View Full Version : CDU 388 Locking Up

03-20-2007, 12:57 AM
I'm having issues with CDU 388 locking up at the splash screen. Has anyone else had this issue?


03-20-2007, 08:32 AM
Hi Matt,
Sometime ago I had this with the intermiate builds just before the present released one. They stopped at the Logoscreen when my Engravity Cdu was connected. At the end it was a connection issue with the hardware (usb). To many new com ports were created.
In build 388 I did not notice such problem. My biggest bug with the present build is the problem of losing my entire route when selecting a arrival rwy or star after the route has been activated or inflight. Did anyone else notice that? I also note that when selecting an waypoint which comes later in the route, in order to go direct to it, the aircraft is turning very sharply to the new magenta route line instead of going from present position direct to the new active waypoint. It looks likes he first want to join the magenta line and then turn to the selected waypoint which is of course not the idea of the action.

03-21-2007, 06:59 PM
I'm having the same problem when altering a STAR as Michel.

Furthermore I'm having problems with entering decimal distances in the FIX page, like RAD/DIST 250/3.5. Most of the times the CDU changes 3.5 into another value or the fix turns out to be a few hundred miles away when entered into the LEGS page. Same thing happens with certain waypoints in the (pre-programmed) approaches that can be choosen on the ARR page.

With respect to intercepting a course to a waypoint I have the impression that the FMC doesn't work like it should do. Let me try to explain.
Suppose a part of the route is: VOR A - Int B - VOR C. From A to B is 78º, from B to C is 110º.
Now when inbound for A on a 78º track, ATC tells you to fly heading 100 and join the 290 radial to C. You select 100º on the MCP and press HDG. Then place C at the top of the page (above A) and choose an intercept course of 110º. If I'm right the a/c should follow hdg 100 (although you change to LNAV after having made the turn into course 100) until it reaches the radial, somewhere between B and C, and then turn towards C on a heading of 110º. What actually seems to happen is that the a/c turns towards VOR C right away. I also believe that there should be a magenta dash-dot line from the a/c symbol towards the point where the magenta course between B and C is intercepted. Instead, the magenta line goes straight from the a/c towards C. Any ideas about this?


03-22-2007, 12:51 PM
I have the same problem as Michel and others too, that i reported many times...

Plan mode not working, unable to change arrival rwy in flight unless reflyng the entire route!? as you explained, some holding problems....

Is possible to have the basic function of a CDU working correctly and then expand/correct the other features?
I didn't flyed for long time 'cause of those annoying bugs.
Best regards,

03-23-2007, 09:57 AM
I'm happy I'm not the only one who notice this. Programs can have sometimes very strange behaviors due to regional settings or so I think.
But this seems to be a general bug. Let's hope Enrico can fix it, as this is indeed very much frustrating. Due to all kind of reasons I stopped developing my cockpit and sim flying for more than a year, and now that I resumed my project, I was rather surprised to see this bugs now in the CDU soft, as in the past that part was not a problem and is indeed a very basic operation item in every type of aircraft. Arrival RWY's or STAR are normally never set during the dep procedure (certainly not on a long haul flight). Maybe due to the introduction of the new navdata format lot's of things were changed ?

What the FIX page intro concerns, aditionaly with what is said above, also distances bigger that 99 nm , can't be set either at this moment. CDU returns totally unreal distances. In real live with B744 the 300NM fix for exemple is used very frequently to mark the circle zones for the diversion airports and or equal time points (ETP's)

LNAV is not active normally when flying in a distance of more than 3 or 5 mls away (not sure of my memory) of programmed route, so it should fly at least till a distance of 5 mls in HDG SEL mode and LNAV armed, before intercepting.


Bob Reed
03-23-2007, 06:37 PM
Make sure you guys report this to PM's support address. support@projectmagenta.com Enrico is redesigning the way the CDU works and that is the problems you are running into.

03-24-2007, 08:23 AM
Hi Bob
This has been done already ;) as this is always the first thing I do and I suppose we will be contacted by Enrico as usual when he will have time to bring a new build out.
Looks as Enrico is travelling a lot these days. On the other hand it is very interesting to share these information with other members of the forum as sometimes you don't know if the problem is with the software or related to your hardware. In this case I'm sure now it is general problem and I waiting patiently to have an update.
B. Rgds

03-25-2007, 01:37 PM
Thought that was about time for me to enter this thread.

