View Full Version : Phidget 64 LED not working

Paul G
05-16-2007, 05:46 AM

I've been messing with the 64 LED digital output phidget board. The instructions say that LEDs can be connected to the end of the Molex cable (if uncut). Only trouble is that there's no clear explanation as to which way to connect.

I plugged in an LED and clicked the test button, but I have had no luck. I tried switching polarity and the same. I'm following the instructions to the letter, except that I'm only using a 300mA power supply instead of the recommended 1.5A. My reasoning is that I'm only driving a single LED and I don't happen to have a spare 1.5A PSU around. The LED I'm using is 20mA so there should be ample power.

FS2Phidget recognizes the card and indicates status green in the interface. It's just the LEDs I'm using are not working, even in test mode.

Any thoughts?

05-16-2007, 09:56 AM
Paul, Try using the recomended power supply. I say this only to rule out that it might be a power supply issue.

Bob Reed
05-16-2007, 10:29 AM
The other thing that comes to mind, is be sure the leds leads are touching the connector inside the plug. The diameter of the leds leads is thinner then the pins for the board.

Paul G
05-28-2007, 03:07 PM
The other thing that comes to mind, is be sure the leds leads are touching the connector inside the plug. The diameter of the leds leads is thinner then the pins for the board.

Good point. In fact I actually split the wire and used a crocodile clamp to connect to the LED to ensure connection. I'm not getting anything during the lamp test mode in FS2PHIDGET software.

I have now contacted the manufacturer as it's probably defective. Thankfully they have a 1 year warranty.

BTW, I am now using a 12v supply with ample current capabilities, instead of the low power one I tried at first.

05-30-2007, 02:56 PM

You can test an LED by placing leads directly into Molex connector.
Sometimes have to wiggle around to make sure you have good connection, but if inserted with correct LED pins in correct Connector holes will illuminate.

Note that one of the wires in the Molex cable is colored white.
The LED cathode (negative) HAS to go to that connection.
Generally, the cathode is the short lead on LED, but don't always bet on it. Is trivial matter to pop LED out of connector and turn around.

Ensure FS is connected (green status) before pressing Test button on FS2Phidget.
