoder if this is what they need.
A solution of this nature allows us to design and produce a single Phidget that meets a range of needs. We cannot design a dozen encoders for the market because the cost is too high and we don't know what will sell.
We need your help in figuring out this solution so that we can research possibly solving it! :)
The main questions are as follows:
Do you know of a family of encoders which you feel would meet the needs of 90% of the cockpits out there? If so, give us the link. (Or go research it and report back :) You guys know better than we do what you need!)
What encoder solutions do you most need for yourself? Links to the actual encoder spec sheets or web page where we can research them are best.
The more everyone can help show us which encoders best work for this market the more capable we are for creating a solution.
Please note that I will watch this thread closely and research all the suggested info, but probably won't be responding to all the posts submitted. Feel free to keep discussing this among each other in this thread.
Thanks for your time and your feedback!