View Full Version : Speed nas altitude restrictions

07-02-2007, 03:40 PM
Hi all,

i use cdu 387. Iam not able to the set speed aor altitude restrictions on the legs page. I tried 0180/ for 180 knots, but nothing happens. The exec button light up an when i push it the speed fileld stays empty. The same with the altitude. I tries any formats ..with 0 in front of the value and without.

Can anybody help me please?


Have a nice evening


07-02-2007, 07:46 PM
Hi Thomas,

I'm using CDU390 and have always had no problems entering speed or alt into the LEGS page.
I have never used a leading zero in front of speed.

If I enter a speed only, I enter the speed followed by "/" eg. "250/"
If I enter an altitude, I will enter "/" followed by the alt. eg. "/100"
If you want both speed and alt., it would be "250/100"

All of this would go on the right hand keys of course.

I have never had any problens with these entries.

Let us know how it's going.

Bill T.

07-13-2007, 09:49 AM
Hi all, first post here

I have the same problem using Boeing CDU 390. Nothing I do seems to display the speed/altitude restrictions on the leg page. It will not display, but VNAV seems to pick up the entries and flys them.

Any ideas?

Bob Reed
07-13-2007, 10:13 AM
Have you set a cost index on the perf init page? Without this I don't think you get the speeds or the alt to show up on exec.

Trevor Hale
07-13-2007, 10:32 AM
Hi all, first post here

I have the same problem using Boeing CDU 390. Nothing I do seems to display the speed/altitude restrictions on the leg page. It will not display, but VNAV seems to pick up the entries and flys them.

Any ideas?

It is picking up the speed settings from (CLB) (CRZ) (DES) if they are not specified on the legs page, then you haven't entered the cost index or CRZ alt on the Perf Init page. and it will use the ones in clb,crz, and des.

Hope that makes sense.

07-13-2007, 02:38 PM
That does make sense. I'll check it out.

Thanks to all for the insights