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Thread: Hello there

  1. #1
    25+ Posting Member
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    Hello there

    Hi all

    What a great forum you guys have here. I`ve been lurking for about a week now and the amount of info here is amazing. I am 50% inspired 50% distraught by the sheer brilliance of the some of the pits you have.

    I`m James, originally from UK now in New Zealand. I`m slowly building a generic turboprop (KA-200 inspired) sim. Just took the plunge and bought some opencockpits boards, a multiradio and 2xsaitek TQ`s to go with the CH yoke & pedals.

    The current panel is a little desktop thingy, using the innards of 2 different USB joysticks. When I include the CH yoke I have the 6 engine axes plus a spare (tends to be spoilers when I have a cheeky jet flight) along with 8 pushbuttons, 4 SP toggles and 7 centre off spring dp toggles for gear, flaps & trims.

    One question to those of you with the opencockpits multiradio: do you use the iocradio software as supplied or something different? The software does work (using fsiupc 3.75 in my case) but seems to cause some stuttering on my rig here. I would like to use something like iocp server or similar to avoid the use of the iocradio application. Alternatively, I could run the iocradio app on a 2nd pc using widefs. Any suggestions gratefully received.

    On a personal note I have two sons (2.5y and 6 weeks) and 1 Mrs who, I think, saw the writing on the wall when I first begun disembowling joysticks about 5 years ago..


    CH Yoke
    CH Pedals
    2 Saitek TQ`s
    Opencockpits multiradio
    GF LGT + T8
    BU0386x and custom autopilot control panel
    Basic pedestal and mip for generic GA sim in progress..

  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict David Rogers's Avatar
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    Welcome James

    This is indeed, the best forum bar none, for anyone mad enough to consider taking their FS obsession to the next level and to build a pit.

    Everything is represented here; Lot's of 737s, Airbus (me!), oldies like the 727, newies like the 777, and of course some prop and piston fellas like your good self

    I can't answer your opencockpits questions because I don't use them but my one piece of advice (that I recently learned the hard way!), is to do what you've said in your signature - build slowly! .....make plans and consider every choice and option. Not only will that make the process and hobby more fun and enjoyable, it will save you wasting ££££££ (or NZ$$$ for you now), again like I did!

    Good look - look forward to seeing som pics as your pit comes to life!

    David R
    Durham, England

    1979 Mooney M20J Cockpit builder ......

  3. #3
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Trevor Hale's Avatar
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    Welcome James,

    I hope you enjoy your time here at
    Please feel free to contribute to the forums. I am sure there are some aspects that you can get quite involved in.

    I look forward to talking to you soon.

    Best regards,

    Trevor Hale
    Mycockpit Admin
    Trevor Hale

  4. #4
    300+ Forum Addict mpl330's Avatar
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    Hi James,

    I used the Opencockpits straight on the FS pc and it worked fine with the supplied software - only problem I had was remembering how to swap functions - once I could do that I thought it was a great piece of kit.
    Does it only cause stuttering with that running?

    On the forum front this is a brilliant place to be, even if I do have to put up with insults about Yorkshire - I put it down to jealousy!


  5. #5
    300+ Forum Addict David Rogers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpl330 View Post
    Hi James,

    I used the Opencockpits straight on the FS pc and it worked fine with the supplied software - only problem I had was remembering how to swap functions - once I could do that I thought it was a great piece of kit.
    Does it only cause stuttering with that running?

    On the forum front this is a brilliant place to be, even if I do have to put up with insults about Yorkshire - I put it down to jealousy!

    LOL. ........ jealous of a Brit whose managed to get out of the crowded UK and get down to NZ, maybe ....... but Yorkshire? ......nah !!

    The best thing to come out of Yorkshire is the 'Barnsley Chop' - feel hungry just thinking about one Mike !
    David R
    Durham, England

    1979 Mooney M20J Cockpit builder ......

  6. #6
    300+ Forum Addict jmig's Avatar
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    Welcome! Any and all pits are good.

    Intel Q9550 O/C to 3.4 GHz
    4 GB 1066 DDR2 RAM
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    GeForce 8800 GT 512 KB RAM
    Matrox TH2Go with three 19" Sumsung 940 BX
    IR Track 4

  7. #7
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    Welcome to the site James.
    Boeing Skunk Works
    Remember...140, 250, and REALLY FAST!

    We don't need no stinkin' ETOPS!

    Powered by FS9 & BOEING

  8. #8
    25+ Posting Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpl330 View Post
    Hi James,

    I used the Opencockpits straight on the FS pc and it worked fine with the supplied software - only problem I had was remembering how to swap functions - once I could do that I thought it was a great piece of kit.
    Does it only cause stuttering with that running?

    On the forum front this is a brilliant place to be, even if I do have to put up with insults about Yorkshire - I put it down to jealousy!

    Yorkshire `eh? Could be worse - I`m from Bristol where they all sounds like Vicky Pollard off Little Britain!

    The multiradio seemed to cause a stutter about every second or two. When I shut it down the stutter went away. I`ve only just got the module so I`ll do a fair bit more investigation to try and nail down where the problem lies.

    Thanks everyone for the kind welcome. The wealth of knowledge here is tremendous - I`m sure I`ll be pestering you all!!


    CH Yoke
    CH Pedals
    2 Saitek TQ`s
    Opencockpits multiradio
    GF LGT + T8
    BU0386x and custom autopilot control panel
    Basic pedestal and mip for generic GA sim in progress..