I am using CDU388, GC448, MCP418 with Aerosoft MCP and the PMDG 737 a/c. I have WideFS 6.72 and FSUIPC 3.73.

I am having NO problems with any of the issues that you folks are experiencing.

I wish you all well in overcoming those issues.

Good luck, blue sky and tailwinds,

Bill Trinidad
California, USA

03-25-2007, 02:17 PM
I too am not having having those problems but I did realize that my WideFS is out of date and after this flight I'll go out and update it. I am using PMDG B737-700 with no panel option for my aircraft of choice. Below is a copy of my pmFileCheck. Good luck all.

pmFileCheck Build 36
Opening Connections

Local Path: C:\Documents and Settings\Lyle\My Documents\ProjectMagenta

Checking Computer and User Name
Local Computer Name: DELL
Local User Name: Lyle

FSUIPC/WideFS found!
FSUIPC Version 3.73
WideServer Version 6.7
WideClient Version 6.7

Flight Simulator Running
Testing Framerate
Avg / Min / Max: 20.9 / 11.3 / 30.6

OK - GC Detected
GC Build 448

OK - FMC Detected (CDU or MCDU)
FMC Build 388

OK - A/P Detected (MCP or FCU)
A/P Build 418

Local DLL Files Found:
pm.dll dated: 1/17/2006 8:22:27 AM

Checking FS Path
OK - Reported FS Path \\DELL\Flight Simulator 9\

Trying to access FS Path
OK - Read access to FS Path
OK - Read/Write access to FS Path
OK - Read/Write access to FS Path

Wide Server reports:
944516 Connected to computer "PFD" running WideClient version 6.700 (skt=3852) TCP
945313 Connected to computer "LAPTOP" running WideClient version 6.700 (skt=3912) TCP
945313 Connected to computer "GT1" running WideClient version 6.700 (skt=3932) TCP

Looking for NETDIR from CDU
Reported NetDir is: \\gt1\netdir\
Checking PMNETDIR Path (FMC Generated Path)
8 File(s) found in NetDir, last date is 3/25/2007 11:13:44 AM

Checking FSPLANS Path (To Load/Save FS Flightplans)
OK - Read/Write access to FSPLANS Shared Folder
43 File(s) found in FSPLANS, last date is 3/25/2007 9:12:46 AM
last flight plan file is KSTL-KDEN.PLN
dated: 3/25/2007 8:53:44 AM

Closing Everything

3/25/2007 10:13:54 AM

03-26-2007, 08:21 AM
So it looks that there are some regional setting issues then or type or computer configurations I suppose. Maybe a good idea to see if issues are coming up only in the B744 cdu or/and within European regions or so? I see that the 2 other guys who have the bad experience are living in Europe too. I'm running the CDU.exe on one pc together with the Capt PFD/ND. Windows Xp Service pack 2 - English but Belgian settings, plus Engravity cdu drivers.

I used it to fly yesterday and all the mentions bugs came up again, even notice that when setting up the star after your route is setting (even on the ground) results in vanishing your route.
Very very much frustrating

Bill I see you are using the Aerosoft MCP747 too. Do you also experience the bad behavior when the speed change automaticaly to Mach speed. In B744 it change at FL290 from let's say 340 to M 0.86 In pfd it is done correctly , but the spd window in the Aerosoft MCP hardware goes to 400 (0.400) So then you have to dial very quickly to 860 otherwise you are in big trouble ;) In the return from Mach to IAS it is working ok. I'm using the PM serial drivers.

03-26-2007, 08:30 AM
Problems I'm seeing with recent builds are:
- When advancing a fix to the top of the list on LEGS page (i..e LSK1) it wipes out the remaining fixes on the route
- sometimes STAR selection throws the legs page into confusion
- sometimes after selecting STAR and RWY on APPDEP page there is a very long delay before it responds
- pressing PROG button on the RCDU puts a "p" in the scratchpad and doesn't show the progress page.

I'm suprised that these sorts of issues are not picked up in testing.

