View Full Version : Anyone know if this will run ok??

03-15-2007, 09:35 AM
Just planning my first build and wondered if the following pc would run ok?

AMD64 3200, 1gb ram, graphics card to be decided... and I'll probably overclock the cpu a little...

Do you think it will run PM Boeing Glass cockpit, PM Systems, Active Sky and Radar Contact ok? FS will be on another pc...


03-15-2007, 09:49 AM
It will--dont see any reasons why not

03-16-2007, 07:16 AM
Just planning my first build and wondered if the following pc would run ok?

AMD64 3200, 1gb ram, graphics card to be decided... and I'll probably overclock the cpu a little...

Do you think it will run PM Boeing Glass cockpit, PM Systems, Active Sky and Radar Contact ok? FS will be on another pc...


HI Mike, with that spec all will run fine, no need for the overclocking;)

03-16-2007, 08:25 AM
Thanks for the replies, wasnt sure how 'intensive' PM is to run, I know folks run it on fairly low spec machines (but generally I have seen PM Glass on 1 and PM systems on another) and as I want to run ASV and RC4 too I wasnt sure if I could happily run all together... Result:D

Ray Proudfoot
03-16-2007, 12:26 PM
Just planning my first build and wondered if the following pc would run ok?

AMD64 3200, 1gb ram, graphics card to be decided... and I'll probably overclock the cpu a little...

Do you think it will run PM Boeing Glass cockpit, PM Systems, Active Sky and Radar Contact ok? FS will be on another pc...


Hi Mike,

The Boeing GC runs faster with nVidia cards than with ATI. Nothing fancy needed. I use a FX5200 on an Athlon 2000 and it's fine.

RC is very undemanding of system resources.


03-17-2007, 06:22 AM
Cheers for the tip about nvidia cards Ray, NV it is then!
Did you notice a difference when you put a 512mb gpu in your System 1 - trying to decide whether to downgrade my 7800gtx 256mb to my 'new' system 2 and get a new 512mb gpu for my main system???
ps thanks for the help with deciding to get RC :cool:

Ray Proudfoot
03-17-2007, 07:14 AM
Cheers for the tip about nvidia cards Ray, NV it is then!
Did you notice a difference when you put a 512mb gpu in your System 1 - trying to decide whether to downgrade my 7800gtx 256mb to my 'new' system 2 and get a new 512mb gpu for my main system???
ps thanks for the help with deciding to get RC :cool:

Hi Mike,

The biggest improvement with the 512Mb card came with FSX but I rarely fly it because performance is so poor compared to my customised FS9. I previously had a 9800Pro 128Mb so the difference was always going to be greater than with a 256Mb card. You may not notice any improvement.

What it did allow me to do was to run FS9 at 1920*1200 - something unthinkable with the 9800Pro. Unless you're going to a big display I'd stay with your 7800GTX. PM requires little in terms of graphics performance but OpenGL does work better with nVidia cards - even modest ones like mine.

Glad you're enjoying RC. That and PM make flying really enjoyable. :D

03-17-2007, 07:38 AM
I'm currently running 2 x 19" tfts through a Matrox TH2GO so the resolution is 3840 x 1024, most of the time its fine but I do seem to be getting more 'blurries' with it recently and wondered whether the extra memory on the gpu may help matters or will moving off RC,ASV and having PM on another pc remove some strain from FS as I will no longer be flying with VC and it will 'only' be displaying the outside world???

Ray Proudfoot
03-17-2007, 07:48 AM
I'm currently running 2 x 19" tfts through a Matrox TH2GO so the resolution is 3840 x 1024, most of the time its fine but I do seem to be getting more 'blurries' with it recently and wondered whether the extra memory on the gpu may help matters or will moving off RC,ASV and having PM on another pc remove some strain from FS as I will no longer be flying with VC and it will 'only' be displaying the outside world???


Despite 512Mb I still get blurries. :( They're not very intrusive but I do notice them. I run FS9 full screen (no panel visible) and I only run RC4 on the same machine so I'm convinced it's not lack of resources. You may be able to tweak the graphics settings in FS9.CFG to reduce them.

Moving software to another machine probably won't help the blurries but may help make things slightly smoother. I run a P4 3.0 with 1Gb PC3200 RAM.


03-17-2007, 06:59 PM
This blog has excellent info and tips on the blurries for FS9 http://www.steve-lacey.com/blogarchives/2005/11/the_blurries.shtml

03-18-2007, 07:09 AM
Cheers for the tip Nic - think I've just started overloading my system with too much to do so a cockpit build "is necessary" to make it all work ok again :D
Very interesting article...