View Full Version : Kingfish

07-30-2007, 07:32 AM
From another forum:

Went to Mycockpit.org and a search of their forums yielded no suggestions that I could find. Probably looked in the wrong place.
It seems like many of the serious cockpit builders either "make" their own instrument panel, or use a monitor to "hold" the instrument panel from the sim. Then the two or three monitors at eye level are devoted exclusively to outside views. I'm interested in trying to spread a virtual cockpit view across the three monitors; and to use the TrackIR to gain access to the instruments. (The newly announced Saiteck LCD instruments add another dimension to our options.)

So many possibilities, so little $$$$$!


The whole thread:

07-31-2007, 07:23 PM
I forget who it is that is running a Matrox Triple Head to go and a TrackIR but would you please post how you got them working together for this guy?