03-26-2007, 09:12 AM
Hi Micheal,

No, I am not having those speed to Mach issues that you are. Please bear in mind that I am using the Aerosoft MCP with the PMDG 737 a/c. The reason for this is so that I can use the expansion ports on the Aerosoft MCP to operate the thrust levers, speed brakes and my "home built" overhead panel. I realize that I am not a "purest" in using the 747MCP with the 737, but is was chosen as is was the first MCP that I found and the fact that it has the expansion ports makes it even more valuable to my needs.

With the CDU, I have not noticed a "breakdown" when changing runways in midflight, I do make that change of runway in the ROUTE page and typically will enter the STAR, waypoint by waypoint, on the LEGS page. ( be that the correct way or not )

I shall try to observe more carefully the CDU operation on my next flight, but I just don't think that I'm having the serious issues that you guys are having.

I occasionally will fly in Europe, but again, I have not noticed any big difference in CDU operation between Europe and North America.

Best to all,

Bill Trinidad

03-26-2007, 10:29 AM
Problems I'm seeing with recent builds are:
- When advancing a fix to the top of the list on LEGS page (i..e LSK1) it wipes out the remaining fixes on the route
- sometimes STAR selection throws the legs page into confusion
- sometimes after selecting STAR and RWY on APPDEP page there is a very long delay before it responds
- pressing PROG button on the RCDU puts a "p" in the scratchpad and doesn't show the progress page.

I'm suprised that these sorts of issues are not picked up in testing.

I feel like we are the Beta testers! Must we be paid?! ;)
One question to PM guys, do you have a beta test team? , i'm surprised too that so evident bugs are not catched!

03-26-2007, 12:35 PM
I think will be useful to know the regional settings and location of those not experiencing those bugs!

03-27-2007, 03:33 AM
Hi Bill,
Okidoki, yes the Aerosoft MCP was the very first and still mostly wanted by all B744 drivers ;) Its prices are doubled on the second market. It is very sad that all developpers of cockpit hardware are focussing mostly only on the B737 these days. It just looks as no other aircraft are in service or to simulate.
From what I learn from your mail, it looks we probally can narrow down the Mach buggie to the serial drivers of PM for MCP747. Will mail again to Enrico to inform him about that, as I don't know if PM team is monitoring this forum. Would be great if they gives an indication.

To All -
What the CDU concerns as more I read the threads as more I find out that the noticed malfunctions are coming up also with a lot of others users, but not all of them. This maybe can be of a big help for Enrico to shortout the problems, if he knows which region or/and pc settings are suffering from this mentioned problems.

My regional settings are :
Window Prof XP SP2 - language : English
regional settings : Belgium - period ( 123.456.789,00 )
keyboard : azerty

Aircraft type B744

I'm using the CDU together with Engravity drivers set / hardware. Navdata is always the latest Navigraph data.



03-27-2007, 05:33 AM
Hi Bill,

With the CDU, I have not noticed a "breakdown" when changing runways in midflight, I do make that change of runway in the ROUTE page and typically will enter the STAR, waypoint by waypoint, on the LEGS page. ( be that the correct way or not )

I don't know very much the procedure or layout cdu pages for the B738, but in the B744 we don't have a possibility to enter the arrival rwy in the route page. This has to be done in the DEP/ARR be selecting the different RWY and approach possibilities. Also there you have to select your STAR. After selecting one of the STAR's available for that RWY, the cdu must then enter the complete STAR into your route (visual in your legs page). (No need to do this manually)
If for whatever reason, you have to change the RWY again, you must do this again in the DEP/STAR page and after changing the RWY, the complete list of STARs must be available, as it is possible that ATC assign you another one.



Bob Reed
03-27-2007, 10:23 AM
Just so that we are all on the same page, PM DOES NOT monitor this forum. I know every once in a while one of them pops in but look at it as they do not. Make sure all posts like this are also sent to there support address at support@projectmagenta,com so they know of the problem.

Jan Pemöller
03-27-2007, 01:14 PM
I have absolutly the same problem since the last two versions of the CDU and they are very annoying. The only way "to live with it", is not to use the SID´s. Just put in every waypoint step by step manually.

I´m also very disapointed with the last support about this problem. Dont think that proffessional users will work with this version.

It would be great to have a beta team for PM, I have allready told Enrico that I would do this for free ;-)

But on the other hand the improvments of the GC-Versions are great!

Hope that Enrico and NAVIGRAPH (the problem starts with using their data source) will fix the problem soon, and the world would be OK for me again ;-)

Any news about this CDU problem are here very welcome.

