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Thread: Best settings

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Best settings


    Can anybody tell me the best settings for FSX to run it smoothly ?

    I only get 5 fps on the ground. In the air it gets better, but framed drop every few seconds from 25 to 5 and vica versa.

    I upgraded my system to :

    CPU : i7 870, OC 3,5 Ghz
    Mobo : MSI P55-GD65
    8G Ram
    Asus GTS 250 1GB Videocard
    Master Cooler 800W power supply
    Tripple head 2go Videocard with 2 24" lcd screens
    Aerosoft Brussels Airport Scenery
    Rex2 Overdrive

    Sliders are only in middle position, unbelievable ...

  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict autocadplease's Avatar
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    Re: Best settings

    Something is wrong. You should be getting very good framerates at high settings with those specs.
    FSX Booster is suppose to be very good at optimizing system settings to get FSX to run at its best
    Grant D.
    Nelson,B.C. Canada
    Win7 32bit, FSX, PM Boeing, TH2GO, GEX, VoxATC

  3. #3
    25+ Posting Member bussgarfield's Avatar
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    Re: Best settings

    Hi zinok2001,

    I can vouch for FSX Booster as it improved my frame rates by up to 50%.

    That said however, there are certain things you can do yourself to tweak your system. FSX Booster is a very good programme but FSX should run smoothly straight out of the box and I can't understand why your getting framerates as low as 5 FPS. You say you have all your sliders in the middle position - this does not necessarily optimise FSX. There are many tweaks you can make to FSX to make it run more smoothly and to be honest too many to try and list and explain in any depth here.
    I am no expert in the matter but I have been able to get my own system to perform better than it used to by some simple tweaks.

    Every ones computer system is different so what works for one may not necessarily work for another but the first thing that I did was to reset the frame rate slider to 'unlimited'.
    By having it set to say - 35 FPS, your system is trying to acheive 35 FPS irregardless and may be sapping the juice from elsewhere in order to acheive this. By setting it to 'unlimited' it will merely give you the best it can give.

    Remember though, if you are going to tweak your system, just do one tweak at a time and then run FSX again to see if you have improvements. A labourious thing to do but if you don't do this, you wont know which tweak has actually improved or even made your system worse.

    I have only read up a little on this subject and I am sure there are others here that can offer more than I can but try the 'unlimited' frame rates first to see how you get on.

    Once you have got your system running more smoothly then try the demo of FSX Booster to fine tune everything and what sort of difference it can make.


  4. #4
    150+ Forum Groupie riche543's Avatar
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    Re: Best settings

    Quote Originally Posted by bussgarfield View Post
    Hi zinok2001,

    I can vouch for FSX Booster as it improved my frame rates by up to 50%.

    That said however, there are certain things you can do yourself to tweak your system. FSX Booster is a very good programme but FSX should run smoothly straight out of the box and I can't understand why your getting framerates as low as 5 FPS. You say you have all your sliders in the middle position - this does not necessarily optimise FSX. There are many tweaks you can make to FSX to make it run more smoothly and to be honest too many to try and list and explain in any depth here.
    I am no expert in the matter but I have been able to get my own system to perform better than it used to by some simple tweaks.

    Every ones computer system is different so what works for one may not necessarily work for another but the first thing that I did was to reset the frame rate slider to 'unlimited'.
    By having it set to say - 35 FPS, your system is trying to acheive 35 FPS irregardless and may be sapping the juice from elsewhere in order to acheive this. By setting it to 'unlimited' it will merely give you the best it can give.

    Remember though, if you are going to tweak your system, just do one tweak at a time and then run FSX again to see if you have improvements. A labourious thing to do but if you don't do this, you wont know which tweak has actually improved or even made your system worse.

    I have only read up a little on this subject and I am sure there are others here that can offer more than I can but try the 'unlimited' frame rates first to see how you get on.

    Once you have got your system running more smoothly then try the demo of FSX Booster to fine tune everything and what sort of difference it can make.


    Have a read of this it might help

    Good luck..

    I Started with Nothing & ive still got loads left..

  5. #5
    300+ Forum Addict Shawn's Avatar
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    Re: Best settings

    The tweak Richard linked for you might help but I wouldn't start with that. You definately should be getting more FPS with your rig. This link is the definitive guide to setting up FSX and your operating system. Read it through a couple of times before you start and don't skip a step. FSX booster works but all it's really doing is making CFG file edits and you can do that yourself. Did you upgrade the components on your computer yourself or did you buy a new rig? Reason I ask is that I bought a new Alienware laptop a couple years ago and it could barely run FSX even after all possible tweaks were applied. Turns out the power management settings were set to "ultra conserve" and only one of the 4 cores was operating??? It took me two months to figure that one out, when I finally figured it out (no thanks to the Alienware helpline) I was hours away from sending the laptop back for a refund...

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    Re: Best settings

    Hi Schawn,

    I updated my system with a new mobo and CPU. I also added a hard disk which i reinstalled FSX + REX2 onto. That's all i changed. Now i replace my old videocard (sapphire 3850, 500mb) and my frames seem to be doing better already, while my newer videocard is a ENGTS250 1G should perform better ....



  7. #7
    75+ Posting Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: Best settings

    Quote Originally Posted by zinok2001 View Post
    I updated my system with a new mobo and CPU. I also added a hard disk which i reinstalled FSX + REX2 onto. That's all i changed. Now i replace my old videocard (sapphire 3850, 500mb) and my frames seem to be doing better already, while my newer videocard is a ENGTS250 1G should perform better ....
    I think you have to solve some problems first before start working with FSX. If you have a big hardware change (and change the motherboard is a big change) you should format your disk and start from the scratch. You can also start to uninstall and reinstall previous drivers and some device, but all this is crap and almost unusefull with your big change, and you will spend more time doing this than starting from ZERO.

    Them, you can follow the famous NickN guide on how to properly install and tune win7 and fsx. You dont need to follow all the guide exactly as NickN says, but its a good starting point. The way to install FSX its one of the most critical things, a MUST.

    You can even try benchmarks (3dmark, any of the unigine) to test your setup (to see what to expect from your hardware) and also run any software like prime95 to check stabilty.

    Get your FSX stutter free, with good frame rate, and looking good its a HARD work, even in powerfull machines (very much than yours).

    Its a common issue on certains machines with good FPS (more than 100) to go under 10 for a sec, and then raise again and keep doing this every 5 seconds or so. This create stutters and make FSX unflyable (at least for me). And you can solve this going fullscreen instead of windowed mode.
    Aaron Sanchez -

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    75+ Posting Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: Best settings

    ups, one year ago post... too much surfing, not enough sleep!
    Aaron Sanchez -

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