Best regards


03-27-2007, 01:20 PM
Hope that Enrico and NAVIGRAPH (the problem starts with using their data source) will fix the problem soon, and the world would be OK for me again ;-)

Best regards

www.cityvox.de/B737 (http://www.cityvox.de/B737)

The problem exist using the own PM navdata, that Enrico suggest to use to avoid any compatibility issue with Navigraph, so it is not a database problem.

03-27-2007, 06:02 PM
Hello Michel,

I'll try to give you my regional settings, except I don't know where to find ALL of the ones that you listed.

Windows XP Home, SP2

Don't know where to find "regional settings"
My keyboard is a standard "QWERTY" type, I've got to say that I don't understand "azerty".

If you can tell me where those other settings can be found, I'll get them for you.


Bill T.

03-27-2007, 08:23 PM
The regional setting are in the start:settings:control panel.

My regional settings are:
Windows 2000 SP4 - language: English
regional settings: English
keyboard: none

Aircraft type PMDG B737-700

I'm using an FDS CDU.
Navdata is current Navigraph data.

03-28-2007, 01:47 PM
Hello Michel,

My keyboard is a standard "QWERTY" type, I've got to say that I don't understand "azerty".

Bill T.

Hi Bill
"azerty" is just the name of the keyboard layout, used in Belgium and France.

Regional settings you can find in :
Control Panel/ regional language and settings /

See you

03-28-2007, 02:02 PM
Hi Bob

Thanks for the addional info. You may be assurted that all the mentioned problems with the recent CDU software has been send to PM via the common known procedures and channels. I haven't got a reaction in the last weeks except from Jonanthan who informed me that Enrico was abroad. I imazine that present bugs aren't small ones and will need a lot of attention and efforts to fix them correctly.

I don't have very much experience with PM support the last year as my project was on a hold for personal reasons but in the past there was always a very quick action from Enrico's site. I'm a customer from the very beginning (more than 7 years) and I was always satisfied with the way we were helped.

Nevertheless it looks that a lot has changed this days and I'm very much surprised to hear that this forum is in fact not supported anymore by PM themselfs as this was a very good place of communication between the users and the developpers.
As I said previously it looks very important to me to know if the problems in the software are related to your own system or if they are happening more commonly. The different answers are proving that these bugs are widely a big problem but that on the other hand also a group of people doesn't see this things happening. It is of course also very important to know if the proper procedures are followed.

I hope you can keep up to good work to provide this space to the community.

B. Rgds

03-29-2007, 12:10 PM
Hi Michel,

Ok, thank's for the steer to find out where "regional settings" was to be found.

Mine is English, most likely as you had suspected.


Bill T.

03-29-2007, 07:58 PM
As a potential user of PM software, all this is very disconcerting. Given the cost there should be no silly bugs like this, and there should be a prompt response by developers. I'm seriously worried about purchasing as it seems service has deteriorated according to several members here. I hope this will be resolved soon and I hope that the team isn't overworked or shortstaffed.

Later Edit:: Added: Please don't take this as a provocation; i'm just expressing my concern, echoing what other people were saying.

Bob Reed
03-29-2007, 08:02 PM
You seem to have jumped to a new thread and start right out negative... I will not allow this one to escalate..... If you are that worried about it, do not buy it. You have made you concerns VERY much known now leave it alone.

03-29-2007, 08:05 PM
I don't know what you are talking about when you say I jumped out on the negative. The thread topic is about problems/bugs, so I couldn't be positive, sorry.
As I stated, the problems concern me and I hope they will be fixed soon... Its difficult to pay so much for software that may have such faults and that don't seem to be getting resolved quickly. Sorry if I offended anyone, but I'm just expressing my feelings on the matter. There is no intention to cause an argument, if you believe so, you are greatly mistaken sir. I didn't realise it was prohibited to express ones concerns.. One of the users here has been expressing concern about the problems.. Why can't I be concerned too, is that a crime on these boards to share the concern? I'm dissapointed, I hope you can understand where I'm comming from. Why are you telling me to "leave it alone" when I'm just expressing a worried opinion - why are you being so truculent towards me sir? Do you not welcome newbies into your forum?

Bob Reed
03-29-2007, 08:55 PM
Ok I have let you express your concern. You are not a owner user yet so you really have no idea how it works, or even what PM is. So please talk about something positive for a while.

03-30-2007, 12:34 AM
Hmm.. interesting. I'll cut straight to the chase and say that I hope this site remains independant of, and objective to, all hardware and software vendors ... including the ones that have a major presence at this site. From your reaction Bob I think this is questionable in regards to PM.

PM, like all vendors, are in the big wide internet world and know that user opinions about products, services and support are one of the most significant variables that impact their market profile and penetration. If it's good - great! - everyone hears about it, if it's not then its good that others get to know about it; and if a vendor wants to defend their products, services and support then they have every right to as well.

In short - asking questions and raising concerns is a natural, normal thing to do and should not be labelled as "negative" (unless the individual is being malicious of course). And people shouldn't have to buy a product before they can raise questions and concerns ... if that was true we'd all be broke and our houses bursting at the seams with junk.

My own opinion is that PM is good software, but users should not be beta testers unless they are asked to be. And internal testing should be catching these fairly obvious bugs before we do. Support has been good and prompt, altho a little short on detail sometimes.

03-30-2007, 03:50 AM
I think too it is very important that users can communicate here in complete neutrality and in full objectivity. When we can explain our problems and compare them with others, we can learn a lot from the answers. I like to thank Bob for given us this opportunity after PM discontinued their own forumservices.

When I reread this thread, I can see that some users are writing, "we have no problems", but when you go deeper into it, and talk about the way it is done, sometimes another result comes up.

Personally I 'm not in favor or against any software. For me it just has to do what it is suppose to do. When you pay for a product, you are supposed to get good value for your money. Personally I'm prepared to pay much higher prices for a good product which simulated everything correctly, than paying less money for a product which is only half working.
We all know that Enrico is a very hard worker and is always trying to satisfy every one. He is not a one day bird too and has a lot of experience in the MSFS simulator world for years. This is very much appreciated, but I also try to stay with the facts. I compare what the system is suppose to do according the type manuals I like to simulate and here there is only one objective for me, it has to work as the manual says.

On the other hand, actually there isn't much of an alternate either, for people who try to build a full size cockpit. This market is of course much smaller than the worldwide single pc market.
The accuracy of some FS addon's for singles pc's, is so high this days, that sometimes a lot of frustration is coming up, when we compare that with what is available for us . I'm aware it's all a matter of commercial value too. The demand of the market. When the PMDG B744 addon's could be completely and correctly interfaced with good hardware and implimented in a full size cockpit, well then also the professional world would have a very cheap solution for a good training device. The question is, if that is the goal of these software developpers too... or they prefer to have the opportunity to present other solutions to that market which is prepared to pay much higher prices.

03-30-2007, 05:28 AM
Just so that we are all on the same page, PM DOES NOT monitor this forum. I know every once in a while one of them pops in but look at it as they do not. Make sure all posts like this are also sent to there support address at support@projectmagenta,com so they know of the problem.

Hi Bob,

may I add to this that of no less importance is that the result (problem solution) should be made public here as well.

Let me start and publish my latest solution I got from Enrico:D :

Problem was that PMsystems, when rotated, the zoom points were not set correctly and hence I could not zoom back.
Got a new and corrected version of PMsystems (vers. 99) which has not appeared on the interim or final software page of PM so far.


Best rgds


Bob Reed
03-30-2007, 08:20 AM
Oh yes Peter. I stated this I think in the CDU thread. And THANK YOU for sharing your info with the rest of us!

03-30-2007, 11:11 AM
When I reread this thread, I can see that some users are writing, "we have no problems"...Do CDU388 function at You this way?

03-30-2007, 12:34 PM
Responding to Michel, I agree with you; I believe that the reasons why companies like PMDG won't release their offsets is that they are in agreement with the Level-D software providers to keep their products out of the full-cockpit simulator market in order keep their market bases seperate and to make sure they both stay profitable. I suppose its just business at work - a pity, but thats the reality of the market today.

03-31-2007, 09:53 AM
For Michel,

I do not use any panel with my FS9, PMDG 737, Aerosoft MCP set up. The panel folder is empty. ( I had read some other threads and noticed that you had questioned others about their panel setups )

Good luck with your a/c, I can imagine how frustrating is is when things just don't work as they should.

Bill T.